Worktop repair
Hi can anyone recommend where I can get my workto- repaired. My husband's weather station dropped off the wall and the corner of it hit the to so hard it put a perfect square hole in it. Thanks
We've used a polyester resin ie car or wood filler based on a polyester resin with a thickening element, mixed with a tiny quantity of car cellulose spray to match the colour as well as possible. Wood fillers tend to be based on a fawn colour, while car
fillers are based on grey. These fillers adhere well but are designed to be sanded once they have hardened, which you need to avoid. If you apply wax, not silicone, to a smooth clear plastic surface you should be able to press the filler into the hollow worktop,
so as to leave a smooth surface. Any lips left afterwards can be very carefully shaved away with a Stanley knife blade slicing across the surface. It'll take time and care, but a very good result can be achieved.0