Making the move from Caravan to Motorhome
Kj, I think you are right to be unsure about changing to a M/H. There is no doubt that you will miss the room/space that your T/A gives you, you will also miss having a car to sightsee in, go to the shops in. I think I'm right in that neither of you ride bikes so everything will have to be done on foot. Thinking about this years holiday where you had a fair bit of rain, you just took the car out for the day, think about what you would do if it had been a M/H. Yes there are some that say just take the M/H out, it can be done but its an awful palarver putting everything away. As you often use the facilities in the van for showering it will mean that you have to either carry a wastemaster type container or move the van every 3/4 days to empty the waste water and fill up with fresh. If you are not going to stay on site anymore than 3/4 days this isn't a problem, likewise shopping, just do it as you move between sites. Sightseeing can be done between moves aswell but it does mean that your stays on sights are not long stays, this can be tiring if you are spending a lot of time driving each day (and we are younger) We have had the M/H for 4 years now and I don't miss having to do the water barrels etc. but on a 3 month holiday there are times that you want to stay put for awhile and the M/H brings its own problems, they are meant for short stays. I also think its a misconception that moving to M/H when you are getting older is the right thing to do, if you are not physically fit then it will affect how you sightsee.
This is not trying to put you off but I think it is a very big decision to make and probably you should try a M/H for a short break away to give you the feel of how things are done differantly. The other way is to go over your last holiday and imagine it from a M/H point of view.
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I changed to the M/H a couple of months ago ,and should have done it a couple of years ago , the fact that we can just jump in it and drive down to the coast for the day at a moments notice , we have the M/H ready to go all the time , so many plans ,but
not enough time , it's work that gets in the way0 -
After having 2 Motorhomes we changed to a caravan...which lasted 18 months and then we changed back to a motorhome. We're both working and can only get away for weekends, sometimes just for the Sat night. We can do this in a motorhome but not with a caravan,
it wasn't worth the hassle. We also use the motorhome to visit my Mum and our eldest daughter, both of whom live miles away from us. If we do holiday for a week or more I just hire a car wherever we are.0 -
The longest we go away for is about 6 nights, the majority of our breaks have been 3 or 4 nights away.
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We use a bucket for the waste water. We have an Aquaroll for filling the fresh. Sometimes we are stood for two or three weeks, so these accessories take care of the plumbing.
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All points raised will help Kj make an informed decision. My post was coming from our own experiance as former tuggers for 33 years. Kj has spoken of a desire to retain a full end bathroom as they use theirs all the time, this is where having waste water
and fresh water containers to top up come in handy. We have 2 long hoses that we can fasten together so usually top up the fresh tank that way if we are going to be in one place for a long time. The waste is a 20l flat black container, OH empties it regularly,
but we rarely shower/wash dishes in the van when abroad, unlike Kj. What I was keen to point out is that as you get older, some folk think that moving to a M/H will solve all the problems that they wish to get away from, like filling and emptying water containers,
however as pointed out that is not always the case. I will say that stopping en route for a break is much easier with a M/H especially if it is rainingthere
is no getting out of the car and into the caravan in the wet. Likewise if you arrive on site and its raining just find a pitch and park up, as Hitch says plug in the electrics later, no having to get out and park the caravan in the rain, wind down the legs
etc. Some things are much easier with a M/H, but lets not always look through rose tinted glasses. For those that have caravaned for years going to a M/H is a learning curve, some adapt to it (Hitch & Husky seem to have) others don't adapt and find themselves
moving back to a caravan. If you move back having got rid of the big tow car it can be an expensive mistake.We met a couple while away this year who had gone from caravan to M/H, it isn't working out for them as his wife is in the early stages of dementia. They have a little dog with them aswell, it was very hard work for the man as he had to do all the driving,
cooking, water carrying (wife showered in van) it was awkward for them to go out sightseeing, shopping if it wasn't close was difficult as he couldn't leave her in the van, awkwarkd to take dog. They are on the verge of giving up all together, but I think
they might go back to a caravan as we pointed out you will have a car to get around in, that should make things easier.Having met Kj and his OH I know they will take their time weigh up all that has been posted and make an informed choice.
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I am interested to know why Kjell, or at least his wife, is considering a motorhome? We never owned a twin axle caravan but our last caravan was as long as you could get without being a twin axle. It had a fixed bed and rear washroom which was very nice. We now have a Bailey 740 which has a fixed bed but a side washroom which is not much smaller than the one we had in the caravan. We have a large lounge area made larger because we can also employ the cab seats. The kitchen is a decent size and we have a massive fridge/freezer. so overall we are not disadvantaged compare to our previous caravan. OK we don't have automatic transmission which would be nice but I seem to have driven 15000 miles perfectly OK without it. For anyone thinking of changing it can't be done on a whim there has to be concrete reasons for doing so. If transport whilst on site is likely to be a difficulty perhaps a car and caravan is still the best option?
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Hi, we moved over to the Dark Side ( to quote my caravanning friend) after 25 years of towing, to make things easier (no steadies,aquaroll etc ). We basically wanted the same layout as our last caravan ( Alpine 2 ) , and after 6 months of looking at as many
models as we could we settled on the Bailey 635 which is very similar but roomier, albeit a slightly smaller washroom. Have to say i'm very pleased with it , nice to drive, no rattles, and no problems to date, a few niggles were put right when we collected
from our dealer. Only down side is the lack of towcar for trips off, but as we always try to book sites with close public transport links hopfully this won't be a problem.0 -
OK, so 2 attempts later......
Why are we considering changing?......
Main reason is our towcar, a Volvo XC 90. We have had nothing but trouble with it since we got it. Sooooo disappointing! Over the last 45 years we have had a total of 10 Volvos (often 2 or 3 at a time) in the family (bought by us). This XC90 has had more
wrong with it than all our other ones put together, so we are totally fed up with it.A new towcar to tug 1900kgs is not going to be cheap, the choice will be very limited.
Even if we get a new car (min £35k) we will still have a 9 year old caravan, so why not go for broke with a new MH?!!
A MH will mean an easier set up, easier all round we think, or at least OH thinks!
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OH has a (invisible)medical disability, and now she has had to have a half shoulder replacement, due to a fall, she needs me to help her with showereing. This is a serious set-back for her, and has definately knocked her confidence. She hates fuss, but
she needs certain facilities.So we need a good shower cubicle, a wet room is NOT an option.
We need good space in the van/MH as we do long trips and have a reasonable amount of stuff with us. Good storage for some outside stuff is also essential.
We want a fixed bed. A bed that does not need a ladder to get into as joints are a bit creaky.
Otherwise we like a BIG fridge, some decent kitchen space as we rarely eat out, and the ability to fit air con is essential, as is a wind out fixed awning.
Plus we would like to be able to take the grandchildren (2) along occasionally.
Alde heating would be preferable as we really like it.
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Kj the type of M/H you are looking for could be double that. Having said that have you considered the Bursner Nexxo Sovereign t720 twin beds or the t740 island bed, the 720 has a rear washroom while the 740 has a rear bedroom and shower one side and the toilet and sink other side the door goes across the van making it a nice large ensuite.
We saw them at the Glasgow show they also do a garage version but the beds are high on that model.
If we were changing ours it would be for the t720
Edit. just seen your latest post, the Bursners come with an awning fitted as standard, the version I quoted is a 2 berth but they may do a 4 berth model.
The t720 and t740 are low beds not high ones, they have huge storage underneath.
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Oh! .......
And we already have a tiny Smart car, so would get a trailer so we can tow it behind a MH.
And automatic transmission is essential, we have driven nothing else since 1972, though we both have full manual licences.
We would only buy new, we have not had good experiences with second hand purchases.
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Price....hmmmmm...yes it is not going to be cheap! Up to £80k is do-able as we would sell the caravan, which would raise maybe £10k
We might as well spend it now as it go to pay for our "care" in 10 years time!!
With no trade in we would hope to get a better deal?
Air con and gaslow systen we would swap from caravan.
The main problem with the conti vans is they do not seem to use the Alde heating?
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OK, so 2 attempts later......
Why are we considering changing?......
Main reason is our towcar, a Volvo XC 90. We have had nothing but trouble with it since we got it. Sooooo disappointing! Over the last 45 years we have had a total of 10 Volvos (often 2 or 3 at a time) in the family (bought by us). This XC90 has had more
wrong with it than all our other ones put together, so we are totally fed up with it.A new towcar to tug 1900kgs is not going to be cheap, the choice will be very limited.
Even if we get a new car (min £35k) we will still have a 9 year old caravan, so why not go for broke with a new MH?!!
A MH will mean an easier set up, easier all round we think, or at least OH thinks!
It was for similar reasons that we finally made the decision to change to a motorhome although we had been thinking about it for sometime. The thought of replacing the Kia Sorento automatic , which incidentally had proved an
exemplary towcar and very reliable, but as you say expensive to replace. We did the sums and thought we could just about to afford to make the change and have been pleased that we did. Re your licence, did you keep proof that you were originally had the
higher entitlement? If so you could discuss with the DVLA if you could reclaim it. If you don't have proof it could be much more difficult. It would then give you more freedom of choice?David
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Price....hmmmmm...yes it is not going to be cheap! Up to £80k is do-able as we would sell the caravan, which would raise maybe £10k
We might as well spend it now as it go to pay for our "care" in 10 years time!!
With no trade in we would hope to get a better deal?
Air con and gaslow systen we would swap from caravan.
The main problem with the conti vans is they do not seem to use the Alde heating?
We had the Alde system on our caravan and were apprehensive about switching to blown air but have found that the Auto-Sleepers is better insulated and more compact so the Alde is really not necessary.
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Price....hmmmmm...yes it is not going to be cheap! Up to £80k is do-able as we would sell the caravan, which would raise maybe £10k
We might as well spend it now as it go to pay for our "care" in 10 years time!!
With no trade in we would hope to get a better deal?
Air con and gaslow systen we would swap from caravan.
The main problem with the conti vans is they do not seem to use the Alde heating?
We had the Alde system on our caravan and were apprehensive about switching to blown air but have found that the Auto-Sleepers is better insulated and more compact so the Alde is really not necessary.
We have been pleased with the insulation on our latest Autosleeper. Just by chance it was a Mercedes automatic which has made things better and easier. The cab insulation is much better than our the previous Peugeot. OH, (the authority from on high
) now says he wants to stick with Mercedes or possibly Ford. There are a lot of things to consider, not just the van design itself but also the base vehicle.
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Mine were just general comments as the thread was started by Catherinef so there are all sorts of options to consider for all concerned. Happy van hunting! It's definitely worth going to one of the shows or big dealerships to get the feel for all the different
types of van available.0