Radoi/CD/DVD player

Dick Nicholson
Dick Nicholson Forum Participant Posts: 1
edited July 2016 in Parts & Accessories #1

My Bailey Senator has a "car radio" style combined radio/CD/DVD player, which links to the TV. It regularly swallows discs and, looking online, this is a common problem. The service engineer recommends a new untit, but which one and where do I get it from?
Bailey will no doubt charge a fortune!


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2016 #2

    Was it fitted as built or is it an after market instalation?, I would think any car radio with with same set up would just plug into the  multiplug lead 

  • Simon100
    Simon100 Club Member Posts: 669
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited July 2016 #3

    Most car radios use an ISO connector which has standard pins for power, speakers etc. Take your radio out and go to Halfords who will be able to provide you with a new radio and ensure that you can just plug the new radio back into the existing connection. You will also have to remove the 'cage' which retains the existing radio and put in one for the new radio. This is not difficult. I have swapped radios many times.

  • Richard M
    Richard M Forum Participant Posts: 41
    edited July 2016 #4

    As you say it plays DVD's and sends the pic. to your TV, it must have a video output. Lots on ebay so it should not be a problem to source a replacement