Crafting our Wildlife Policies post Brexit

RSPB Forum Participant Posts: 53

I hope everyone's well.

Thought it might be interesting to see everyone's views on how the UK should craft it's nature and environmental policies in light of the Brexit outcome. 

There is a very interesting article, suggesting that we should mimic the EU legislation for environmental policies. 

What's everyone's views on this? I am of course apololitical on this matter Winking - what rules and policies do you think could be
implemented to really help nature?


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,156
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    edited August 2016 #2

    You mean the same policy that allows the French, Spanish and Maltese to slaughter birds in the hundreds of thousands.  I think with a little bit of common sense, good will and strong legislation we can do better.

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited August 2016 #3

    The same policies that have brought our sea fisheries to the point of collapse?

    Bring back the 12 mile limit and send the factory trawlers that have turned the north sea (and other uk coastal areas) into a lunar sterile landscape back from whence they came. Cormorants might then become a sea bird again.

    Sustainable fishing is an alien concept to the EU

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2016 #4

    I supported the RSPB campaign to stop the "sporting" slaughter of birds flying over various countries in Europe, unfortunately Malta which is in the EU still voted to let bird shooting continue. I hope the RSPB keeps the pressure up whether we're in the EU or not, so I hope the campaign continues to be directed at people who don't understand or get the message. It will probably takes years of persuasion but time is running out for many birds.

    I hope policies to preserve our uk bird population will expand and continue too.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,800
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    edited August 2016 #5

    Can't say I was overjoyed by the recent decision by Nature England? (can't remember exact title) to allow the shooting of up to 10 Buzzards on a pheasant shooting estate in order to preserve these game birds so they could be shot! 

    The RSPB will have their work cut out if this type of decisions become the norm.

    I personally am worried that Brexit will lessen control on environmental issues, for all the dilly-dallying of the Euro beaurocrats in many areas. To give an example, one of the candidates in the recent leadership contest promised to repeal the fox hunting ban, this being sooooooooo important to the UK at this moment in time. Shows what's foremost in some people's minds.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,156
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    edited August 2016 #6

    What politicians say and do are two different things, fox hunting with hounds will never be legitimised again.  i have had a distressing afternoon when I visit what I thought was a bird reserve in Germany and unfortunately it was a dire money making machine.
     The cages that the birds, animals were kept in were small and a disgrace and frankly cruel to the interns.  If I had the bottle I would go back with wire cutters and set free the animals that could survive in the wild.  Don't tell me that our European neighbors
    can teach us wildlife husbandry.  

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited August 2016 #7

    I don't know if they were indigenous species but we don't need 'animal liberation' activists letting mink and similar alien creatures loose to upset the balance.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,156
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    edited August 2016 #8

    What I was referring to were Storks, Kestrals, Pheasants and other birds that would survive in the wild

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,496
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    edited August 2016 #9

    What we mustn't allow is the continued spraying of our countryside with toxic lead by folk which is killing wildlife and the deliberate illegal killing of our raptors which they say interfere with their perverse pleasure.