Alde heating?

mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,492
2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
edited November 2016 in Parts & Accessories #1

At the panel I have my heating on and the hot water is off. The question is should the water still be hot as mine is? Thoughts most welcomed.


  • ocsid
    ocsid Club Member Posts: 1,395
    edited November 2016 #2


    With the Alde "ON" then if the boiler has not been drained the water that jackets the antifreeze tank simply gets hot, so you have a hot water supply. This is irrespective whether the heating pump is called on by the room thermostat or not; simply having the Alde "on". Without looking up the specific temperature the antifreeze is thermostatically controlled at, I beleve this is 60/70C odd to control bacterial development in any water held against it, so yes the water also gets very hot.

    The "water" setting simply lifts the antifreeze so the stored water temperature to enable a longer shower period as the hot source is warmer. At that time it stops the heater pump so heating is not available during the "hottter water" period.

    The Alde can be run, on gas and or electricity, whether it is filled with "water" or not, provided the system has its antifreeze charge of course.

    Edit: I believe if the room heating is really asking the Alde to get up to temperature the boiler goes into an even higher temperature state that can pull the water to something like 85C. So be careful as in leisure vehicles the supply to taps are not by law thermostatically limited via mixer units to 43C ; IMO they should be.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,492
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited November 2016 #3

    Many thanks for this info. ocsid! At least I now know that it is not faulty. Happy