Motor home servicing in Leicester

Not sure if in the right place for this but here goes; we have just changed to a Transit based motor home from a caravan and are very pleased with it.
I have been using a local mechanic for many years and have complete confidence in him and he does service some commercials including transits but unfortunately he cannot handle my motor home it is just too long for his ramp.
He is also a one man band and not VAT registered, the servicing has to be from a VAT registered garage to keep the 3 year warrantee I have with the van. It would also need to have any repairs made to it if I need to claim under warrantee at a VAT registered
I live in the Leicester city area, I have found a few places that can service Motorhome’s on Google but before I go and stick a pin in a list I was just wondering if there are any Leicester motor home owners with recommendations (good or bad)
Word of mouth is the best means of advertising so if anyone has found a reliable Vat registered garage please let me know
Many thanks
A bit off topic but may I suggest that you fit some extra security features to your new MH. Ford Transit based ones are one of the easiest to steal. You can buy the lock pick on EBay for a couple of £ and the software is readily available to add new keys
to the system. I frequent another MH Forum and all the ones that have been reported as stolen recently are all Ford Based. Even Admin on the site nearly lost his.Steering locks etc are easy to remove with portable angle grinders so you need to get inventive with hidden switches etc.
Good luck with your MH hope you find someone to do the servicing. I would recommend ours in Nottingham but they only deal in Fiat and you need a Ford Commercial for the size of vehicle.
Don't know how old it is but if its newish you may also need a damp report for the guarantee.