Water Tank filler hose.

Martatin Club Member Posts: 307
edited March 2016 in Motorhomes #1

What lenght of hose do I need to get for filling my motorhome water tank was thinking of 5 metres? Any views or advice.


  • JD6620
    JD6620 Forum Participant Posts: 202
    edited March 2016 #2

    The hose I use is 10 metres.  5 metres might be a bit short if you can't get close enough to the tap.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2016 #3

    Mines  more  like  Three ( 3 )  yards  long,  but  then  I am  often  to  be  seen    with  my  bright  red  watering  can { from  the  Garden  Centre  by  Ferry  Meadows }  and  heard  moaning  about  the  vast  quantities  of  water  that  my  tomatoes 
    &  cucumbers  drink  Surprised


  • royandsharont
    royandsharont Forum Participant Posts: 735
    edited March 2016 #4

    I use a 5m hose but also have a second 10m hose available, both food grade, and connect them. I generally fill my tank when on site using a 15L container if needed but if I have a tap on the pitch I have always used the hose. I think I have only ever
    had to connect the two to do this twice in the past 3 years. Regards, Roy

  • Aspenshaw
    Aspenshaw Forum Participant Posts: 611
    edited April 2016 #5

    We reckon on a hose equivalent to the length, height, and width of our motorhome - in the current case 12m. We'd need 17m to fill the tank from our external water point at home.

    A good idea is to buy a 15m hose and split it two thirds/one third with connectors.

    For many years, we used a 25l water container which we were able to empty into the motorhome's fresh water tank from the internal access point.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited April 2016 #6

    I have seen "flat" hose on a real ,is it any good or is it better to stick with "round" hose ?????

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2016 #7

    A  lot  of  the  "Round Hose"  folk  swear  by  the  Food  Grade  Stuff,  Huskypup.  the  flat  hose  would  be  difficult  to  clean  properly,  I  think.  I  suppose  if  you  always  store  it  in  an  air-tight  bag  or  similar  you  could  always  change  it  annually,  depending  on  how  much  it  costs.


    P.S.  Be  prepared  to  duck  if  Valda  sees  this  thread  tho' Surprised --  the  lady  had  problems  with  dodgy  water  and  so  she  now  has  decidedly  hardline  views  on  this  subject  !!  And,  in  truth,  nobody  could  blame  her.


  • JimE
    JimE Club Member Posts: 389
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    edited April 2016 #8

    I have a 15m food grade hose cut into 10m and 5m lengths and this has always done the job for me during 5 years with my current MH.

    I found it particularly useful when staying in Spain for 10 weeks this year, as some pitches have their own water supply so I sometimes needed my hose to cover the length of my MH (8m) plus the width (2.3m), plus the extra distance to the tap.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited April 2016 #9

    We have the filler hose that comes with the van 7m and a 20m hose on a reel (sits behind my seat in the cab) we've used the 2 connected together on sites abroad a few times rather than move the van, not needed to do that in the UK as we never stay anywhere
    long enough, we just fill up on arrival and dump waste on the way out. We don't drink water from the tank as we use a seperate container for that.

  • Aspenshaw
    Aspenshaw Forum Participant Posts: 611
    edited April 2016 #10

    Flat hoses on a reel work well. As you wind in the hose in  the reel, the hose is tightened and the excess water is expelled. Never needed to clean the flat hose we had for over 10 years even though we cleaned the fresh water tank every year. We have just replaced the flat hose with another.

    Watch out for the 'flat' hoses which are three separate tubes for water to flow through. They do what they advertise but are just very slow when it comes to filling a motorhome tank.

    We've had flat hose and round hose. Both worked fine although a round hose takes up more space in the van.


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2016 #11

    I  don't  drink  from  the  water  tank  either  TG,  I  tend  to  use  a  cup ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

  • Martatin
    Martatin Club Member Posts: 307
    edited April 2016 #12

    Thanks for all the advice have been told my new motorhome will not be supplied with a filler hose so will go for 10 metres to start with.

  • ADP1963
    ADP1963 Club Member Posts: 1,280
    edited April 2016 #13

    I  don't  drink  from  the  water  tank  either  TG,  I  tend  to  use  a  cup ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

    Write your comments here...Ahh ABM ....."but does your cup runneth over !"    Wink

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2016 #14

    Thats  purely  for  me  to  know,  and  you  to  be  wary  of Tongue Out

    L O L !!

  • ADP1963
    ADP1963 Club Member Posts: 1,280
    edited April 2016 #15

    Thats  purely  for  me  to  know,  and  you  to  be  wary  of Tongue Out

    L O L !!

    Write your comments here...SadDon't cry

  • Stewartwebr
    Stewartwebr Forum Participant Posts: 171
    edited April 2016 #16

    We have gone through a number of the blue roll flat food grade hoses over the years. We get about 5 years out of one before they start to spring pin hole leaks.

    I bought a number of the cheap expanding hoses about 2 years ago and they are great. They are not food grade, but we only drink the water when boiled for tea or coffee and have had no issues.

    I have one 10m one which must be about 2m when stored and I have 2 x 25m ones which pack into a very small space. They are great and I have never been anywhere where I cannot top up. Last year I topped up my tank at the Peterborough show, alnog with almost
    everyone around me from the tap which must have been 50m away.

    The secret to these hoses is to build the pressure up slowly allowing them to expand. Once the pressure of the water is off they shrink back into shape for very easy storage.

    Ebay is full of them. I bought a few spares for almost pennies.

  • Hurl
    Hurl Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited April 2016 #17

    By default feel able to respond to this question; ideally, purchase a flat hose 25 mtre length.  This saves on space, on the reel, and you need 25 metres in most places to be sure of the reach.  Even some UK sites this is inadequate, especially, when the
    site puts the water pipe on a downhill slope and you need to fill a motorhome,,,,,even filling outside down out driveway to the road, takes all of this length.