Are you daft?

Well I am on occasions, I guess most of us do or say daft things now and again. I was trying to think what was the daftest thing I had done while away in a cravan or motorhome. I have in the past moved my caravan and forgot to disconnect the electric, that is probably quite common but what I think wins hands down is I got up one morning to put the kettle on for our morning cuppa. We weren't on electric so rather bleary eyed and not wearing my specs, I put the kettle on the gas and went to the bathroom. I hadn't been in there five minutes when there was an almighty great bang. Peeping cautiously round the corner at the hob there was glass all over the place. In the kitchen sink, on the floor, on the settee, you name it there were shards of glass everywhere. I had only put the kettle on the gas without lifting up the smooked glass cover!
What is the daftest thing you have done while out and about.
Gosh, that is a bad one PD! Hope and trust no one hurt. Sort of related to caravanning mine, we were travelling down to a site, van on back, tootling merrily down M1 with three dogs in back of car, snoozing as they usually did. Red hot day, so all windows
are open, then buzzzz, in flies a wasp! Of course, dogs decide to have a go, and we had one that had anaphylactic shock from wasp stings! OH fully concentrated on road and traffic, while I wade in and grab wasp with bare hands! Bl**dy hell it hurt! But I got
it out, and dealt with stings as best I could with little first aid kit. Rings off, cold water, hands were like balloons after half an hour, but after some proper antihistamine and some tlc I was fine!0 -
Not me but a friend- he is an early riser. Whilst in their caravan he got up, while wife still in bed, he walked into the nearest town to get some milk. Noticed a few people looking in his direction and smiling, wandered around the town/village for a while
and went back with the milk. In the meantime his wife got up, she said that she couldn't find the bra that she had taken off the night before. Then she found it - hooked onto the back of his jumper, he had walked around the town like it.0 -
Latest daft event, our electric kettle at home went kaput when we returned from a break on non ehu. Out came the kettle for our gas hob....whilst OH looked around the kitchen for the water container..
usually me who does daft things so it makes a change.)0 -
My latest was after putting the caravan on the levelling ramps to check the underslung spare wheel I ran it backwards down the ramp using the motor mover and it sat on the caravan steps that I had forgotten I had moved around the back of the van out of the
way! The van survived but it was several days later before I noticed that the steps were leaning gently sideways at an angle. They had been squashed. So after a trip the an accessory shop we now have a nice new step.0 -
In Saarburg I ignored a no entry sign and followed a number of cars into a side road which got narrower and narrower and ended in - a multi-storey car park! Had to jump out, unhitch, spin the van single handed all watched by about 20 Germans who must have
been too amazed to offer help. Not my finest hour.0 -
A difficult question as there are dozens of possible answers but probably the worst follows. We have a steep narrow drive and I used the motor mover to get the caravan past the houseto the point it stopped. I released tthe mover ready for the car to tow
it but forgot the handbrake. The caravan rolled back and touched the house puncturing the rear panel.The clubs insurers were very nice when I rang to confess.
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Our old mover would only work on one side and so only locked on that wheel. Had to turn the van, being pitched face in, to hook up. It had been snowing and had frozen and I managed to tow the caravan for about 50 yds with the mover still locked on the wheel,
the tyre skidding over the ice, before a fellow caravaner stpped me to show me the error of my ways.Damaged the tyre but was
able to get home with it before having to replace it.0 -
Mine's not on site but in storage. Having read threads about black bits in the flush tank I made up a spray bottle with pink flush additive . I went to clean the van prior to our recent trip and all was going well but I thought the black streaks were a bit
hard to remove, anyhow the squeasy bottle I was using ran out and I came home to refill it. Filled it with Fenwicks cleaner diluted to 10% and said to OH that's funny this is yellow I'm sure the bottle I was using had pink stuff in it!0 -
Picked up our brand new caravan from the dealers, towed it home, unhitched, engaged the mover and was carfully postioning it on my drive, heard a terrific crunch, had left the battery box cover hanging down, it got caught on the apex of my drive and was
now lying on the floor, completly wrecked.I was not popular with the wife.
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Well I am on occasions, I guess most of us do or say daft things now and again. I was trying to think what was the daftest thing I had done while away in a cravan or motorhome. I have in the past moved my caravan and forgot to disconnect the electric, that
is probably quite common but what I think wins hands down is I got up one morning to put the kettle on for our morning cuppa. We weren't on electric so rather bleary eyed and not wearing my specs, I put the kettle on the gas and went to the bathroom. I hadn't
been in there five minutes when there was an almighty great bang. Peeping cautiously round the corner at the hob there was glass all over the place. In the kitchen sink, on the floor, on the settee, you name it there were shards of glass everywhere. I had
only put the kettle on the gas without lifting up the smooked glass cover!What is the daftest thing you have done while out and about.
Was that quite a long time ago peedee?
I don't think you would be able to do that these days as it seems all the cookers have a cut off thing that means you get no gas until you do lift the lid.
It even stops the oven being lit on ours, which is quite annoying!
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We had an "interesting" ride over a mountain in Slovenia due to following the SatNav instead of the map, on arrival at the site the receptionist took one look at us and said "you look as though you came the wrong way?"
Can fully empathise with this! It is that release of breath, the teeth unclench, the slow walk to reception, not realising how glazed your expression is to others! Happened to us crossing on ferry (solo) from Portavardie to Tarbert. Last ferry for a few
days as weather was so bad! I turned very religious that journey I can tell you!0 -
To understand this, you have to know Gardners' Question time on Radio 4. Every now and then they have a programme where they answer listeners' letters. This apparently comes from the Potting shed at Sparsholt college in Hampshire..
Driving home from a weekend away, we were listening to GQT when we heard a loud whistling noise that got louder and louder. I immediately thought it was something wrong with the van so I pulled over. The noise continued and got louder and then I realised
it was coming from the radio.It then emerged that the team had a whistling kettle and were making a cuppa during the show!
Some time later, I met a man from Sparsholt college and reelated this incident. He confirmed that the show did indeed come from a very well equipped potting shed and they did have a whistling kettle!
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Well I am on occasions, I guess most of us do or say daft things now and again. I was trying to think what was the daftest thing I had done while away in a cravan or motorhome. I have in the past moved my caravan and forgot to disconnect the electric, that
is probably quite common but what I think wins hands down is I got up one morning to put the kettle on for our morning cuppa. We weren't on electric so rather bleary eyed and not wearing my specs, I put the kettle on the gas and went to the bathroom. I hadn't
been in there five minutes when there was an almighty great bang. Peeping cautiously round the corner at the hob there was glass all over the place. In the kitchen sink, on the floor, on the settee, you name it there were shards of glass everywhere. I had
only put the kettle on the gas without lifting up the smooked glass cover!What is the daftest thing you have done while out and about.
Was that quite a long time ago peedee?
I don't think you would be able to do that these days as it seems all the cookers have a cut off thing that means you get no gas until you do lift the lid.
It even stops the oven being lit on ours, which is quite annoying!
Our 2005 'van had this cut out. The 1012 'van that we have soesn't.
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We stopped overnight at a CC site after a festival, having towed the short distance with a full toilet. OH removed the cassette to empty it. I felt the call of nature and unthinkingly peed into the empty cassette compartment. It was unreasonably difficult
to clean out but I persevered, and won't forget again in a hurry.0 -
After setting up van had to pop into a town to get supplies, had LR110 only parking that could be found was multistory checked height board and found to be OK but did not take into account the length of the 110 and promtly got it wedged half way up the
entry ramp with about 6 cars behind me.0 -
We stopped overnight at a CC site after a festival, having towed the short distance with a full toilet. OH removed the cassette to empty it. I felt the call of nature and unthinkingly peed into the empty cassette compartment. It was unreasonably difficult
to clean out but I persevered, and won't forget again in a hurry.Write your comments here...I pretty sure that has happened to rather a few of us
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I have emptied a full aqua roll setting up. filled up aquaroll pipe in conted to van pump on, kitchen tap on and waited and waited and waited, thinking there must be something wrong I went outside to find the hardstanding pitch wet!.......... yes I had forgot
to push the yellow tap into position so was leaking water directly onto the pitch. The aquaroll was virtually empty0 -
I have emptied a full aqua roll setting up. filled up aquaroll pipe in conted to van pump on, kitchen tap on and waited and waited and waited, thinking there must be something wrong I went outside to find the hardstanding pitch wet!.......... yes I had forgot
to push the yellow tap into position so was leaking water directly onto the pitch. The aquaroll was virtually emptyWrite your comments here...
This one has been known to produce a few tantrums from the water wallah in the past.
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Mine was as stupid as they come and must rate as one of the daftest here, a few weeks ago we were changing our caravan for a new to us motor caravan. All excited about a new way of camping we were hitching the old caravan up to PX it, got it into place with
motor mover as you do and hitched up.We were ready to set off went to pull away and won’t go, I know what that is, I have left motor mover engaged, no problem you can tell right away. Jump out of car and disengage and of goes the car and van without a driver, I have an automatic and had left
it in drive.Wife will pull the hand break on I think so don’t panic, after moving about 8 feet still going so now I panic. Go to run up the road after it, slip on the gravel and go hard onto floor gouging my knee and elbow. Scream from the floor hand brake,
hand brake the B----Y HAND BREAK as it starts to build up a bit of pace.Wife finally realises what is going on and pulls on hand break, about 15 feet away from a van in front look round sigh of relief no one saw me, go on to swoop van with a bloody knee and elbow and had a nice 4 day break at Hurn lane in Burnham, car wasn’t
moving fast but would have made a mess of the van in line with had it kept going.All’s well that ends well at least this time
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Was that quite a long time ago peedee?
I don't think you would be able to do that these days as it seems all the cookers have a cut off thing that means you get no gas until you do lift the lid.
It even stops the oven being lit on ours, which is quite annoying!
Not that long ago and its a 2011 van.
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Mine was as stupid as they come and must rate as one of the daftest here, a few weeks ago we were changing our caravan for a new to us motor caravan. All excited about a new way of camping we were hitching the old caravan up to PX it, got it into place with
motor mover as you do and hitched up.We were ready to set off went to pull away and won’t go, I know what that is, I have left motor mover engaged, no problem you can tell right away. Jump out of car and disengage and of goes the car and van without a driver, I have an automatic and had left
it in drive.Wife will pull the hand break on I think so don’t panic, after moving about 8 feet still going so now I panic. Go to run up the road after it, slip on the gravel and go hard onto floor gouging my knee and elbow. Scream from the floor hand brake, hand
brake the B----Y HAND BREAK as it starts to build up a bit of pace.Wife finally realises what is going on and pulls on hand break, about 15 feet away from a van in front look round sigh of relief no one saw me, go on to swoop van with a bloody knee and elbow and had a nice 4 day break at Hurn lane in Burnham, car wasn’t
moving fast but would have made a mess of the van in line with had it kept going.All’s well that ends well at least this time
Reminds me of an incident almost 43 years ago when I was 21 or so. I was a student at Leeds Poly doing Civ Eng. One weekend and I was taking my wife to work at CHester Royal Hospital as was Chester Royal Infirmary where she was a nurse. Just before we got
there. Probably 100 yds away the clutch cable on our HA Viva broke. I had a spare in the boot. I asked my wife to take the wheel whilst I pushed and to turn into a road just before the hospital. I did not realise tha tshe had not climbed into the drivers seat
but had reached across to the steering wheel whilst still in the passenger seat. The road that she steered into went fairly steeply down hill. As the car picked up momentum I realised the problem and ran alongside to the drivers side open window, My wife,
instead of immidiatly putting on the handbrake had reached across with her leg to put her fut on the brake but could not find it nor could she put the hand brake on as she was effectively sat on it. Our baby daughter was in a carry cot on the back seat! Originally
when I realised that she was still in the passenger seat IO had intended to run alongside, dive through the open driver's window and yank on the hand brake. There were cars parked on the left hand side down the road but a set of steel bollards ahead to close
the through road. As I was having trouble keeping uo and my good lady still could not find the greak peddle I dived through the window, grabbed the whee; amd steered into the parked cars. The lesser evil than travelling another couple of hundred feet into
a steel bollard. The car I hit had his drivers door badly stoved in but there was little damage to our car. I sent the wife to walk to work, placed a note on the damaged car to contact me at work and 15 mins later had replaced the clutch cable and returned
to our mobile home. I left a note to phone me at work as I was on 6 month vocational training on site in the midlands.Funnily enough the chap phoned me at work and gave me the cost of repair for his oldish car. Well over the top. I thought I had best call in person and leave my insurance details. I went round the next Friday evening and when he answered the door we knew
each other from school some 4 years earlier. His response was 'it's you! No problem I can get a door from the scappy for you to pay for, Bring your wife and daughter round, help me fit it and after we can crack a few beers and your good lady can drive0 -
Quite surprised at that, would have thought H&S would require some sort of cut off system for the hob. Our van is a 2008 model.
It wouldn't be too difficult or expensive a job to fit a micro switch to cut off the spark ignition when it is closed.
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Quite a few years ago, I 'hitched up the caravan' but forgot to take out the maroon coloured Alko 'ball'. Of course, because the ball was in the hitch, the 'safety button' was showing green. Several people were taking to me at the time. As I pulled away the hitch jumped off the tow ball and ended up on the floor, breaking my breakaway cable.
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Quite a few years ago, I 'hitched up the caravan' but forgot to take out the maroon coloured Alko 'ball'. Of course, because the ball was in the hitch, the 'safety button' was showing green. Several people were taking to me at the time. As I pulled away
the hitch jumped off the tow ball and ended up on the floor, breaking my breakaway cable.David
Write your comments here...
I'm glad we weren't the only ones to fall for this one. I'm sorry that it happened to you too though DSB