Price hike again!!

nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
edited December 2015 in Certificated Locations #1

Enquire about the availability on a CL in N.Yorkshire for next weekend. The site is listed as £13 in the 2015/16 Site Directory, so did expect to see a rise possibly up to £15. Got word back that a pitch was avilable at £18pnSurprised.
no thank you very much, as I can get a club site pitch for a good bit less than that. Wonder how they can justify a 40% increase.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,318
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    edited December 2015 #2

    Wow, not quite at the end of 2015 and it's winter - maybe that's the reason?  Too polite to turn away business so increase the price?

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    edited December 2015 #3

    I've just had a response to me declining the booking due to the price. The owner now says that it was a misprint, and the price should have been £15, following a site upgrade. Well it's too late as we have booked another site in a similar area at £10 with
    H/S & EHU. What more can one ask?

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,318
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    edited December 2015 #4

    I've just had a response to me declining the booking due to the price. The owner now says that it was a misprint, and the price should have been £15, following a site upgrade. Well it's too late as we have booked another site in a similar area at £10 with
    H/S & EHU. What more can one ask?

    At least they had the courtesy to reply.  Seems that every cloud has a silver lining after all.

  • briantimber
    briantimber Forum Participant Posts: 1,653
    edited December 2015 #5

    Think they realised the error of their ways and probably saw an empty site, the good point is, they had the good grace to reply. Maybe a lesson learnt .....Cool

    Edit.... which site was it, out of interest nellie? not wishing to name and shame, but genuine interest......Cool

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited December 2015 #6

    Seems to be a trend inCLs.Forget the handbook but raise prices. I wonder how much business these high price Cls get outside the main holiday period? I still stick to the format of £5/6 for basic field. £10/12 for basic plus EHU. and no more than £15 for
    al singing all dancing ( dont use these). If more of us stuck to a pricing regime that was fair we may see the greedy Cls changing their way. Mind you the CC does not  set a good example by their price hikes particularly the basic sites up from £12-50 to £14.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2015 #7

    Just have to remember the price quoted in the sites directory could be 2013 prices as the "book" is starting to be put together early 2014 i would thought, for printing  and distribution

  • Cherokee2015
    Cherokee2015 Forum Participant Posts: 392
    edited December 2015 #8


    Edit.... which site was it, out of interest nellie? not wishing to name and shame, but genuine interest......Cool

    Yes - I would be interested too as we use a lot in North Yorkshire.  One we use regularly has increased over the last few years from £8 to £13 and only has 6amp electrics!

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    edited December 2015 #9

    Edit.... which site was it, out of interest nellie? not wishing to name and shame, but genuine interest......Cool

    The site I first contacted was Canada Fields, it was an all singing, all dancing CL with an associated commercial site. The one we've booked on is Spring Thyme CL which has had a recommendation before on here. Will write a review after visiting it, some
    time next week.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited December 2015 #10


    Edit.... which site was it, out of interest nellie? not wishing to name and shame, but genuine interest......Cool

    Yes - I would be interested too as we use a lot in North Yorkshire.  One we use regularly has increased over the last few years from £8 to £13 and only has 6amp electrics!

    I did look at that one too but the 6 amps at that price put me off.

  • briantimber
    briantimber Forum Participant Posts: 1,653
    edited December 2015 #11

    Belated thanks to you nellieWink.......Cool

  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited December 2015 #12

    Seems to be a trend inCLs.Forget the handbook but raise prices. I wonder how much business these high price Cls get outside the main holiday period? I still stick to the format of £5/6 for basic field. £10/12 for basic plus EHU. and no more than £15 for al singing all dancing ( dont use these). If more of us stuck to a pricing regime that was fair we may see the greedy Cls changing their way. Mind you the CC does not  set a good example by their price hikes particularly the basic sites up from £12-50 to £14.

    Write your comments here...When are you going to raise these expected prices as like everything in life they do go up to cover wages, maintenance, rates etc. etc. Not saying we should get ripped off but everyone deserves a payrise dont they or should CL owners continue to offer a service at dirt cheap prices for ever because although someone is willing to pay 20-30k for a caravan plus a car to pull it or 50k on a M/H they are unwilling to pay a decent rate for somehwere to stay in it?

  • Unknown
    edited December 2015 #13
    This content has been removed.
  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited December 2015 #14

    It's just market forces at work, your choice entirely. If it's not worth it to you-move on. I've yet to move on from any I choose, I'll give them a go, then decide if it is worth further investment from me in the future. At the end of the day for me it is
    just a parking place in an area I want to be in. I'm not interested in an LV with Bus proportions my footprint is more moderate which allows me possibly a more open/positive attitudeHappy

  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited December 2015 #15

    BB even pensionsers are getting a big rise compared to inflation in April, my argument was how long can yo keep your target price structure it has to move sometime.  We like a lot of people book cos its a nice site in an are we want to visit and do not choose
    on price.  Prices are rising and need to rise as zero inflation is bad for he economy and especially that feelgood factor that makes people spend.  My inusrance goes up each year, gas, electric etc.  

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited December 2015 #16

    BB even pensionsers are getting a big rise compared to inflation in April, my argument was how long can yo keep your target price structure it has to move sometime.  We like a lot of people book cos its a nice site in an are we want to visit and do not choose
    on price.  Prices are rising and need to rise as zero inflation is bad for he economy and especially that feelgood factor that makes people spend.  My inusrance goes up each year, gas, electric etc.  

    Michael, I'm with you. I expect prices to rise annually, also wages, it makes for a healthy economy. I have no problem with sites or CL's raising prices I fully support the idea of growth in our economy & folks standard of living. I'm not a fan of chasing
    lower cost  commodities (any commodity) as it will eventually cost someone their own living standards or even their livingSad

  • JohnDH
    JohnDH Forum Participant Posts: 183
    edited December 2015 #17

    I looked at operating a CL my self, 4 years ago. I will openly admit that I based my pitch per night at £18 to include EHU. It did not matter how I looked at the spread sheets, there was no profit to be made, not even a tiny one. I'm amazed the CL network
    hangs together as well as it does. I for one feel that most, if not all CL operators provide value for money.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2015 #18

    I think that some people think that higher annual costs only apply in someone  elses world, not the one that applies to them,and I think that CL/CS owners do a great job for the majority of members, in todays ever spiralling "hidden" costs,even if we are in "low" inflation,if each company involved with the running of the site increase their prices then it soon adds up 

  • Unknown
    edited December 2015 #19
    This content has been removed.
  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited December 2015 #20

    MichaelT Not sure where the relationship comes in. What gets up my nose is the Cls know when the book is printed and how long it lasts. Likewise many have web sites, but thyey do not show the latest prices. If like me you are perapatetic you turn up without
    booking and I grt stroppy when the prices are higher (much higher in some cases)than that shown. Where its possible I vote with my feet.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2015 #21

    MichaelT Not sure where the relationship comes in. What gets up my nose is the Cls know when the book is printed and how long it lasts. Likewise many have web sites, but thyey do not show the latest prices. If like me you are perapatetic you turn up without
    booking and I grt stroppy when the prices are higher (much higher in some cases)than that shown. Where its possible I vote with my feet.

    ...Perapatetic lesson"call first"

  • briantimber
    briantimber Forum Participant Posts: 1,653
    edited December 2015 #22

    MichaelT Not sure where the relationship comes in. What gets up my nose is the Cls know when the book is printed and how long it lasts. Likewise many have web sites, but thyey do not show the latest prices. If like me you are perapatetic you turn up without
    booking and I grt stroppy when the prices are higher (much higher in some cases)than that shown. Where its possible I vote with my feet.

    ...Perapatetic lesson"call first"

    I don't think that sarcasm is called for.....Cool 

  • gibbo456
    gibbo456 Forum Participant Posts: 42
    edited December 2015 #23

    Seems to be a trend inCLs.Forget the handbook but raise prices. I wonder how much business these high price Cls get outside the main holiday period? I still stick to the format of £5/6 for basic field. £10/12 for basic plus EHU. and no more than £15 for
    al singing all dancing ( dont use these). If more of us stuck to a pricing regime that was fair we may see the greedy Cls changing their way. Mind you the CC does not  set a good example by their price hikes particularly the basic sites up from £12-50 to £14


    Would you like to hazard a guess on how much a greedy CL earns? would love to know how much you think


  • briantimber
    briantimber Forum Participant Posts: 1,653
    edited December 2015 #24

    After taking set up costs,  running and maintenance, safety checks, insurance,no shows into consideration, not a lot is my guess. Certainly not a living wage......Cool

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited December 2015 #25

    I don't think CL's are ever a "job" in the sense that it provides an income. A bit of beer money is as much as it's ever likely to produce, I would imagine.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2015 #26

    Seems to be a trend inCLs.Forget the handbook but raise prices. I wonder how much business these high price Cls get outside the main holiday period? I still stick to the format of £5/6 for basic field. £10/12 for basic plus EHU. and no more than £15 for al singing all dancing ( dont use these). If more of us stuck to a pricing regime that was fair we may see the greedy Cls changing their way. Mind you the CC does not  set a good example by their price hikes particularly the basic sites up from £12-50 to £14


    Would you like to hazard a guess on how much a greedy CL earns? would love to know how much you think


    ...I do not think there are many if any  cl/cs owners can be classed as greedy, when you consider in this "elf & safety" enviroment we live in, the costs of setting up and annual running costs ,its not just a matter cutting the grass and emptying a couple of dustbins

  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited December 2015 #27

    No and still the tid ar5ed wads won't pay a going rate expecting a great site in a good location for next to nothing and will still expect to pay the same in 10 years time but will probably moan about the price of diesel going up to get them to these sites.

  • Taxidad
    Taxidad Forum Participant Posts: 14
    edited January 2016 #28

    MichaelT Not sure where the relationship comes in. What gets up my nose is the Cls know when the book is printed and how long it lasts. Likewise many have web sites, but thyey do not show the latest prices. If like me you are perapatetic you turn up without
    booking and I grt stroppy when the prices are higher (much higher in some cases)than that shown. Where its possible I vote with my feet.

    Anyone else see the contradiction here?

  • CusherValleyCL
    CusherValleyCL Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited January 2016 #29

    Seems to be a trend inCLs.Forget the handbook but raise prices. I wonder how much business these high price Cls get outside the main holiday period? I still stick to the format of £5/6 for basic field. £10/12 for basic plus EHU. and no more than £15 for
    al singing all dancing ( dont use these). If more of us stuck to a pricing regime that was fair we may see the greedy Cls changing their way. Mind you the CC does not  set a good example by their price hikes particularly the basic sites up from £12-50 to £14


    Would you like to hazard a guess on how much a greedy CL earns? would love to know how much you think


    ...I do not think there are many if any  cl/cs owners can be classed as greedy, when you consider in this "elf & safety" enviroment we live in, the costs of setting up and annual running costs ,its not just a matter cutting the grass and emptying a couple
    of dustbins

    Seems to be a trend inCLs.Forget the handbook but raise prices. I wonder how much business these high price Cls get outside the main holiday period? I still stick to the format of £5/6 for basic field. £10/12 for basic plus EHU. and no more than £15 for
    al singing all dancing ( dont use these). If more of us stuck to a pricing regime that was fair we may see the greedy Cls changing their way. Mind you the CC does not  set a good example by their price hikes particularly the basic sites up from £12-50 to £14


    Would you like to hazard a guess on how much a greedy CL earns? would love to know how much you think


    ...I do not think there are many if any  cl/cs owners can be classed as greedy, when you consider in this "elf & safety" enviroment we live in, the costs of setting up and annual running costs ,its not just a matter cutting the grass and emptying a couple
    of dustbins

    I am a CL owner. I am certainly NOT greedy. I do not run the CL for the monetary reward. If it was to be carried out as a proper business the profit margins would be so low it would fail.

    Like most CL owners we do it for the many lovely relationships that we make, the company and craic of our lovely custumers and I am humbled that so many allow us to share in the ups and downs of their lives.

    We have made fantastic friends and that is 'our reward'...

    In addition to this we always try and balance our increasing 'running costs' against 'value for money' .....what more can one ask for!