About this new App! (closed)
I was at the show as usual on Tuesday morning as has become my habit over the last few years. On arrival at the CC stand they were busy promoting the new sites App with Matt Baker doing the honours in finding his perfect site. Up to this point I had assumed
wrongly that it was Club Sites that were covered but to slight suprise, I discovered that CL's were included. Now you're talking my language I thought and downloaded the app immediately. Now, I am a non EHU evangelist as some will know and I was impressed
with the 'search and filter system' on it. That was until I tried to test it. Now, in the section marked 'Facilities on Site' there are 5 choices one of which is 'none' This is what I asked for. I also asked for sites within 25 miles of Cromer which, I have
to say seemed to be ok. The thing that it didn't do is give me sites with 'NONE' facilities. ie little more than a mowed field.Unless of course an EHU is no longer a facility?? So there is a little work to do on the app, which has been well thought out but
isnt quite there yet - Oh, and by the way, a BAR definitely is a facility!!