Security when on site



  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited October 2016 #62

    on site I put on the hitch lock and usually the wheellock - for the insurance company.  I lock the door if going out for the day - but when I take a short walk with the dogs don't usually bother to lock the door - seems to me as though my neighbours might
    think I don't trust them when its only a quick sortie?

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited October 2016 #63

    I am naturally cautious and lock things up but I think campsites in general (perhaps outside the main holiday periods when a lot of "non campers" are out in a £20 tent for a boozy weekend) are on balance still quite safe places to be.

    Only had 2 things taken in decades for camping. One was booz that I left under a flysheet that could be seen from a walk past. I put that down to being my silly fault and some food that I had left again under a flysheet to keep cool.

    A chap in a small tent that clearly had not got 2 pennies to rub together took it because he was hungry. When I challenged him he admitted it, said sorry and I took him for a pint and a meal in the next door pub. He was either genuine or the best actor I
    have ever seen.

    Next day he was gone early, probably embarrassed by it all.

    I have only had two things 'taken' - not both stolen. One was a pair of hubcaps from my caravan about 28 years ago. The other was a large glass of a very nice malt whisky.

    On the first occasion we were staying on a site just south of Birmingham to visit a motoring museum. When we returned home my neighbour presented me with hub caps of a Nissan that fitted perfectly. (might have been Datsun). 

    The other occasion I was staying on site one hot Summer at the CC site Lady Margerets near Chirk Castle. We had been out much of the day, returned home for a meal that I prepared and then were sat outside. I had a large pitcher of iced water, a bottle of
    malt and a largish glass. I had had a glass and then we decided on an impromptu stroll. When we returned an hour or so later the bottle had gone down a tad, There was some money on the table and a note under the glass. The note said something like 'sorry,
    I was walking past, saw the malt and could not resist. I hope the cash covers ... thanks'. I was not in the least annoyed. 

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited October 2016 #64

    Like the post ETHappy


  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited October 2016 #65

     ....If I find you camping next door skint and hungry. No problem mate.

    Thank you kind Sir Cool

  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited October 2016 #66

    We've had thirty odd years of camping and caravanning, with nothing stolen at all.  Then last year, on a tiny municipal site in France our caravan was entered, and thieves stole (amongst other things), the hook-up cable, the caravan steps, the awning canvas but not the poles, the hoover but not the hose and tools which went with it, two Isabella loungers and footstools which were the most uncomfortable things we had, all our towels and bedding, a peg bag, my manicure set, hairdryer and tongs, a clear plastic salad bowl, and other bits and pieces.  Some of these have only come to light when we've missed them when using the caravan this year!  We discovered that amongst the 'swag' were all our citronella candles and mosquito plug-ins, plus the fish barbecue grill!

    They left behind the unused spare wheel and tyre, an inflatable canoe, a portable fridge, and many other things more valuable than some of the things which were taken. It was all very odd, and the oddest thing was that absolutely no damage was done to the caravan or the lock!

    It was on the one night when we'd not been at the caravan, having driven to a friend's where we were spending the night!  We suspect the travelling fraternity, who were in the area for the grape harvest and also a fairground in the same village as the campsite.

    Annoying, but we put it down to experience. We've gradually replaced things, and I must admit that I was more annoyed than upset.

    We still leave things outside, without worrying.  Basically if it goes, it goes............ nothing (apart from our health) is irreplaceable!

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited October 2016 #67

    It's a funny old world ValDa but the important thing is they did not spoil your love of camping. 

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,771
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited October 2016 #68

    The only yjing we have had stolen was a drop in water pump in the middle of the night on  C&CC site. We also hd a near thing at Chertsey when I had the girks near thye river feeding the ducks and my wife was sat out on the offside of the caravan because
    that was where the sun was. She went back for something and saw two men in a van looking in who drove off as soon as they saw her. It shook her up a bit and I went to the warden who knew about them having chased them off the site before they actually got anything.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited October 2016 #69

    Sounds a little like my view on life Valda. I insure the caravan but not the contents. If it goes I will replace.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,771
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited October 2016 #70

    Sounds a little like my view on life Valda. I insure the caravan but not the contents. If it goes I will replace.

    You should find what you take from home is covered by your household contents policy.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited October 2016 #71

    Possibly Wildwood