Majestic 125 Awning

Forum Participant Posts: 11
I purchased a Majestic 125 in December 15, we did a 5 day away break to try the van out over Xmas and solved most problems before 2 months away in the the south of Spain. Now suitably set up near Estapona I decided to wind out the awning. To my horror the
habitation door fouls the awning supports, in my view the awning box had been positioned incorrectly as it is only 2 inches above the door frame. When you try to open the awning with the door open it immediatly rest on the top of the door. With the door closed
no problem, but you do need to go in and out of the van!!! I will be contacting Elddis today but has anyone come across this problem? Our last motorhome had a sliding door (van conversion) so we never had a problem.