Faulty Reversing Camera

hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
500 Likes 1000 Comments
edited September 2016 in Motorhomes #1

Shortly after we took delivery of our AutoSleepers Broadway the reversing camera stopped working. Took it back to Marquis who spent a lot of time on it and concluded that a new camera was needed. As this involved cutting inside the van at the back of a cupboard
they suggested taking it back to the AS factory who would effectively be able to do an invisible repair with matching materials. Of course, the inevitable happened. Got to the factory and it worked perfectly!

It is now giving what I would call "inverse video"; very strange colours which make it impossible to see the image clearly. It is booked in to go back to the factory but as it is an intermittent fault I am being told that they can't do much unless the fault
is there when I arrive because it could be the monitor or the camera.

Anybody experienced this fault and what are the views on the intermittent fault - should they just replace all the possible faulty elements? It is a two hour plus journey each way so not keen to keep returning.


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2016 #2

    I would think as Maquis have looked at it when it was faulty,then they should contact Auto Sleeper to advise to change it for you(they are some how the same company)

  • peegeenine
    peegeenine Forum Participant Posts: 548
    edited September 2016 #3

    It may help if you can take a picture or video when it is playing up.I did this recently when I had a problem with the control panel. I was able to show and prove what the fault was.

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited September 2016 #4

    It may help if you can take a picture or video when it is playing up.I did this recently when I had a problem with the control panel. I was able to show and prove what the fault was.

    Excellent idea. Thanks.

  • meecee
    meecee Forum Participant Posts: 304
    edited September 2016 #5

    We had similar problems with our previous AS Broadway FB and just like you it would not happen when we took it back to the dealer under warranty, however the dealer accepted that the fault existed and arranged for an auto elecrician who re-wired the live
    power wiring to the interior cab llght.  This solved the problem completely - hope this helps.

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited September 2016 #6

    We had similar problems with our previous AS Broadway FB and just like you it would not happen when we took it back to the dealer under warranty, however the dealer accepted that the fault existed and arranged for an auto elecrician who re-wired the live
    power wiring to the interior cab llght.  This solved the problem completely - hope this helps.

    That's a surprising fault but I will follow up. Many thanks.

  • meecee
    meecee Forum Participant Posts: 304
    edited September 2016 #7

    The guy who came to our house to fix it had lots of experience fitting these cameras and said he'd met this problem various times before, it seemed to be connected with an intermittant power feed to the camera, thus the rewiring.  Sorry if this is vague, OH is at golf so I can't be more specific (he wrote the previous post.)

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited September 2016 #8

    The guy who came to our house to fix it had lots of experience fitting these cameras and said he'd met this problem various times before, it seemed to be connected with an intermittant power feed to the camera, thus the rewiring.  Sorry if this is vague,
    OH is at golf so I can't be more specific (he wrote the previous post.)

    Thanks. I am due to take it back to the factory in three weeks time so if you have any more precise information on the fault it would be appreciated. Now have a photo to prove it.

  • meecee
    meecee Forum Participant Posts: 304
    edited September 2016 #9

    We collected our new A/S Broadway FB and went for a 'shakedown' trip to Bristol. Everything worked normally but when we left the CC site we travelled no more than half a mile before the rear-view screen blanked out. I say rear view because it was allowed
    then and I left it switched on full time. I pulled in to the first lay-by and switched off the ignition, when I restarted normal service resumed but during the journey the same fault occurred a number of times. Each time switching off and restarting cured
    the fault. On occasions though grid lines or patterns appeared on screen  - I seem to remember that they were red. As you have found when I wanted to show others the fault it would not happen. Andy Diggle at Dorset Motorhomes (now Dolphin) was/is a genuinely
    helpful chap and suggested that they arrange fo an auto-electrician who fits rear view cameras for them to visit my home and try to sort it out. When he arrived he said that he had encountered the problem before and re-routed the power feed to the permanently
    live feed to the cab interior light just a few inches above the rear-view screen. This was done without any damage and was undetectable but it fixed the problem permanently. I am not an expert but it seems that the screen was sensitive to power fluctuations
    in normal driving situations and using a 'local' power feed was immune. It may all be totally irrelevant to your problem but I hope it helps.  (meecee's OH)

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited September 2016 #10

    We collected our new A/S Broadway FB and went for a 'shakedown' trip to Bristol. Everything worked normally but when we left the CC site we travelled no more than half a mile before the rear-view screen blanked out. I say rear view because it was allowed
    then and I left it switched on full time. I pulled in to the first lay-by and switched off the ignition, when I restarted normal service resumed but during the journey the same fault occurred a number of times. Each time switching off and restarting cured
    the fault. On occasions though grid lines or patterns appeared on screen  - I seem to remember that they were red. As you have found when I wanted to show others the fault it would not happen. Andy Diggle at Dorset Motorhomes (now Dolphin) was/is a genuinely
    helpful chap and suggested that they arrange fo an auto-electrician who fits rear view cameras for them to visit my home and try to sort it out. When he arrived he said that he had encountered the problem before and re-routed the power feed to the permanently
    live feed to the cab interior light just a few inches above the rear-view screen. This was done without any damage and was undetectable but it fixed the problem permanently. I am not an expert but it seems that the screen was sensitive to power fluctuations
    in normal driving situations and using a 'local' power feed was immune. It may all be totally irrelevant to your problem but I hope it helps.  (meecee's OH)

    Many thanks. Helpful background; I'll see how I get on.

  • meecee
    meecee Forum Participant Posts: 304
    edited October 2016 #11

    Hitchglitch, did you have any luck with your reversing camera?

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited October 2016 #12

    Thanks for asking meecee. I followed the advice and took a photo of the monitor which seemed to have "inverse video". Straight away the service manager at the AS factory when he saw the photo (because of course the fault had disappeared!) suspected that
    the monitor was faulty. They removed it and found that the wiring to the microphone (not used) was touching the monitor and causing the problem. Replacement monitor fixed it.

    They also fixed a few minor niggles and one surprising fault. There is a Whale mains filler which shuts off when the fresh water tank is full. I have only used it twice (hose is simpler) but on the last occasion it failed to cut out and water spewed out
    from the tank overflow. I only mentioned it in passing but it seems the level switch is a bit high so if you are on a slope it may not shut the inlet off. They fitted a lower level switch.

    So it was an excellent visit and I got a full English just up the road in the General Stores which is the only shop in Willersey and has a cafe at the back. Quite a pleasant experience apart from the journey. A fatal accident caused a massive detour through
    tiny Cotswald villages stuck behind 40 ton lorries.


  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited October 2016 #13

     ..... Quite a pleasant experience apart from the journey.  .....


    It could have been worse ..... you could have been fatality Surprised

  • meecee
    meecee Forum Participant Posts: 304
    edited October 2016 #14

    Thanks for your reply Hitch - taking note of the Whale problem just in case!