What the heck next
front page of mail online , a father and fish keeper has to demolish / remove his fish pond in case a burglar falls in and drowns or hurts himself
when is this Madness going to end
The madness might end when people stop beliving everything the Daily Mail prints, read the article properly and then do some research
Write your comments here...so if it was in the sun or mirror it would be o k to believe it , another top newspaper reported today that the EU want us to drop the restriction regarding t v advertising they want us to follow suit with other EU country's to
allow t v advertising as often as they wish. At the moment we are restricted to 12 mins per hour , I will leave it to you to do the research0 -
The madness might end when people stop beliving everything the Daily Mail prints, read the article properly and then do some research
Write your comments here...so if it was in the sun or mirror it would be o k to believe it , another top newspaper reported today that the EU want us to drop the restriction regarding t v advertising they want us to follow suit with other EU country's to
allow t v advertising as often as they wish. At the moment we are restricted to 12 mins per hour , I will leave it to you to do the researchOk for Mail read Sun Mirror Express et al, all purveyors of tripe
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After 23 June?
...what's happening on 23rd June
I'm cruising down the channel to Zeebrugge with P&O.
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After 23 June?
...what's happening on 23rd June
I'm cruising down the channel to Zeebrugge with P&O.
Write your comments here..not having a good day then cyber !
All that fretting until then ? and where do you put the X , could take it with you and drop it in the channel
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I'm registered for a postal vote to cope with our abcesses, I mean absences. I don't know if this was on TV while I was in Spain but my brother sent this link to me which, coupled with today's figures, might sway/confirm peoples view.
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Friend of mine had to empty and hole a pond in his field, a pond that has been there for hundreds of years incase a child or other person drowned in it, even though that child or person would have entered illegally.
So I believe the story. Welcome to Britain!
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I'm registered for a postal vote to cope with our abcesses, I mean absences. I don't know if this was on TV while I was in Spain but my brother sent this link to me which, coupled with today's figures, might sway/confirm peoples view.
Write your comments here...enjoyed the link cyber , but it's now gone ......
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Roobz, maybe it's been Deleted User by the PC people
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Roobz, maybe it's been Deleted User by the PC people
Write your comments here...thought it might of. It was good anyway
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Does seem rather obsessive censorship. It was, after all, only the provision of a link not a discussion or opinion.
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I'm registered for a postal vote to cope with our abcesses, I mean absences. I don't know if this was on TV while I was in Spain but my brother sent this link to me which, coupled with today's figures, might sway/confirm peoples view.
A postal vote would arrive too close to the date for me and so I have applied for a proxy so that my eldest can cast my vote ........she is voting the same way I believe
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We all vote the same way. We put a "X" in a box.
I've yet to discover its significance for nothing much seems to change.
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1) If you did not vote, DO NOT MOAN about the result, you have had every opportunity to have your say.
2) if you voted and lost out then you were in a minority, DO NOT MOAN
3) If your vote went with the majority then it is YOU who will be blamed for all future ills.
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I don't have a vote (foreigner) but OH has elected for a proxy vote as we are in France and not home till the 29th. She also had one for the recent Scottish election, our daughter voted for her.
Apparently those in charge at our polling station had never had anyone with a proxy vote before as it caused a good deal of confusion when DD turned up to vote. Next time she goes they will know better!!
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Rather rude.
There is a lively debate on the Swift Talk forum about the referendum.......doesn't appear to have caused any offence to anyone. Perhaps they are less delicate on there?
Mrs K used to be a regular contributor on Swift Talk but tells me that it has become somewhat male dominated,especially since a certain individual joined up a few years back.
Apparently he is very forceful and highly opinionated, and thinks he knows everything and is always right!
The last straw as far as she was concerned was on some technical discussion (I cannot remember the details now) where, as the sole female contributor, she tried to help by posting what was actually the correct answer/advice and was totally ignored, with the OP instead accepting the incorrect "advice" given by this individual.
She hasn't bothered with SwiftTalk much since, which is their loss as she is a long term caravanner and has had a great deal of experience in the camping/caravanning retail sector.
I had a look at the EU discussion, i was not impressed.
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I dfon't know who is doing the opinion polls but "inners" seem very thin on the ground to me.