What is the most unusual visitor to your garden?

I think the most unusual birds to visit our garden were a red legged partridge and a little egret, we have had the odd visit from sparrowhawks (both male and female) and the grey heron.
Oh yes, you have just jogged my memory we also found 3 mallards on our large garden pond at our previous home, fed them until they mugged us everytime we opened the kitchen back door!
also had a visit from a kingfisher and a redstart at that pond as well as the herons.
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We get grey squirrels by the dozen and several rabbits but the more unusual include Mallards, Redwings, Jays and a Green Woodpecker.
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Red Kites, although they don't actually land in the garden, just swoop down. OH saw a badger in the front garden one morning on his way out to work at 3.30 am.
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We have two firecrests, used to be three but one flew into the window despite stick on birds etc. now I know this next bit is going to sound odd
..... it now lives in a little box in the freezer for anyone to look at if they haven't seen one before! We also have a visit everynight from a badger who gets a peanut butter s/w, if I don't see him he rattles the door with his nose much to the dogs disgust, he has been coming for 5 yrs now and we know it's the same one as he only has one ear.
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Firecrest here too-just the one, only once
. It was the shrill & piercing call that alerted me to it. It was in one of my Larch Trees. Considering
its name-Firecrest, the outstanding feature was a smudge on its neck like a thumb print. Nice looking bird mind0 -
Yes Rocky the call is amazing isn't it I was lucky enough to be listening to one this morning, apparently they also like fir trees and I often see them in these after it has rained looking for food in the front garden.
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We too have had a badger visit us but only to overturn the bird cage that we put up to allow small birds such as Robins etc.a safe haven whilst they eat near the ground. It came for about a week and ate the fat balls. Should have put peanut butter s/w out
for him. Crunchy or Smooth I wonder?Had hedgehogs, grass snakes wen we had a compost heap, Ravens and a couple of Firecrests
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Regular badger visitor. He made very short work of the left over curry we left out for him on Friday night. He will expect a beer to go with it next week. Back to the peanuts though. Lots of different deer but one young male often sleeps over, he lays in
late, half asleep and looking around, slowly waking up until about 9am.0 -
We had a hedgehog visiting regularly around June/July but sadly not seen him/her since, it'll be hibernating now of course but we hope to see it again next year. We also have a real good colony of Gold Finches coming to the feeding station, plus the usual
suspects of house sparrows etc etc. Love to watch them.0 -
We once had an otter eating a fish sitting on our box hedge.. Must be one of the most unusual !!!!
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We too have had a badger visit us but only to overturn the bird cage that we put up to allow small birds such as Robins etc.a safe haven whilst they eat near the ground. It came for about a week and ate the fat balls. Should have put peanut butter s/w out
for him. Crunchy or Smooth I wonder?Had hedgehogs, grass snakes wen we had a compost heap, Ravens and a couple of Firecrests
WN we smear crunchy peanut butter on the top of fence panels, the finches and robins seem to enjoy but not seen any of the other birds take it.
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Too tempting for rats, i would have thought.
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A Kingfisher, unfortunately he got caught in the netting over our pond it was apleasure to untangle and release him.
Good for you!! Fortunate for the Kingfisher that you were about before he starved to death, or did himself any major harm by trying to escape.
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What a lovely variety of birds and animals to have visit you
We get squirrels and foxes but no badgers
Several years ago we were staying on a lovely CL in Lincolnshire where the owners had a beautiful landscaped garden which was overlooked by the caravans, we looked out of the caravan window early one morning to see the very well kept and manicured lawn torn
up....the badgers had been in overnight and we didn't even knowThey did make a mess of part of the lawn but I will have loved
to have seen the badgers.0 -
We had a hedgehog visiting regularly around June/July but sadly not seen him/her since, it'll be hibernating now of course but we hope to see it again next year. We also have a real good colony of Gold Finches coming to the feeding station, plus the usual
suspects of house sparrows etc etc. Love to watch them.Our hedgehog hasn't hibernated yet, watched him have his supper last night ??
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The most unusual and fascinating visitor to our garden were several dragon fly larvae which emerged from our pond and pupated on the reeds growing from it and then fly off. This has only happened once. Strange thing was I had watched with interest the 'parents' performing the egg laying several years earlier.
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We have resident Tawny Owl, foxes and squirrels. Rare hedgehog visitor, bird wise most unusual included Goldcrests, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Sparrowhawk. We also see Pipistrelle bats in Summer.
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We enjoy the bats that dart around our pond during summer evenings, incredible speed. Have no idea what type as they move so fast and can only be seen as the pass through the light from our lamp post.
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This one on the bird feeder, obviously all the smaller birds took flight