LED Awning Light

S6 Kevin
S6 Kevin Forum Participant Posts: 35
edited June 2016 in Motorhomes #1

I have recently purchased a Swift Sundance which is just over 3 years old. I have to say I'm very pleased with it.

On our last trip I encountered a minor problem. The LED awning used to come on when the motorhome was locked/unlocked via the remote, stayed on for about 30 seconds. It does work via the control panel switch. All other functions still work. As I'm along
way from the dealer I wondered if anybody else had encountered this issue and the solution. Thank you, Kevin


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited June 2016 #2
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • S6 Kevin
    S6 Kevin Forum Participant Posts: 35
    edited June 2016 #3

    Thanks Deleted UserUser, I'll give it a go when I'm next at the storage site. Regards Kevin

  • legacyman
    legacyman Club Member Posts: 24
    edited June 2016 #4

    Hi Kevin

    I too have a (nearly 3 years old) Sundance with exactly the same problem. The settings are made in the advanced settings of the PSU and also give the option of auto step operation. However whatever I set, the operation is erratic, sometimes it works as advertised,
    other times it doesn't. But like you the independent operation of the awning light is fine. I emailed Sargent (the makers of the PSU and control panel) and they said: "

    The light control uses the same signals from the base vehicle as the step operation; if the step is also exhibiting unusual behaviour then it would suggest checking the signals from the base vehicle first to eliminate this being the problem.

     If you are only getting lighting problems but the step operation is unaffected if set up (i.e. if the step automation is set to ‘both’ in the advanced menu) so that when locked the step goes in and stays in
    and if unlocked it goes out and stays out.  Then this points to there being a problem with the PSU which will require replacement."

    So in my case it suggests a "vehicle" type issue, I suspect a sticky relay somewhere - there my diagnostics ceased. It is presently in with the dealer for some other remedial work so I have asked them to take
    a look. I will report back if they find a solution.


  • S6 Kevin
    S6 Kevin Forum Participant Posts: 35
    edited June 2016 #5

    Thanks for this Legacyman. Do I assume this advanced menu is only available to Dealers?

    Deleted UserUser. I have tried your suggestion but no go. Thanks anyway

    The plot thickens.....

  • S6 Kevin
    S6 Kevin Forum Participant Posts: 35
    edited June 2016 #6

    Legacyman, now found a pdf on the Sargent site relating to the Advanced Options and how to access them. I'll try when next over at 'Betsy'

    Fingers Crossed

  • legacyman
    legacyman Club Member Posts: 24
    edited June 2016 #7

    Hi Kevin, As you've probably now read, a long press of the yellow button switches from Basic to Advanced settings. Good luck! Let us know how you get on.

  • S6 Kevin
    S6 Kevin Forum Participant Posts: 35
    edited June 2016 #8

    Legacyman, I had a response from Swift, they just enclosed the exact same Advanced Dealer Settings sheet as I had previously found on the Sargent web site.

    I've now checked these settings and discovered my PSU is exhibiting the same symptons as yours.

    When the Step is set to None the step operates via the manual switch. It also retracts when the vehicle is started. All fine. When set to Lock, Unlock or Both it retracts straight away.

    When the PSU is initialy switched on, via the System Shutdown, both the awning and entry light switch on for 30 seconds. As they switch off you can hear a relay in the PSU. All other menu options of awning light operation have no effect. Both lights operate

    I'll get back to the dealer with my latest findings and let you know the outcome.

  • royandsharont
    royandsharont Forum Participant Posts: 735
    edited June 2016 #9

    My swift MH light comes on when I use the central locking. I thought it was supposed to do that to give a courtesy light for getting into the van or out of it before setting off to see all was OK. I don't see it as a problem at all but a convenient addition.
    Regards Roy 

  • S6 Kevin
    S6 Kevin Forum Participant Posts: 35
    edited June 2016 #10

    Agreed Roy, in itself not an issue. My dealer has been in touch with Sargent, the PSU manufacturers, and think's he now has a fix. My concern is that there may be more important problems with the PSU around the corner. Back to the dealer in a couple of weeks

  • royandsharont
    royandsharont Forum Participant Posts: 735
    edited June 2016 #11

    I have just read your original post again Kevin

    ....The LED awning used to come on when the motorhome was locked/unlocked via the remote, stayed on for about 30 seconds......

    Are you saying that your van always did have the awning light come on, like a courtesy light, and then when you were away recenty it went faulty by no longer coming on with the remote?

    I look forward to hearing more about these advanced settings, I have not personally done anything with the PSU other than read the battery levels so am interested to hear what you can do. Regards, Roy

  • S6 Kevin
    S6 Kevin Forum Participant Posts: 35
    edited June 2016 #12

    Correct Roy, it used to function as discribed but has now stopped working. If you want to email me I can send you the relevant page from the 'Dealer Settings' outlining all the options.


    Happy Fiddling

  • S6 Kevin
    S6 Kevin Forum Participant Posts: 35
    edited June 2016 #13
  • royandsharont
    royandsharont Forum Participant Posts: 735
    edited June 2016 #14

    Thanks for the offer Kevin but I have found it on the Sargent's website. Regards, Roy

  • legacyman
    legacyman Club Member Posts: 24
    edited June 2016 #15

    Update from me - of course the light behaved properly when it went to the dealer, so no fault found. They did say they thought it might be battery voltage related (ie might not work if battery voltage low) but as we always have ehu connected on site I think
    this is unlikely. We are doing a few trips over next couple of months so will see how it behaves.

  • S6 Kevin
    S6 Kevin Forum Participant Posts: 35
    edited June 2016 #16

    Off to my Dealer on Friday with a couple of minor issues. With regards to the light/step my Dealer has been in contact with Sargent. They suggested it could be the 'relay board' located behind the fuse panel. I'll let you know the outcome.

  • S6 Kevin
    S6 Kevin Forum Participant Posts: 35
    edited July 2016 #17

    Update: Dealer replaced the Sargent PSU and now all working as it should. Happy Camper