C&CC Forum
I'm pleased to see it is growing even though it has had little publicity. I also note that C&CC keep up with it and often respond to contributors comments.
The Facebook page is quite active and I would imagine many of the FB posters will move to a less public place when they become aware of the forum which is probably what the C&CC hope for.
I think if their forum does become very busy it is not going to be that easy to spot new posts unless you tag a thread for following.
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hi, caravan Stan is back for a look around, its been a while, anything going on?
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They have still not formally announced the availability of this forum but use is growing albeit slowly. I find this odd when they are quick to trumpet other offerings.
I found it puzzling that they did not make an announcement in the latest magazine which has just come out. I saw the word forum in the index but they refer to their letter page as a forum. I have been keeping an eye on the number of daily posts and it rarely
goes over 20 and more often less than that. One day recently it was only 6 posts.Why it has such a low number of posts I don't know. Perhaps it is because the membership in general is unaware or is it the use of real names?
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I waited until I read the April mag before posting.
Why it has such a low number of posts I don't know. Perhaps it is because the membership in general is unaware or is it the use of real names?
A bit of both I think, it certainly puts me off posting unless I have something really positive to add to a thread or have a question of my own.
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In the latest April mag the Director General says membership is now over 290,000 I haven't seen any announcement about an online forum and I couldn't even find it. There must be a wealth of experience out there, as this club has, so it's an opportunity being missed.
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Why does the use of real names put people off of have we had this debate before?
Yes I think we may have had that debate. The problem with using real names is that so much personal information can de found on the web as a result and many wish to retain a greater degree of privacy.
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At present the majority of C&CC forum members have probably found out about its existence via CT, and realise that they are more likely to get answers to any queries on here simply due to the vastly greater following at present. Hopefully this will change
when the forum is properly announced.I would guess that the idea is to get the forum 'seeded' with enough variety of posts so that it already looks sufficiently interesting when announced to the full membership.
I do think that a 'general chat' type category would help to get things moving.
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At present the majority of C&CC forum members have probably found out about its existence via CT, and realise that they are more likely to get answers to any queries on here simply due to the vastly greater following at present. Hopefully this will change when the forum is properly announced.
The C&CC notified me via email that the forum was available about 10 days ago. I assume this went to all members but it does not seem to have made a great deal of difference to the levels of activity. Possibly a little more that is all.
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The C&CC notified me via email that the forum was available about 10 days ago. I assume this went to all members but it does not seem to have made a great deal of difference to the levels of activity. Possibly a little more that is all.
Didn't receive that email, so possibly didn't go to all members? Am not active on that forum though, perhaps only sent to confirm to those who use it that it is now fully available?
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We are customers of both the CC and the C&CC. We received those memberships as presents from our family many many years ago and renew each year. I am the lead member of the CC and my wife is the lead member of the C&CC.
I will obviously never be able to use the C&CC forum as to do so would mean logging in under my wife's real name. That would be totally wrong. So until the C&CC change their stupid login policy I cannot use their forum.
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The C&CC software allows one to change one's name once one has registered, so you can become whoever you want your wife to be there!
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The C&CC software allows one to change one's name one has registered, so you can become whoever you want your wife to be there!
Write your comments here...Yes I had that explained to me when I phoned the C&CC. But that would mean demoting my wife from being the lead member. (Not nice)
I am a member of a number of forums - Not being able to use the C&CC one is really of no consequence.
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Surely using the CCC forum which is only available to members of the club, by logging on, why use a different name.
Unlike this forum which is open to all to view.
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The C&CC notified me via email that the forum was available about 10 days ago. I assume this went to all members but it does not seem to have made a great deal of difference to the levels of activity. Possibly a little more that is all.
Didn't receive that email, so possibly didn't go to all members? Am not active on that forum though, perhaps only sent to confirm to those who use it that it is now fully available?
I didn't get an email either and I am signed up to get emails from both Clubs.
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No email for me either but I consider putting my full name on each post is not for me so could be putting others off too. My name Googled reveals WAY too much info even down to my buying habits on Amazon not that those are any real secret!
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Surely using the CCC forum which is only available to members of the club, by logging on, why use a different name.
Unlike this forum which is open to all to view.
Because people use other forums and give away lots of info under a user name. They then go on C&CC with their real name and gradually all becomes clear. The info gleaned from another forum (maybe CT) put together with a real name enables you to find out
far too much about someone including, for instance, a Google Earth view of their house. Then they post that they're going away next week....0 -
The C&CC notified me via email that the forum was available about 10 days ago. I assume this went to all members but it does not seem to have made a great deal of difference to the levels of activity. Possibly a little more that is all.
Didn't receive that email, so possibly didn't go to all members? Am not active on that forum though, perhaps only sent to confirm to those who use it that it is now fully available?
I didn't get an email either and I am signed up to get emails from both Clubs.
Me too....no e-mail, although I'm not bothered.
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I post on C&CC and CT ,I posted on here that we are away next week , had I better check the bushes that there are not a gang of robbers waiting to burgle my house while I'm away !!
A sense of proportion is needed.................
My senses are very well proportioned, Husky, and if you knew what I had been able to find out with very little effort, you too would think otherwise. People are so careless if defies belief. (I don't mean you as your business profile is obviously available
for all to see.)0 -
I post on C&CC and CT ,I posted on here that we are away next week , had I better check the bushes that there are not a gang of robbers waiting to burgle my house while I'm away !!
A sense of proportion is needed.................
My senses are very well proportioned, Husky, and if you knew what I had been able to find out with very little effort, you too would think otherwise. People are so careless if defies belief. (I don't mean you as your business profile is obviously available
for all to see.)TW, my last line was not aimed at you , but in general ,that we can't hide away afraid of leaving our homes in case something happens, yes we need to take steps that we don't give away obvious information about ourselves , but really don't think that potential
burglers are scouring forums looking for empty houses when they can walk down the road and see for themselves ......0 -
I post on C&CC and CT ,I posted on here that we are away next week , had I better check the bushes that there are not a gang of robbers waiting to burgle my house while I'm away !!
A sense of proportion is needed.................
My senses are very well proportioned, Husky, and if you knew what I had been able to find out with very little effort, you too would think otherwise. People are so careless if defies belief. (I don't mean you as your business profile is obviously available
for all to see.)TW, my last line was not aimed at you , but in general ,that we can't hide away afraid of leaving our homes in case something happens, yes we need to take steps that we don't give away obvious information about ourselves , but really don't think that potential
burglers are scouring forums looking for empty houses when they can walk down the road and see for themselves ......We should get on with living our lives but we certainly need to be sensible and I'm afraid some people aren't. Even people you would expect to know better do the daftest things. You never can tell where the miscreants get their info from so there's no point
in taking unnecessary chances. I think we're mostly singing from the same song sheet.0