Caravanner of the Year on BBC this April!



  • Lansdorf
    Lansdorf Forum Participant Posts: 37
    edited April 2016 #242

    Oh dear... I'm afraid we were laughing, but from pure horror as much as anything else

    a couple of comments... 

    Firstly why was the youngest person 42... Really?  Maybe the applicants were a bit thin on the ground, but seriously, could you not have found a young couple or two to represent the future.  That this guy was with his mum rather than a friend/wife/partner
    is even more cringeworthy and reinforces a stereotype that in 4 years I've only ever seen once.  For clarity, I'm 42 and my Hb is 39...

    secondly if one of the challenges was to make both people take part in the challenges, why on earth would you not have made sure the women could actually manoeuvre their vehicles.  fair play to all of the ladies for giving it their best shot despite the
    reservations and useless instructions from their partners and very obvious nerves.  Really caravan club... You should not have allowed your female members to be portrayed as subservient and a bit woolly, and their partners as somewhat misogynistic and overbearing.

    Many, many of your members are female (myself included) and  many of us either share the towing or do the lions share... Some don't and that is fine as if you don't feel confident then towing is not a good idea, regardless of your gender... I'm  going to
    be generous here, and suggest that maybe the intention was to show that even someone who didn't know what to do, could still do ok (male or female) but I'm afraid this felt like it backfired and was something from the 1950's not 2106...

    so no doubt I'll get the odd sarky comment tomorrow as I think the programme reinforced the view that we all wear hideous clothing (bobble hats and cagoules are compulsory attire) are petty, old fashioned (not in a chic retro way) and are pretty hopeless...
    But whatever I face, I pity the people who actually took part, as I fear they have been portrayed in a manner in which they were not expecting.


    Write your comments here...  

    Message to "Suppy from Kent" from my wife "Jenny from Cumbria":- "WELL SAID ". 20 years of caravaning and we have never met anyone like these folk on a caravan site. Where did they find them??

  • eyebrowsb
    eyebrowsb Forum Participant Posts: 554
    edited April 2016 #243

    So will Grenville be Chairman by the end of tomorrow?  Bye, bye Grenville!!  Okay Rochelle, you promoted this; so what have you got to say?  We are in 2016 not 1956.  The club needs to move forwards with the times, not backwards.  Great entertainment. If
    it wasn't so serious, or promoted by club management.  All I can hope is that the CC made a profit out of this farce so my dues or site fees don't need to go up next year.

    Bob (Mr Lynnruby)

  • footloose
    footloose Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited April 2016 #244

    This programme was an utter disgrace and embarrasment. We rarely use C C any more. I think those at the top have lost the plot. If it were not for the CL's we would relinquish our membership.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited April 2016 #245

    I'm sure the general feeling of members will filter through to the powers that be, not only from Club Together but from other sources too, but I am going to be interested to see how it develops in the second programme.

    I woder how much the contestants were prepared for what tasks they had to do before they allowed themselves to be put forward as finalists?  I just got the impression that they all seemed more concerned about the presentation of their vehicles rather than manoeuvring the vehicle and putting up awnings?


    David, I have a lot of respect for you as a Champion on CT but I think, in your unique position, you need to ensure the views of members reach the powers that be rather than hope they filter through. Frankly, I don't find the first paragraph of your post reassuring in the least. I had hoped that you would work for us all which means representing our views. I am disappointed in your response although I do appreciate the responsibility for this issue is not yours. 

    I agree that we need to see how the second program pans out but the first episode alone gives serious cause for concern about The Caravan Club and, in particular, the Chairman. Bugs has very eloquently stated the relevant points above.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited April 2016 #246

    What was wrong with it Laughing as comedy goes it was hilarious, even supped another cider in between laughing at the quality of the contestants Innocent It was laughable and had eccentricity in abundance, can't wait for next weeks final, might record it as well for when I need a pick me up.Cool

    Has it done any harm! Well yes I'm sure it has and will have given the 'haters' of our pastime a little more ammunition with which to descibe us as bufoons, on the road and off it. Certainly bad publicity for all Motorhomers and vanners alike and will take a bit of shaking off.

    Do I care, no, couldn't give a toss really. I caravan for myself and not interested in what others think.

  • daveyb1961
    daveyb1961 Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited April 2016 #247

    My wife and I watched this to see who these 'experienced caravanners' were and to see what tasks they were asked to do.  We sat there gobsmacked to see the so called best 6 that the CC had whittled down.  As for the cleanliness task any reasonable caravanner
    will be off in the highlands of Scotland living the outdoor life and won't have time to have the caravan 'spic and span' - don't get me wrong I keep my caravan fairly clean but this was ridiculous.  As for the chairman to make an a** of himslef in ripping
    the backend off his caravan (hope our membership fees don't go towards reparingin this) - has the Caravan Club been sponsored by Jeremy Clarkson so that he can poke more fun at us.  All in all a fairly embarrassing programme to watch - just as I am in the
    process of converting a couple of colleagues into this glorious pastime. I have caravanned for 28 years and am not a glory seeking person who could have done those tasks easily (except for the thorough cleaning).  Not sure whether I will watch the final but
    will be intersting to see what 'tasks' are set for the 'Caravanner (not motorhomer) of the Year'.  Disgusted............

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited April 2016 #248

    What was wrong with it Laughing as comedy goes it was hilarious, even supped another cider in between laughing at the quality of
    the contestants Innocent It was laughable and had eccentricity in abundance, can't wait for next weeks final, might record it as well for
    when I need a pick me up.Cool

    Has it done any harm! Well yes I'm sure it has and will have given the 'haters' of our pastime a little more ammunition with which to descibe us as bufoons, on the road and off it.

    Do I care, no, couldn't give a toss really.

    It's quite clear CC don't care about the membership or the future of vanning, Dave, when they can allow their name and facilities to be used in such a way. As I said before, a darn good comedy but it demonstrates very poor judgement on the part of CC.

    PATMAU Forum Participant Posts: 250
    edited April 2016 #249

    I have shared the towing with hubby for nearly 40 years and I am more proficient in reversing the van.  I am darn sure that I am not the only CC female member who can do that, so why did they choose 6 couples who were locked in a 50's timewarp.  Was this
    one of the criteria?

    We watched it, cringed, but stayed with it to the end and will be watching next week's just to see what they have to do in the final.  More springcleaning, flower arranging and folding toilet paper, origami, perhaps?  Wonder what the first prize is for being
    Caravanner (Idiot) of the Year.  Haven't had any texts yet, just a phone call from horrified daughter and a post on facebook from niece.  Glad I'm retired and won't have to go to work tomorrow and be the butt of jokes from non caravanning workers. 

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited April 2016 #250

    Sorry Tw, was still editing after you quoted. Agree it was poor judgement if they were trying to convey a message on the positives of our pastime/hobby.

    The worse part is the title, it portrays a programme of a serious nature.

  • Suppy
    Suppy Forum Participant Posts: 40
    edited April 2016 #251


    Many, many of your members are female (myself included) and  many of us either share the towing or do the lions share... Some don't and that is fine as if you don't feel confident then towing is not a good idea, regardless of your gender... I'm  going to
    be generous here, and suggest that maybe the intention was to show that even someone who didn't know what to do, could still do ok (male or female) but I'm afraid this felt like it backfired and was something from the 1950's not 2106... ......


    Don't let the user name confuse you .... it's my wife's. Wink

    In the last 3 & a bit years I've not managed to get my wife behind the wheel of my towcar when solo let alone while towing .... apprarently it's too big and it has a 'funny' column transmission selctor Innocent

    user names can be deceptive... And clearly I meant 2016' not 2106... although I wonder if big white boxes will still exist then

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited April 2016 #252

    Sorry Tw, was still editing after you quoted. Agree it was poor judgement if they were trying to convey a message on the positives of our pastime/hobby.

    The worse part is the title, it portrayed something of a serious nature.

    No problem. I said I wasnt going to watch this week's but I bet I'll be up for the final next week just to see how appalling things can get - and for the laugh, of course.

    PS. At the start of this thread you mentioned it was like a Benny Hill sketch. Spot on.Laughing

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,396
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    edited April 2016 #253

    I am stunned almost to the point of not knowing what to say quite frankly. I somehow feel that my choice of holidaying has been belittled, trivialised, sniggered at, and it has had every prejudice possible reinforced. And who has done this? The Club that
    I have been a member of for decades, who have had thousands of pounds of my hard earned cash. It has also confirmed for me a quietly growing dissatisfaction in just how the Club is being managed, and what it's aims and objectives are for the future. Whoever
    dreamed up this concept should hang their head in shame. The Caravan Club's image is in tatters. 

  • Suppy
    Suppy Forum Participant Posts: 40
    edited April 2016 #254

    As another thought, why were the vans selected one vintage (lovely, but rare as hens teeth) and two brand new ones... And the campervans, two vw's (although the green one was a new one) plus a normal motorhome??  While I love a bit of retro (my parents have
    a 1977 Vw that I had many a happy holiday in as a child, still with now kitsch original curtains), I was surprised that of the vans it was one extreme to another, why not include a couple with a van 5-10 years old? Not everyone starting out has 20k plus to
    spend when starting out, and if it was the intention of the club to attract people then this is an opportunity missed in not showing what you can get on a reasonable budget 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited April 2016 #255

    As another thought, why were the vans selected one vintage (lovely, but rare as hens teeth) and two brand new ones... And the campervans, two vw's (although the green one was a new one) plus a normal motorhome??  While I love a bit of retro (my parents have
    a 1977 Vw that I had many a happy holiday in as a child, still with now kitsch original curtains), I was surprised that of the vans it was one extreme to another, why not include a couple with a van 5-10 years old? Not everyone starting out has 20k plus to
    spend when starting out, and if it was the intention of the club to attract people then this is an opportunity missed in not showing what you can get on a reasonable budget 

    There were numerous missed opportunities, Subby.

  • Coldfinger
    Coldfinger Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited April 2016 #256

    I was absolutely horrifed at the program What baffoon agreed to have this show televised,it made caravaners llok stupid .We are already despised by motorists and this program would just confirm thier feelings.

    Heads should roll at the Caravan Club for this diaster .

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,890
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    edited April 2016 #257

    I wonder if those were real people or actually actors playing roles?

    As for the Volkswagen decked out with British Second World War memorabilia, that was a shamefull insult to our people who fought and died in that war - many of them killed or injured by enemy troops traveling in kubelwagens (look up Wikipedia if you don't

    All in all - very bad taste indeed.

  • Chipping
    Chipping Forum Participant Posts: 6
    edited April 2016 #258

    Words fail me, I can live with the general ribbing of friends and the Clarksons of this world, but to see the cc simply ratify all those prejudices out there, takes the biscuit!

  • vivien
    vivien Forum Participant Posts: 449
    edited April 2016 #259

    Vivien!!!!! SurprisedSurprised I'm shocked! 


    Write your comments here... I know! I paid twice to see that rubbish!

    1. I joined a club where the CEO makes a mockery of the Club I paid to be in! Sack the bar steward!

    2. I also pay stupid money for a TV license which funds the BBC for showing the rubbish I viewed!

    To be honest, what with the program plus last months unresolved cancellation I had, the Club has belittled both myself and also all the other members!

    I received my membership renewal yesterday for £48!  I now really have to question what exactly the executives of the CC are doing with my money, certainly not providing a service or maintaining a Good name for the Caravan Club!

    I don't say revolt, but after that program I am revolted, sickened to see a company that takes in millions of pounds a year just demolish everything!

    Respect for the Caravan Club members obviously is not high on the executives list of priorities!

  • Reddog
    Reddog Forum Participant Posts: 13
    edited April 2016 #260


  • RangeRoverMan
    RangeRoverMan Forum Participant Posts: 125
    edited April 2016 #261

    Words fail me on this one!

  • bryanp33
    bryanp33 Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited April 2016 #262

    My Wife and I were horrified! It has done not to change the public opinion about what we love to do, it's embarassing when Club chairman ruins his van too, The thing that upsets me most is yet again, families like us aren't represented again by this club,
    and theres a lot of us out there, we've been doing it since our kids were 1 and 3 and we was in our early 30's but if you look all over this site, the magazine, this programme, you wouldn't believe that theres Tourers out there like us and that programme did
    nothing to show that. They say they want to come into the modern word but constantly stay in the grey world!!!!

    Think this says it all

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited April 2016 #263

    I bet the 6 contestants have handed in their club membership after the CC made them out to look like fools

    CC , you have let the membership down ,but more worryingly you have let yourself down ................

    Now awaiting the Clubs response .

  • RangeRoverMan
    RangeRoverMan Forum Participant Posts: 125
    edited April 2016 #264

    I.m in my 39th year of membership. I have a feeling it may be my last!

    Anybody want to buy a caravan?

  • Shoey43
    Shoey43 Forum Participant Posts: 11
    edited April 2016 #265

    I am new to this. We pick up our first caravan next week and joined the cc last month. We watched the programme and as comedy it was good. As a representation of caravanning and cc it made us a laughing stock. As an advert for the cc it makes me wonder if
    I have joined something I want to be a part of. 

  • goperson
    goperson Forum Participant Posts: 41
    edited April 2016 #266

    Having watched the caravaner of the year program I'm now looking for a cheap cloaking device for the van.

      Have the participants in this program been fooled into thinking this was serious insight into a hobby which gives freedom and enjoyment to thousands, or was it a carefully selected group to provide entertainment.

       As for the guy damaging the back of his caravan no one would approach an angle like that without extreme caution and at least getting out and checking, I think he's just proved all caravaners may need to pass a test.

       Not sure if I'll bother with the next instalment but goggle box should be good.



  • KevBailey
    KevBailey Forum Participant Posts: 17
    edited April 2016 #267

    Just been reading the Express


    IT IS one of the most unlikely concepts for a television show but it appears that viewers tuning in to watch BBC Two’s Caravanner of the Year tonight were surprisingly pleased with the launch.

    I was beginning to think that I was the only one after reading all these comments on CT

  • Claytos
    Claytos Forum Participant Posts: 23
    First Comment
    edited April 2016 #268

    dreadfull tv very embarrasing to watch and have my concerns ref chairman.....making a show showing investment (lack of) in ceratain sites would do more good for the club

  • Longtimecaravanner
    Longtimecaravanner Club Member Posts: 643
    edited April 2016 #269

    I have just e-mailed the club to ask for the chairman's resignation for bringing our hobby into disrepute. I suggest others do the same rather than just moaning on here.

  • Elusion
    Elusion Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited April 2016 #270

    I hope you're venting your spleen directly to the club as well? The 'managers' can easlily avoid reading all this thread so I've written to Enquiries. There didn't seem to be a category of ''Television programmes" to complain about.

    I'm sorry that I can't identify with those who found the programme amusing. Public relations disaster.


    Write your comments here...

    I too have emailed "enquiries". I looked under "complaints" headings but could find nothing relating to Executive Committee and Chairman.

    Surely not, this is the Chairman who says the buck stops with him, so I am sure he knows what's going on. I am sure he will tell us that the majority of us wanted to see the Club made a laughing stock led by the Chairman who is an absolute ******. Do the honourable thing and RESIGN NOW.

    Write your comments here...

  • carvanner100
    carvanner100 Forum Participant Posts: 42
    edited April 2016 #271

    What was the Caravan Club thinking , and the presenters they are supposed to be experts ?

    It was obvious the Caravan would not get up such a step incline, with out  grounding at the rear , and for the life of me what  does making the person who does not tow ,do some reversing , prove ?

    The youngest person they could find ,was a 42 year old that takes his mum with him ,What?????

    How out of touch is the Caravan clubs , why are they presenting Caravaners as some quirky section of society, that is apart from the norm  

    I only watched just over half the program ,and had to go for a lie down, it was making me feel so nauseas

    I like caravanning, but  the programme frankly ,  was embarrassing