Dam ! Got a ticket

Rubytuesday Forum Participant Posts: 952
edited April 2016 in General Chat #1

We stopped in  Dunhelm and other stores shopping out let yesterday, one parking space available near store as disabled bays full ( son with us )   Now the AudI car in the left bay had parked at such an angle meaning we couldent park straight  ( we need the door on car to open fully for son ) so we to had to had to park over the bay line to as did for some reason the car to the right anyway we put the blue badge on , on nearing the store 2 cars in disabled bays no badge  typical! 

15 mins later on our return we have a ticket Yell hubby called the attendant and asked him why   

"Well your parked partially out of the bay " yes because "the car that side stopped us getting in straight "

yes I know i gave him a ticket to, if you knew we couldent park straight because of him why on earth did you think it right and fair to give me a ticket, we put our blue badge on because the door needs to open fully as he could see son with us with  disability im sorry about that didn't notice badge but you still wasen't in bay

o k hubby said come with me.  He took him to disabled bays where two cars were still parked without badges on asking him why he hasn't given them a ticket his reply was because he didn't walk that far down so demanded he give them tickets, we will appeal when paper work comes through

So if you were parked in disabled bays yesterday near Cardiff who got tickets GOOD have a nice day  


  • JillwithaJay
    JillwithaJay Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 2,487
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    edited April 2016 #2

    Photographs help when pleading mitigating circumstances Roobz.  Wink  Hope you get it sorted.  Some people are just selfish b***** aren't they.

    300 siggy photo 6b161378-22ab-47bd-97dd-22af5e8f67ba_zpsbtkpqljt.jpg

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited April 2016 #3

    In circumstances where others poor parking forces me to overlap the markings (not disabled), I sometimes take a piccy with my phone just in case something like that occurs while I'm away, as the evidence to why I did it could be long gone.

    Frustrating for you to say the least.

  • Rubytuesday
    Rubytuesday Forum Participant Posts: 952
    edited April 2016 #4

    We did take photos but not of the Audi who thought he was in America , as it was a private car park have since been told we could ignore it but we are not sure.Undecided
     We have read articles about these store car parks doing this , so does anyone know ? 

  • TheAdmiral
    TheAdmiral Forum Participant Posts: 506
    edited April 2016 #5

    Sorry to hear of your predicament Roobz, I would book anyone who drives into a parking space, everyone should Reverse in, as nine times out of ten they would get it right.

    I often see drivers that straddle the lines at an acute angle and get out of their car, and as they walk off I say to them, you nearly got into that parking space, mind, I have received a few black eyes for my comments, but it makes me happy, sad isn't it


  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,890
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    edited April 2016 #6

    I did get harangued just before Christmas by the driver of a vehicle that I parked next to. A Discovery is not a small size and I had it parked neatly in the middle of the allocated space equidistant from the lines.  The lady concerned had overlapped the
    line and actually left her vehicle protruding into the space I used. Fortunately, Land Rover provide wing mirrors and I had been able to enter the space even though there was an inch (her measurement) between the vehicles.

    However, as it was the festive season, I didn't point out to her that she was incompetent, but sympathised with her for someone having shunted her vehicle sideways into the adjoining space. Irony is wasted on some people!

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited April 2016 #7

    Private car park? Just don't pay it.

    Write to them and offer to reimburse them for any losses they have incurred, and no more. Which will be nothing.

    Private individuals or companies cannot 'fine' people.

  • MJ730
    MJ730 Forum Participant Posts: 184
    edited April 2016 #8


    Try going on to this web site and typing in parking in the seach bar and he gives some info on private car parks.


  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
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    edited April 2016 #9

    We stopped in  Dunhelm and other stores shopping out let yesterday, one parking space available near store as disabled bays full ( son with us )   Now the AudI car in the left bay had parked at such an angle meaning we couldent park straight  ( we need the door on car to open fully for son ) so we to had to had to park over the bay line to as did for some reason the car to the right anyway we put the blue badge on , on nearing the store 2 cars in disabled bays no badge  typical! 

    15 mins later on our return we have a ticket Yell hubby called the attendant and asked him why   

    "Well your parked partially out of the bay " yes because "the car that side stopped us getting in straight "

    yes I know i gave him a ticket to, if you knew we couldent park straight because of him why on earth did you think it right and fair to give me a ticket, we put our blue badge on because the door needs to open fully as he could see son with us with  disability im sorry about that didn't notice badge but you still wasen't in bay

    o k hubby said come with me.  He took him to disabled bays where two cars were still parked without badges on asking him why he hasn't given them a ticket his reply was because he didn't walk that far down so demanded he give them tickets, we will appeal when paper work comes through

    So if you were parked in disabled bays yesterday near Cardiff who got tickets GOOD have a nice day  

    Ha ha ha.  I have not read something so funny in a long time.  Does the parking company really think that they can process it through a court. A judge wil probably throw it out.  Have a read of the notice and see if it states that parking on a white line will incur a charge.  Painted lines on private land are nothing more than grafitti!

    It is an invoice begging for some money.  It certainly is not a ticket as it probably states at the top Parking Charge Notice and not Penalty Charge Notice!   If the latter then you have need to pay.

    Wait until you get the Notification to Keeper through the post and thsi takes about 21 days.  Once you receive it, appeal in writing and do not phone.  If your appeal is rejected request a POPLA number and then appeal to POPLA. 

    Plenty of help if you go to this forum Consumer Action Group.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited April 2016 #10

    Private car park? Just don't pay it.

    Write to them and offer to reimburse them for any losses they have incurred, and no more. Which will be nothing.

    Private individuals or companies cannot 'fine' people.

    I thought you worked for CAB Ian, their advice <HERE>

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited April 2016 #11

    Private car park? Just don't pay it.

    Write to them and offer to reimburse them for any losses they have incurred, and no more. Which will be nothing.

    Private individuals or companies cannot 'fine' people.

    I thought you worked for CAB Ian, their advice <HERE>

    That brings up the question on the loss suffered by the parking company by parking on the white line.  I am guessing that their loss is a big fat "NIL"!

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited April 2016 #12

    Private car park? Just don't pay it.

    Write to them and offer to reimburse them for any losses they have incurred, and no more. Which will be nothing.

    Private individuals or companies cannot 'fine' people.

    I thought you worked for CAB Ian, their advice <HERE>

    No I don't, I am a volunteer there.

    But some of the information on our public web site is very good. As it says there, a private company can try to recover their losses resulting from you parking on their land. Proving any losses will be very difficult (especially when all the op did was park over a line) so they will get zip.

    I personally wouldn't bother with the silly organisations set up by the parking company sharks (only slighty removed from wheel clampers) to consider appeals, as I would have no faith in them.

    I've challenged several parking notices from private landowners or their agents and have never paid a 'fine' (other than the cost of the extended parking, at their advertised rates).

  • Rubytuesday
    Rubytuesday Forum Participant Posts: 952
    edited April 2016 #13

    The information I have received from IanH and all you others has been invaluable and the courage to fight them on this thank you all so much , and Yes they have  a Dam good Fight on there hands Yell 


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2016 #14

    "I've challenged several parking notices from private landowners or their agents and have never paid a 'fine' (other than the cost of the extended parking, at their advertised rates)."

    Ian - you surely can't be saying that you've squatted on a car parking space for longer than  you've paid for, denying someone else that very spot?!! You naughty boy! LaughingLaughingLaughing

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited April 2016 #15

    "I've challenged several parking notices from private landowners or their agents and have never paid a 'fine' (other than the cost of the extended parking, at their advertised rates)."

    Ian - you surely can't be saying that you've squatted on a car parking space for longer than  you've paid for, denying someone else that very spot?!! You naughty boy! LaughingLaughingLaughing

    Very good, M.......but no, as I said, I paid them for the extra time I spent there......and my actions were accidental, not intentional. And I didn't force anyone else to have to park on grass.

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited April 2016 #16

    The information I have received from IanH and all you others has been invaluable and the courage to fight them on this thank you all so much , and Yes they have  a Dam good Fight on there hands Yell 


    Write your comments here...That's what we like to hear 'Roobz' .Your fighting spirit is not daunted !! Tongue Out.

  • Rubytuesday
    Rubytuesday Forum Participant Posts: 952
    edited April 2016 #17

    A neighbour said today, that he obviosly new this car Audi would create. a problem for whoever chose to park next to him, so why didn't he place a bollard and close it off until the Audi had gone  instead of sitting and waiting for his prey Undecided

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,399
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    edited April 2016 #18

    A couple of months ago I parked in Sainsburys car park. Parked my small car exactly in the middle of the space. I did notice, as I locked it and was walking away, that the car to my left was parked very close to the line next to my car. Just then the driver
    and his wife returned to their car, he had such a go at me as he said that I had parked too close to his car! I pointed out that I was exactly central on the space and that he was too far to the right and that he could still easily get into his car. His answer
    - If I park to the right then it is common sense that you follow suit - !!!!! I just walked away. I do notice lately that some people just disregard the lines and park very crooked. Is it just laziness and they can't be bothered to adjust or can they really
    not park.

  • RichardPitman
    RichardPitman Forum Participant Posts: 127
    edited April 2016 #19

    Off topic somewhat, but folks who ignore the one way systems in supermarket car parks annoy me, particularly when they drive past large 'No Entry' signs just to grab a convenient space.

    BTW, I park nose in at the supermarket, so that I can access my rear hatch to load my shopping.

  • JillwithaJay
    JillwithaJay Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 2,487
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    edited April 2016 #20

    A couple of months ago I parked in Sainsburys car park. Parked my small car exactly in the middle of the space. I did notice, as I locked it and was walking away, that the car to my left was parked very close to the line next to my car. Just then the driver
    and his wife returned to their car, he had such a go at me as he said that I had parked too close to his car! I pointed out that I was exactly central on the space and that he was too far to the right and that he could still easily get into his car. His answer
    - If I park to the right then it is common sense that you follow suit - !!!!! I just walked away. I do notice lately that some people just disregard the lines and park very crooked. Is it just laziness and they can't be bothered to adjust or can they really
    not park.

    You're lucky he didn't purposely bash his door against your car out of spite.  Sad

    300 siggy photo 6b161378-22ab-47bd-97dd-22af5e8f67ba_zpsbtkpqljt.jpg


  • golly79
    golly79 Forum Participant Posts: 205
    edited April 2016 #21

    My son got a parking charge notice , he just ripped them up after about a dozen letters they wrote to him basically saying they are dropping it as it would cost much more than the charge to proceed any further , ''Job done ''