Owner Friendliness
Hi All, on my first drive from collecting my MH and then my subsequent travelling for first stay, i must admit i couldnt believe the friendliness of other MH's. Passing on all types of road the majority of MH owners waving a hello. Is this a common occurence
all over the country?
Was nice to see over the normal gestures seen by other car drivers.
At low speed I will acknowledge any vehicle which gives way to me on a narrow road ....
IF safe to do so. However at all other times I would prefer people to keep their attention on the road and their hands on the wheel.0 -
Nooooo! Not again.
Nail on head, Vic.
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We wave as often as possible when a MH is seen.
It's not a wildly waving arm as if you were waving off a loved one at the station or off first time to school but more a wave of acknowledgement at a fellow traveller.
Perhaps just a hand raised, the other hand firmly gripping the steering wheel, as a gesture of goodwill as we wend our way around the UK and abroad.
A small band of colleagues united in our form of transport, how many times do you see Bus Drivers give similar signs to each other, who wish each other well on these crowded roads we travel.
Some days we get almost a 100% response and other days much less so but on every journey we do have some reaction to our waves and they are always thankfully received by ourselves.
And, yes, I have once or twice waved at a Tesco type vehicle, and a few Horsebox drivers might have wondered why they'd had a wave, but generally it's the MH community that have been the target of our waves.
Thank you to all who have waved back at us.
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When travelling northbound on the D9001 in France last week, one enthousiastic (southbound) UK plated motorhomer flashed his lights AND waved!
Then you ran into the speed trap he was warning you about?
Not at all; one thing we do is keep to the speed limit, to the apparent annoyance of some drivers behind, who seem to think the 50kph speed limits in towns and villages aren't the maximum speed limits.
One GB plated car had his day spoiled on that route though, by being stopped by a couple of speed checking gendarmes.
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I'd read this thread previously with interest in the varying views. Personally I am a waver, as an acknwledgement of the camaraderie that in my short experience I have found to exist, provided the circumstances permit it. But I accept many will not feel
it appropriate to respond.I just wanted to add to the discussion that professional drivers, including emergency services, consider it appropriate to acknowledge kindred spirits when circumstances permit. While we might wave to a Tesco van an ambulance driver ackowledges Morrison's
vehicles!0 -
If anyone waves AND flashes the lights it's probably they haven't sobered up from last night and the driver is a bit confused.
But usually in France anyone flashing their lights means slow down - Monsieur Plod is just ahead.
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Sorry InaD....it was a joke
I realised that
it just made me think about the times we've been tailgated by a vehicle behind when on a stretch of 50kph road,
and I was typing out loud I suppose. We've been flashed loads of times in our 30+ years in France to know that before long there'll be a gendarme with a speedgun at the side of the road somewhere. Don't do flashing ourselves though, only waving0