Chargers for Leisure 110 battery

Dr Nigel
Dr Nigel Forum Participant Posts: 49
edited August 2016 in Parts & Accessories #1

I'm having a motor mover fitted next week.

The Bailey dealer told me three things,

1.  The charger fitted in caravans are not designed to charge the battery in storage.

2. There is no need to spend money on a smart charger and having "faffing about all night" (his words not mine)

3.  I would be better off bying a cheap £20 charger, which as luck would have it...he had in stock.. :-)

Any ideas/opinions ?




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  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,405
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    edited August 2016 #3

    Are you proposing to use sites without EHU?

    If not why would you need a charger as the vans inbuilt charger will keep the battery charged so long as you are connected to the mains? The storage issue is misleading as it is being connected to an EHU that is the issue. As for the all night bit really
    not sure what this is about??

    If you do need a charger,we use sites without EHU sometimes and use a second battery, or wish to ensure a full charge before the next use,then it is like most things-you get what you pay for and a 'smart' charger-say a C-Tec, or similar,for £50-100 will
    usually be superior to a bog standard £20 model.

    We use a second battery,the van has had clip on battery connectors fitted, and swap over if needs be. 

  • Dr Nigel
    Dr Nigel Forum Participant Posts: 49
    edited August 2016 #4

    Many thanks - I was looking at the C-Tec MXS 5.0 which states it will handle batteries up to 110ah - is it powerful enough?


  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited August 2016 #5

    Yes, I have one but as in most things, bigger is better however, the C Tek range starts to get expensive after this model.


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  • jennyc
    jennyc Forum Participant Posts: 957
    edited August 2016 #7

    There is many a post on CT advising people that their van chargers won't maintain their batteries, an that they need to use a acted etc. So I contacted Sargent, who's power control is fitted to our game, and this is what they said;

    Dear Sir,

    We have frequently read on Caravan support forums, that the charger/ supply unit, fitted to caravans is just a trickle charger and won't recharge a substantially flattened battery. Please will you confirm either way.

    Our charger unit is an EC500, is your response the same for that?

    With thanks


    Hi Jenny,

    The Px300 charger which is normally fitted with the PSU EC500 is a multistage 300 Watt charger. It is quite capable of charging most batteries in any condition.

    I hope this helps.

    Kind Regards

    Tim Sanderson

    Technical Specialist

  • Peter Nigel
    Peter Nigel Club Member Posts: 8
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    edited August 2016 #8

    Fully understand the issue of standard caravan chargers.  I also gave up on leisure halt terriers bought from caravan showrooms - how long have they been sat there discharging?

    I changed to a specialist leisure battery from a spec list supplier a long with a spcialist charger - nver looked back.

    have a look at my posting - Lithium Caravan Batteries.  These look like great pieces of kit even if expensive.

  • JCB4X4
    JCB4X4 Forum Participant Posts: 466
    edited August 2016 #9

    'liesure halt terriers'  - these units are certianly doged with problems

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  • Marksailor
    Marksailor Forum Participant Posts: 57
    edited August 2016 #12

    If you do want a charger to use with the battery, if you bring it home, I can recommend the Lidl ones (3.8A) as they are, to all intents and purposes, C-Tek units and are very cheap, multistage chargers- and work well to maintain the battery, if you remove
    it from the 'van. Look  out for them when they have their specials. For a 110Ah battery, they are ideal.

  • Dr Nigel
    Dr Nigel Forum Participant Posts: 49
    edited August 2016 #13

    Many thanks - I was looking at the C-Tec MXS 5.0 which states it will handle batteries up to 110ah - is it powerful enough?


    That charger will certainly maintain your battery but it does not have sufficient output to bring it back to fully charged from a fully or close to fully discharged state without the risk of some sulfation which is a big enemy of leisure

    Please tell me what charger you have in your van and why you think you need a separate charger.  

    I have a Nordelettronica NE213-12

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