RSPB 2016 Big Garden Birdwatch

Plenty of birds in the garden today so hope they are about this weekend when the RSPB bird count which take place this coming weekend. See for link for info:
Hi Oneputt I agree with you as this morning on the feeders we have got 3 siskins male and females and the surprise was a bull finch not seen one around here in this area of Dorset for a long time, masses of longtailed tits, so hope they are around this weekend.
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Goldfinches in flocks,Chaffinches,Long tail Tits, Coal Tits,Blue & Great Tits,Sparrows ,Dunnocks, Blackies,Thrushes,Starlings, Magpies, Crows & Jacks. But no Greenfinches ,Nuthatches, Bullfinches or Siskins which at one time were common in our garden,a marked
decline in certain species in my area.0 -
Thankyou for the reminder oneputt, we had all the info from the rspb a couple of weeks ago. I fear my list of birds may well be short, although I have seen a couple of wrens in the garden this year for the first time.
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45 mins into our hour for birdwatch and so far seen the following:
1 x Jay, 3 x Blackbirds,7 x Goldfinches, 9 x Starlings, 5 x Greenfinches, 3 x Robins, 2 x Dunnocks, 4 x Ringed Doves, 6 x Great tits & 8 Blue tits. Not too bad for a small urban garden
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45 mins into our hour for birdwatch and so far seen the following:
1 x Jay, 3 x Blackbirds,7 x Goldfinches, 9 x Starlings, 5 x Greenfinches, 3 x Robins, 2 x Dunnocks, 4 x Ringed Doves, 6 x Great tits & 8 Blue tits. Not too bad for a small urban garden
Wow, that's good few birds, we had 5 pigeon's and a blackbird ,can't count the Goldcrest as he turned up yesterday.
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Had a good hour this afternoon. 13 Blue Tits, 8 Great Tits, 12 Long Tailed Tits, 2 Coal Tits, 1 Wren, 2 Blackbirds, 1 Song Thrush, 5 Pigeons, 1 Nuthatch, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Sparrowhawk, 3 Dunnocks and 1 Treecreeper climbing a branch which overhangs
our garden so it's going in!0 -
Perhaps the survey is more of an address harvesting exercise rather than a bird audit.
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Tried to participate but not being a member and a disappointing show from the birds I didn't bother!
It seemed too complicated to return the results and after some time being bombarded for money was a litte too much.
I know they have to recruit more and more....that's life!
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It seemed too complicated to return the results and after some time being bombarded for money was a litte too much.
I couldn't agree more. Last time I did it about 2years ago it was easy to submit results. I won't be bothering any more.
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It's really great to see yo uall getting involved in the Big Garden Bird Watch! Each of taking part have provided us with data which helps us monitor our garden bird populations year on year, vital information that will help us save nature.
Big thanks to you all for taking part