The things that really wind me up!
I'm a fairly laid back person so very little bothers me unless one of my family is unwell.
It's politics I enjoy arguing about but don't do it on this forum as it is disallowed.
not wishing to argue about it but wouldn't discussing be a more appropriate word?
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Americanisms, American spellings and American date formats eg people give a date as Sept 25th .... it's 25th of Sept, and 911 is 9th of Nov in the rest of the world .....
Mmm its a bit of a mixed bag in reality
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It's the 23608th day of her sovereign majesty Elizabeth the tooth.
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Thanks for that CJ I didn't realize that the phrase had been around that long
it takes me a while to catch up but I have been around
since the mid 1940s.Neither did I!