Tips for storing over winter
New to motorhome ownership and would like any tips on how best to store our motorhome. Hoping to store Nov-Feb only. What cover should be get? Do you start her up once in a while(obviously without a cover on). All tips and advice gratefully received. Thanks
Over winter 2014/2015 when Margaret had her bypass operation we did not use the van for five months from November to April. Fortunately I can connect to the house electrics so I can keep the leisure battery topped up and I also have a Battery Master fitted which also keeps the cab battery charged. But the main thing I did was to, at least, once a month take it out for a 20 miles run which helps keep everything in order. Have never covered the van as in normal circumstances we use it all year.
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Commercial vehicles (thats what your M/H is) are not designed to be idle. Problems can arise such as brake disk corrosion and premature tyre wear just because the van is sitting and the tyres in one place. If circumstances (and weather) allow use it or at
least drive it. We inspect our van every two weeks and don't leave it without moving it at least every three weeks. If you have access to electricity at your storage then trickle charge the habitation and vehicle batteries. Not so easy if you haven't and your
batteries will go down due to cold/natural discharge and if anything is drawing current e.g. alarm but a solar panel (suitably configured ) will help.There are many views about covers but mine in that they are more trouble than they are worth partially because any dirt/grit etc on the surface of your van trapped under the cover can act as an abrasive. additionally it may be
better to let the vehicle breathe. A good coat of wax may however help to protect the paint over the winter.In cold weather chock your wheels and leave van in gear do NOT apply handbrake which can become frozen on. Don't use electric windows or electric folding mirrors or wipers when van is frozen without thawing them well first.
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Trouble with covers is that if it does not fit perfectly they can cause more damage than they may save. Decent polish will keep it looking good and using it is even better. Nothing like waking up in the morning with snow everywhere. We have been to the cost
at Christmas and New Year.0 -
Hello Spangle. Use the motohome if only for days out. If you store it for 4 months, the mechanics may seize up and rust will happily take hold. Chock the wheels and leave the handbrake off. I would not recommend a cover. To fully protect your motorhome for 4 months of minimal use, is hard work. And if you have a DPF, you can really knacker it by just turning over the engine occasionally. It needs a good run.
Motorhoming through the winter on sites is pleasant if you ready the van so don't discount the opportunity. Think bracing walks, home made soup and bread [we take ours with us], casseroles [again taken with us], hot cuppas and cake.
One of my fondest memories is standing outside the motorhome in the heavy frost. I had a hot bacon butty in one hand and a steaming mug of tea in the other. Coming along the railway line just over the fence was a Class 5 steam engine pulling a rake of coaches up the incline [Bury CC].