Caravanner of the Year on BBC this April!



  • Garden Gate
    Garden Gate Forum Participant Posts: 29
    edited April 2016 #1052

    Good grief! Didn't watch the first episode but thought I'd try tonight's installment. All I can say is they should try caravanning on their own. I tow a large twin axle on my own all over the uk. I find my way to club sites and CLs without a satnav. Spent
    three months touring Scotland in the winter. Towed over the Cairnwell (2,000') in snow. Pitched up at Braemar and endured temperatures as low as -14.1°. Single handedly cleared almost a foot of snow off my pitch. To get to a site and set up on your own after
    driving a couple of hundred miles and to be the only one who is there to do all the jobs is something us single caravanners have to take in our stride. Now that derverves a medal! 

  • jane766
    jane766 Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited April 2016 #1053

    How much Walton's?

  • mbee1
    mbee1 Club Member Posts: 557
    edited April 2016 #1054

    Good grief! Didn't watch the first episode but thought I'd try tonight's installment. All I can say is they should try caravanning on their own. I tow a large twin axle on my own all over the uk. I find my way to club sites and CLs without a satnav. Spent
    three months touring Scotland in the winter. Towed over the Cairnwell (2,000') in snow. Pitched up at Braemar and endured temperatures as low as -14.1°. Single handedly cleared almost a foot of snow off my pitch. To get to a site and set up on your own after
    driving a couple of hundred miles and to be the only one who is there to do all the jobs is something us single caravanners have to take in our stride. Now that derverves a medal! 

    A deserved winner next year

  • waltons
    waltons Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited April 2016 #1055

    How much Walton's?


  • jane766
    jane766 Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited April 2016 #1056

    Thought you bluffing!!

  • zeka
    zeka Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited April 2016 #1057

    what a load of rubbish dread to think what the general public will think of caravanners if they can watch the program.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,165
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    edited April 2016 #1058

    Will the 7 people who liked your comb over post get letters as wellSurprised

  • stewartrena
    stewartrena Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited April 2016 #1059

    Oh dear more outrage bet all those 30yr stickers are back in the van this weekend and I bet EBay isnt over run with listings either 

  • sailorgirl2
    sailorgirl2 Forum Participant Posts: 153
    edited April 2016 #1060

    Didn't  know  motor  insurance  covered  Time  Trials  etc  on  public  roads ??

    Write your comments here...oops again another faux pas-Well done CC EXCELLED YET AGAIN.....

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,077
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    edited April 2016 #1061

    Glad I missed it. Sounds just about as bad as the first episode sounded. What a waste of our money as I bet the BeeB didn't pay for all the gifts(?) I presume were given at the finish.

  • sailorgirl2
    sailorgirl2 Forum Participant Posts: 153
    edited April 2016 #1062

    for all those who think "light-hearted"..

    They are billed as the "elite" of caravanners   Laughing

    Elite.. :Grin::rofl:

    Write your comments here...SAYS WHO? HOW DID THEY EVALUATE AN EXACT MEASURE FOR FUEL USED WITHOUT EVEN SIGHT OF A FUEL GAUGE.Also I would have thought that motorhome and car/caravan fuel consumption would vary widely anyway and surely is dependant upon weight,
    that test was completely valueless WHAT A SHAM.....

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited April 2016 #1063

    Glad I missed it. Sounds just about as bad as the first episode sounded. What a waste of our money as I bet the BeeB didn't pay for all the gifts(?) I presume were given at the finish.

    "Gifts"'s ok 2nd and 3rd only got a wooden box on a bit of string.............. ( well ,that's what it looked like ) 

  • sailorgirl2
    sailorgirl2 Forum Participant Posts: 153
    edited April 2016 #1064

    Good grief! Didn't watch the first episode but thought I'd try tonight's installment. All I can say is they should try caravanning on their own. I tow a large twin axle on my own all over the uk. I find my way to club sites and CLs without a satnav. Spent
    three months touring Scotland in the winter. Towed over the Cairnwell (2,000') in snow. Pitched up at Braemar and endured temperatures as low as -14.1°. Single handedly cleared almost a foot of snow off my pitch. To get to a site and set up on your own after
    driving a couple of hundred miles and to be the only one who is there to do all the jobs is something us single caravanners have to take in our stride. Now that derverves a medal! 

    Write your comments here...One has to question whether the Sat nav user on the programme  can find her way to her own bathroom without a satnav?SG2

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2016 #1065
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • Hullflyer
    Hullflyer Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited April 2016 #1066

    WinkAs stated in an earlier post, a game of two halves, the second half more in line with caravanning, particularly the party games reminder of
    many rallies, it'll top this week gogglebox.

    End result a draw for entertainment.

  • Saulfland
    Saulfland Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited April 2016 #1067

    Well, we watched both episodes because we couldn't believe the second one could be as bad as the first!  But it was worse!! 


    The "expert" who either couldn't read the sign which said how wide the gap was or didn't know how wide his motor home was!

    Nearest to real caravanners won it though.


  • rogeroldacre
    rogeroldacre Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited April 2016 #1068

    after watching both shows and with last week the caravan club boss guy ripping out the back of his van by being a complete idiot It make me wander if I want to be associated with it and will have to think twice before renewing my memdership. this program
    doesn't show caravaning  off at all well and puts it back years.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,428
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    edited April 2016 #1069

    Maybe CC have done us a favour and it'll be easier to get a pitch in future.Sticking Tongue Out

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited April 2016 #1070

    Superb, just when I thought it couldn't get better, the second part was a masterpiece Laughing Slightly more serious this time but wow!! liked the dollybird with her mini, shame she didn't put the thigh high welly's on though Embarassed 

    Don't know what I'll watch on a wednesday evening now Sad good programmes are hard to come by, good job I recorded it to view as a 'pick me up' in future Wink

    Loadsa room on sites next year with everyone leaving, pick of the pitches, stay after 12 noon, I'll be in heaven.

  • Lansdorf
    Lansdorf Forum Participant Posts: 37
    edited April 2016 #1071

    Are we sure that at least one couple was not conscripted?Wink 

    Anyway my question was a serious one as it does not seem to have been a well populated challenge. For example I can't recall any CT members admitting they competed but failed to make the cut. They collectively surely would be the sort
    of members who take caravanning/motorhoming a tad more seriously than most?

    I am left wondering how representative of the CC membership it is.

    Write your comments here........and thus rests the case for the plaintiffs !


  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited April 2016 #1072

    I confess I saw the appeal for members to enter this but didn't consider doing it myself as we are not active at the moment. Just goes to show the website and magazine are worth reading thoroughly sometimes, I even thought it was mentioned on here too, wasn't


  • sailorgirl2
    sailorgirl2 Forum Participant Posts: 153
    edited April 2016 #1073

    'Twas the mini-skirt that won it!

    Seriously people, life is too short to worry about what others think of your hobbies.

    Sammy the Snake won it for me! Can't wait for next year's competition!Happy I wonder what excitement is in plan for that?

    Write your comments here...reminds me I must go and colour co-ordinate and roll my knickers ready for packing. SG2

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited April 2016 #1074

    Lets be honest, although I had a good laugh at it and it didn't get my shackles up. Serious competitors were not what they were looking for, you would have been dismissed in the first round. Only those with eccentricity and prepared to look daft in front
    of the camera would have won through. 

    The title says different but this was meant to be portrayed as an OTT farce.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,428
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    edited April 2016 #1075

    And CC fell right into the trap.

  • swradioactive
    swradioactive Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited April 2016 #1076

    Episode 2. Embarassing, the same stupidity, avoid A roads, try to get a Motorhome through a signposted narrow gap !

    More crude inuendo. Not much there that sums up our 50 years of caravanning.

  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited April 2016 #1077

    It can't have been a coincidence that they ended up with a range of 'contestants' all representing different aspects of our hobby, I would love to know how many applicants they actually got (did it reach double figures??) I was sooo glad that John & Jenny
    won, just because she actually took the hospitality to its logical conclusion and cooked an actual meal (no, not a fryup or BBQ) wanted to smack Andy Harris for his astonishment that she had cooked a meal FROM SCRATCH...IN A CARAVAN !!! when asked if he cooked
    he had the nerve to say... yes - toast ! The thing I thought did not represent entertaining honestly was the lack of alcohol (no G&T for Grenville after his comments week one, someone wasn't paying attention !) and only one couple actually laid a table to
    eat at Surprised

    Enjoyed the navigation challenge sans satnav too Laughing We do that every trip 


  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited April 2016 #1078

    I gave up on this week's when Sammy Snake was giving them a lift with all their OS maps Sealed

  • Lansdorf
    Lansdorf Forum Participant Posts: 37
    edited April 2016 #1079

    Plenty of people have commented that the Club is ignoring this thread, despite nearly 100 pages of almost universal agreement that serious harm has been done to the Club by running the Caravanner of the Year Competition on BBC TV.  There have been lots of
    calls for both Chairman and CEO to resign; a pretty big fuss is being made and, surprise surprise, the Club doesn’t seem to be listening.  The Caravan Club is supposed to be owned and operated for the benefit of its members so why aren’t the Club’s hierarchy

    Club Together is clearly regarded by Club Management as a safe place to allow Members to let off steam but nothing of any other significance.  No one outside the Club reads it (nowhere has the national media taken any interest in this Members’ Revolution)
    so it can be simply ignored.  All the Club Management have done this time, and all they have ever done in the past, is release an anodyne statement which gives no indication at all that they will listen or learn, let alone change anything unless it suits them. 
     Their statement saying “we think it was OK” amounts to rejection and denial.  There is no evidence at all that the Club’s management hierarchy have any intention at all of listening to the Members on this issue.

    The Caravan Club might be a member-controlled club on paper but in practice, these days, it is controlled entirely by its establishment and the members simply don’t have any real voice or clout at all.  Even if all those who have expressed strong views on
    this thread turned up at the next AGM to demand a vote of no confidence, it simply wouldn’t happen.  Members cannot propose a motion at the AGM unless the Club Council, part of the Club’s establishment, has approved the motion in advance.

    To propose any motion to an AGM you need to get together quite a large number of other Members to support you before your motion can go forward at all.  And you aren’t allowed to use Club Together to exchange personal information, so you can’t use that to
    form up your rebel group.  There is no facility to gather any sort of revolutionary movement together.  Forcing the Club’s establishment to accept change against its wishes might not be impossible but it is a mammoth task and will requires some pretty clever
    and sustained political activity.  There might be other ways of forcing the Chairman or CEO out, such as open rebellion to get the attention of the press, but I wouldn’t count on it succeeding.

    So let steam off on here if you wish, that seems to be allowed – unless of course it ever starts to look like you are achieving anything, in which case your postings might quietly disappear.  I wonder if this posting of mine will survive for long?

    As it happens I doubt if much harm has been done by the Club’s participation in this TV programme, except perhaps temporarily to Chairman Grenville’s hitherto unshakeable self-confidence.  Long before Jeremy Clarkson had a go at ridiculing us, the general
    public had already learned to hate us for cluttering up the roads so why kid yourself that you could ever persuade them otherwise.  And do we really want to recruit more people to our hobby in this over-crowded Country?  Let them think we’re all eccentric
    fools, I don’t mind at all.

    Write your comments here...  Use a Facebook closed group. We would then control what happened and what was said. However, in reality, even if possible, it is not feasible nor practical to get rid of "the establishment" en mass. There would be a great vacuum
    (of a physical presence rather than the apparent mental vacuum) which would require filling. And let's face it, we need the club to continue to function. I would like to think that those responsible for this fiasco have learnt a serious lesson.....possibly
    at our expense, but will be thinking long and hard before they consider such actions in future. Furthermore, they may take time to read these posts (??) in which case they may form a better understanding of how most of us feel.

    I live in hope!!

  • carvanner100
    carvanner100 Forum Participant Posts: 42
    edited April 2016 #1080

    If you read the guidelines etc ,  your post complaining, and  criticizing the club, questioning the community manger, and champions  comments and decision, breaks a number of rules etc  

    Be prepared to be  suspended. Hope what ever they suspend you by, it is not to painful Wink


  • JEP03
    JEP03 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2016 #1081

    One the grounds of health and safety. Why was the observer in the motorhome during the "economy run" sitting on a side facing seat without a seatbelt? Riding in the back of a motorhome like this is extremely dangerous and according to my understanding against the law.