It should be compulsory



  • dwlgll20
    dwlgll20 Forum Participant Posts: 139
    edited April 2016 #32

    Mollysmum. I'm a bit confused with your reply to me 'I was just following on from your sweeping statement...' I had never made a comment before you on this discussion so I don't know how you were '...just following on from your sweeping statement...'

  • EJB986
    EJB986 Forum Participant Posts: 1,153
    edited April 2016 #33

    I presume the new high caravan road tax will pay for the new tests and examinations?Winking

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited April 2016 #34

    If anybody attends a towing course they learn the rudiments of towing. which includes reversing. 

    Attending one course alone, does not make you a better caravanner. 

    Practice,practice, practice. is what make people proficient. 

    There are plenty of open spaces,:- Industrial estates at the weekend, Car parks at quiet times ETC where the inexperienced Caravanner can hone their manouvering skills to their heart's content. 

    Hitch up the van and spend a couple of hours or so practicing. every so often

    Soon they will be able to carry out those manouvers which they thought they could never do. 


  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited April 2016 #35

    Mollysmum. I'm a bit confused with your reply to me 'I was just following on from your sweeping statement...' I had never made a comment before you on this discussion so I don't know how you were '...just following on from your sweeping statement...'

    Just a bit of innocent 'old age' confusion with who quoted what by MM EmbarassedLaughing He's usually on the ball so blame the tablets Winking

    Although in his defence, this forum does make it difficult in who posted what, sometimes if you backspace too far a reply will become an extension of the quote Sad

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited April 2016 #36

    dwlg .... apologies Embarassed 

    My reply should have been to Brian & Elaine .... I'm on my phone and as Dave suggested, your reply got tied up in the quote lines.

    Sorry Laughing

  • KountryLite
    KountryLite Forum Participant Posts: 21
    edited April 2016 #37

    If anybody attends a towing course they learn the rudiments of towing. which includes reversing. 

    Attending one course alone, does not make you a better caravanner. 

    Practice,practice, practice. is what make people proficient. 

    There are plenty of open spaces,:- Industrial estates at the weekend, Car parks at quiet times ETC where the inexperienced Caravanner can hone their manouvering skills to their heart's content. 

    Hitch up the van and spend a couple of hours or so practicing. every so often

    Soon they will be able to carry out those manouvers which they thought they could never do. 


    I couldn't agree more. Reversing is not a black art. as with most things in life you have to practise, practise practise