Police vehicle bad driving

Meads181 Forum Participant Posts: 46
edited March 2016 in General Chat #1

Whilst drivinig on the Essex stretch of M25 towards Dartford Crossing I noticed a police car coming up in lane 3 with blues and twos on.I was in lane 2  and a sports car was in lane three just slightly in front of me we were in a 50 mph speed restriction
. the sports car pulled in to lane 2 just ahead of me to allow police to pass. after it passed us the police car croosed all 3 lanes and exited the motorway by a slip road crossing the chevrons . Now I know it had its blues and twos on but this was still a
dangerous. manouvere as their was a lot of traffic on the road and could have caused an accident.


  • tombar
    tombar Forum Participant Posts: 408
    edited March 2016 #2

    I recall, a few weeks ago, in the news that a person actually pulled a police car up that was not using blues 'n' twos but was driving fast, asked them if they were attending an emergency, which they replied no, and actually reported them for speeding, and
    was actually acted on.  Nice one CyrilHappy

  • tigerfish
    tigerfish Forum Participant Posts: 1,362
    edited March 2016 #3

    Meads dosen't actually say why he was in lane 2. Presumeably someone else must have been in lane 1, to cause him to be in an overtaking lane.  but we clearly don't know what the full facts are so its difficult to be judgemental.


  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited March 2016 #4

    It's what the police do when they are attempting to get to an emergency, be it an accident or whatever, we as the public should try to avoid any silly maneuvers and be aware of any actions they may take when overtaking us. I'm sure if the inside lane(s) were free then it would have undertaken you instead of crossing lanes in front of you.


  • Meads181
    Meads181 Forum Participant Posts: 46
    edited March 2016 #5

    To answer Tigerfish question I  was in lane 2 because of slower moving traffic in lane 1. and I do not need to know what type of emergency this police vehicle was resonding to he/she pulled of a dangerous piece of driving in heavy trafific .and I have footage on my dash cam.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited March 2016 #6

    and I have footage on my dash cam.

    Perhaps you can post it for us to see? instead of speculation.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,430
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    edited March 2016 #7

    Surely that is the whole point of police cars having blues and twos? By using them the police were able to make better time to attend the emergency and it's incumbent on us all to give way to emergency vehicles.

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited March 2016 #8

    Meads, I have just returned from a Blue Light training course on Friday night (successful I hasten to add)! I drive ambulance cars and have to move blood and tissue including organs around the country. That has a time limit on it but SAFETY is drilled into us again and again. Nothing is so urgent that you put yourself and others in danger!!  We are all human and are all suseptable to mistakes but I would bank money on the fact that the police officer involved had fully weighed up the situation and that no danger was caused to anyone. From a former life, I know that police officers are some of the best drivers in the country and those that hold Blues and twos qualifications are trained to extremely high standards. What appeared to be dangerous to you had all been weighed up! 

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,890
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    edited March 2016 #9

    I suspect this has become an "official" move as I have in last year seen two instances where the car has crossed the middle lane, the inside lane, the chevrons, the slip road, the hard shoulder, the verge, and then made a big hole in the fence/hedge on the
    way to resting in a field.

    I that what is called karma?

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited March 2016 #10

    Whilst drivinig on the Essex stretch of M25 towards Dartford Crossing I noticed a police car coming up in lane 3 with blues and twos on.I was in lane 2  and a sports car was in lane three just slightly in front of me we were in a 50 mph speed restriction
    . the sports car pulled in to lane 2 just ahead of me to allow police to pass. after it passed us the police car croosed all 3 lanes and exited the motorway by a slip road crossing the chevrons . Now I know it had its blues and twos on but this was still a
    dangerous. manouvere as their was a lot of traffic on the road and could have caused an accident.

    I would think that the driver of the police car had undergone extensive training in order to be able to drive a high pursuit vehicle and knew what they were doing. 

    The course I attended was a week long and that was solely for driving pursuit vehicles and we had to pass a written examination with a minimum of 95% pass rate.  It was done by instructors who had done training at Hendon.  The original police driving course
    was a month.

  • fur ball
    fur ball Forum Participant Posts: 155
    edited March 2016 #11

    There training can be the best in the world but there still human able to make misjudgements and mistakes. The only accident I have had in my lorry is a police car hitting me while trying to avoid another police car that had hit  the car next to me. This
    happened on a clear morning on a motorway with only me another lorry and the car on the stretch of road. The mind boggles how they did that one.