Watch Your Speed!



  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited January 2016 #32

     ...... There is no law against doing less than the speed limit unless there's a minimum speed sign and I've not seen any of those in my travels!

    I wonder how far you'd get on the M6 at 25mph before  you were stopped ...... Innocent

    Write your comments here... Molly how are you getting on with your Merc ?.

    Write your comments here... With a car like that, I don't think she'll be stopped for going too slowly!

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited January 2016 #33

     ...... There is no law against doing less than the speed limit unless there's a minimum speed sign and I've not seen any of those in my travels!

    I wonder how far you'd get on the M6 at 25mph before  you were stopped ...... Innocent

    Write your comments here... Molly how are you getting on with your Merc ?.

    Write your comments here... With a car like that, I don't think she'll be stopped for going too slowly!

    Confusingly I'm a HE Kiss ... SWMBO's user name Wink

    I took the easy .....expensive option Embarassed It's going in tomorrow morning £££££££s Sad

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited January 2016 #34

     ......  With a car like that, I don't think she'll be stopped for going too slowly!

    My other car is a Smart ....... Cool

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,145
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    edited January 2016 #35

    i think nellie might have meant fixed cameras

    No, it states in the article that it must have been a hand held instrument.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited January 2016 #36

    Do correct me if I'm wrong,  but I'm not aware on a minimum speed limit in the UK.  However, if by driving slowly one is causing an obstruction or creating danger, I'm sure the police would find a way of reprimanding.  I understand that minimum speed limits apply on German  autobahns?


    Well  they  are  mentioned  in  the  Highway  Code,  David  ==  they  are  the  the  Blue  and  white  ones  ,  altho'  as  you  say  I've  never  come  across  one  yet either !

  • Hakinbush
    Hakinbush Forum Participant Posts: 286
    edited January 2016 #37

    Ok a little warning on how our local police can be very sneaky and not "cricket". September last year I was on my way to Setthornes New Forest on the perfectly staight road from Lyndhurst to Brockenhurst witch is 50 limit, just coming into Brockenhurst theres
    a sign 30 mph and opposite is a layby so we go from 50 to 30, and whats in the layby opp the 30 sign a police van with a camera, yep I was done for not slowing down enough in time and done for 40, Ok ive been offered a speed whatsit thing where you dont get
    points but still cost's £90 but surely there should be some warnig that its 30 up ahead, oh by the way first speeding offence since 1962 on my 650 BSA Super Rocket, so not a habituel offender..

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited January 2016 #38

    Some speed limits change at ridiculous intervals. Just west of me, there is a road, some of which is dual carriageway which, in the space of 1500 metres goes from 30 to 40, back to 30,then 40 then back to 30, then 40 yet again where it then thankfully remains for a further 1500 metres.

    Add in Swindon's magic roundabout and you begin to wonder about our road planners. Perhaps it's the same company as our IT people.

  • ADP1963
    ADP1963 Club Member Posts: 1,280
    edited January 2016 #39

     ...... There is no law against doing less than the speed limit unless there's a minimum speed sign and I've not seen any of those in my travels!

    I wonder how far you'd get on the M6 at 25mph before  you were stopped ...... Innocent

    Write your comments here... Molly how are you getting on with your Merc ?.

    Write your comments here... With a car like that, I don't think she'll be stopped for going too slowly!

    Confusingly I'm a HE Kiss ... SWMBO's user name Wink

    I took the easy .....expensive option Embarassed It's going in tomorrow morning £££££££s Sad

    Write your comments here... Sorry to hear that...get the overtime in!. Anyway the less stress there is the better !.

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited January 2016 #40

    It's the expensive, but dryer & warmer option Embarassed

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited January 2016 #41

     ......  With a car like that, I don't think she'll be stopped for going too slowly!

    My other car is a Smart ....... Cool

    Write your comments here...My one & only speeding ticket in 54 years of driving ,,,was in a 'Smart'.!!!! they're deceptivlynippy !!!Yell.

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited January 2016 #42

    If only I could get shut of all the above quote bars ....  mine's a Roadster & corners like it's on rails Cool  ..... but we're digressing Embarassed

    At least we've now just got 2 speed limits in use on a NSL now that HGVs are up from 40 to 50