2017 Site fees



  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited December 2016 #152

    ...but the members questioning CC site price rises dont want to go to commercial sites.....they want to stick with CC
    but are finding it ever harder.....and ever harder to understand as they are paid up members to what they still see as a club.....a club which doesnt seem to realise the level of alienation of some of these members.

    Some of them still do - regularly - BB! Wink

    yes, they do....ask KjellUndecided

    oh, you weren't referring to me were you? you know my custom is spread far and wide....Wink

    however, i certainly do question CC prices as i think they lack imagination in the off season and the repeated expansion of the peak seasons (especially the english/scottish holiday price catchment this year) os nothing short of pure commercialism..

    so, not really a club, just a hard core business like all othersSad

    No, BB, it wasn't you I had in mind! Wink

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited December 2016 #153

    Kjell raises a very valid point in that those members he cites on fixed incomes are the very core of the CC membership, yet these are often the same people raising concerns about pricing, especially the continued sneaky expansion of high priced 'seasons'
    (will it all be 'high' in a couple of years?) and the lack of pricing imagination when it comes to filling (or trying to) sites in the off season...Sad

    yes, we can all do as regularly suggested ('go elsewhere', as Kjell is doing...) but isn't it a case of cutting off your nose etc for those who have been members for years and are happy with 'the club format'....

    however, the bottom line for some on fixed incomes, as Kjell illustrates, is that they just cant afford club prices....now that is a sad state of affairs....Sad

    No it isn't. the club is not a charity for retired people to have high quailty sites at reduced prices. is it sad that I can't afford a a £50000 range rover, should they lower their prices for me? 

    You know what your pension is when you retire but sorry if you didn't make enough provison for club sites then its your own fault? isn't it? or too harsh?


    Well Corners, I am fortunate to be on a final salary pension, I do in fact have the maximum pension available as I have more than the number of years service required for a full company pension.

    My OH, on the other hand, due to illness and disability has no pension other than the 60% of my state pension that she can claim.

    Unfortunate, yes, but we have always been a one income family.

    We have what we consider to be enough income to be comfortable, and much more than the basic pension, but when we get hit with these above inflation price increases, it does mean we need to look at how we spend our money

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited December 2016 #154

    Now we are rather thinking, at 74 and 68, and not being in the best of health, just how much longer we will really want to be touring.

    I am 64 and OH is 67 but I too am facing health problems including my arthritis in my spine becoming more of a problem. It too wonder how much longer I shall be able to caravan. So the costs of sites I am not too worried about as for me that is secondary
    and may as well spend it whilst I can. I am fortunate in that I have a good amount of savings and will use these as needed. 

  • Unknown
    edited December 2016 #155
    This content has been removed.
  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited December 2016 #156

    Just had a look at some of the prices we paid last year. We stayed on Treamble Valley CC site in September this year cost £248.30. Price for the same time in September 2017 £277.20. That's £28.90 extra.That is a big increase on this year. Over 10% I wish my money would go up like this.

    Is the holiday at exactly the same time? As looking at September prices,  they only seem to have increased by 3.7%

    The comparison is for the same time and dates. Where you get 3.7% from I don't know. I'm comparing what i paid this year to what i would pay next year.

    Another one we stayed on is Hillhead in June same thing time this year £360.00 2 weeks  2017  £348.60 a decrease of £11.40

    I got the % Using 2 adults and a pitch for a night in September. However, if you look at individual elements on the two price lists, the highest I can find is for the child fee at 5.8%. If you were going earlier or late in September it should actually work out less, as the cut off dates between seasons are more favourable in 2017.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited December 2016 #157

    Yes ET, we too are starting to think that way, even though it goes against all our parents have instilled in us!

    We are still in our family home, which we had built to our design some 29 years ago, we do not want to move, we hope our daughter will some day come to live here.  We know it, and how it works, but it will soon need modernisation, so we need to have a reserve for that.  Everything is about 29 years old, so all needs replacing.

    We cannot spend all our reserve on using CC sites!!

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited December 2016 #158

    Sandy Balls - 2 adults and 2 children under 11 is £395 for 7 nights next August, Ian. Still reckon they "consistently" offer lower prices? Have a look at the CC sites for the same period.

    The fact of the matter is that Sandy Balls ( and others) offer admittedly very good special deals out of peak season because they know they can recoup this by whacking up their price in peak. Great if you can go when they're offering those deals, not so
    good if you don't have that option.!

    ....but less than a tenner a night in off peak, and exactly the type of site that Kjell and other concerned CC members will be frequenting if prices keep moving as they are...

    ...and i also agree with Ian in that SB is 'every bit as good' as any CC site we have visited....(IMHO of courseWink) and also offers far more
    in terms of variety of activities...

    what did Moulsey and Corners think of it when they visited, just to get a proper perspective rather than just conjectureUndecided

    Good point BB .

    There will always be those few who will never have the courage to try anything other than CC sites, but as I said before, driving away long term members (such as myself and many others, who are now trying other sites more and more) by continually increasing
    prices by 5 to 10% in times of tiny inflation generally, will lead to the end of CC sites.


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,464
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    edited December 2016 #159

    Have you been driven away, Ian? I hadn't noticed. Laughing

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited December 2016 #160

    Looking at Sandy Balls I cannot see it attracting me. From 9th June 2017 (the sort of time I might wish to use a site) for twoadults they are £1 dearer than CC and probably offer all the things that I do not want from a caravan site.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited December 2016 #161

    I don't think the bar etc is compulsory, ET........and certainly not even visible or noticable from any of tbe pitching areas, as far as I could see.

    In fact, the only noticable difference from the pitch was the free service facilities provided.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited December 2016 #162

    Sandy Balls - 2 adults and 2 children under 11 is £395 for 7 nights next August, Ian. Still reckon they "consistently" offer lower prices? Have a look at the CC sites for the same period.

    The fact of the matter is that Sandy Balls ( and others) offer admittedly very good special deals out of peak season because they know they can recoup this by whacking up their price in peak. Great if you can go when they're offering those deals, not so good if you don't have that option.!

    ....but less than a tenner a night in off peak, and exactly the type of site that Kjell and other concerned CC members will be frequenting if prices keep moving as they are...

    ...and i also agree with Ian in that SB is 'every bit as good' as any CC site we have visited....(IMHO of courseWink) and also offers far more in terms of variety of activities...

    what did Moulsey and Corners think of it when they visited, just to get a proper perspective rather than just conjectureUndecided

    Not like you to deliberately misinterpret a post BB!

    Did I say I'd been to SB? Did I even touch on the standard?

    No, what I pointed out was that it cost £395 for 2 adults and 2 children under 11 for a week in August next year, so not "consistently" cheaper than CC sites.

    I also acknowledged the special deals they offered out of season.

    All in all, I'd say, a more even handed post than some of the unremmitingly carping ones I've read earlier in the thread! Happy

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited December 2016 #163

    Sandy Balls - 2 adults and 2 children under 11 is £395 for 7 nights next August, Ian. Still reckon they "consistently" offer lower prices? Have a look at the CC sites for the same period.

    The fact of the matter is that Sandy Balls ( and others) offer admittedly very good special deals out of peak season because they know they can recoup this by whacking up their price in peak. Great if you can go when they're offering those deals, not so
    good if you don't have that option.!

    ....but less than a tenner a night in off peak, and exactly the type of site that Kjell and other concerned CC members will be frequenting if prices keep moving as they are...

    ...and i also agree with Ian in that SB is 'every bit as good' as any CC site we have visited....(IMHO of courseWink) and also offers far more
    in terms of variety of activities...

    what did Moulsey and Corners think of it when they visited, just to get a proper perspective rather than just conjectureUndecided

    Good point BB .

    There will always be those few who will never have the courage to try anything other than CC sites, but as I said before, driving away long term members (such as myself and many others, who are now trying other sites more and more) by continually increasing
    prices by 5 to 10% in times of tiny inflation generally, will lead to the end of CC sites.


    Where is all this nonsense about "courage" coming from, Ian?

    Just out of interest, how "courageous" did you feel when you tried your first CL/CS earlier this year?

    IMHO, not only does this nonsense about courage/timidity do nothing to further your argument; it is insulting and tiresome.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited December 2016 #164

    Yes ET, we too are starting to think that way, even though it goes against all our parents have instilled in us!

    We are still in our family home, which we had built to our design some 29 years ago, we do not want to move, we hope our daughter will some day come to live here.  We know it, and how it works, but it will soon need modernisation, so we need to have a reserve
    for that.  Everything is about 29 years old, so all needs replacing.

    We cannot spend all our reserve on using CC sites!!

    Strangely enough I moved into our present 1960s Bungalow 29 years ago. Scratch built kitchen, and loads of improvements. Sadly I can no longer do such work. My swan song was 5 years ago when I replaced the floor screed in WC and bathroom fitting a large
    walk in shower, tiling etc etc. Before doing it OH was saying you can't manage it Alan. At the time she was right but I had a remision from my aches and pains long enough to do that and site a new oil tank on raised plinth with fire wall. None of which I can
    do now. So whilst some things could do with replacing they will have to stay. 

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited December 2016 #165

    Looking at Sandy Balls I cannot see it attracting me. From 9th June 2017 (the sort of time I might wish to use a site) for twoadults they are £1 dearer than CC and probably offer all the things that I do not want from a caravan site.

    We stayed at SB for 4 nights last year £10 a night, would we return probably not. Yes it was quiet but wasn't that impressed with the pitches or things to do direct from the site. All the extra things there was to do are an extra charge, not that we wanted
    to do any of them. I think I would for something else if I wanted to re-visit tha area.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited December 2016 #166

    I don't think the bar etc is compulsory, ET........and certainly not even visible or noticable from any of tbe pitching areas, as far as I could see.

    In fact, the only noticable difference from the pitch was the free service facilities provided.

    But why would I pay £1 more than the CC site nearby to stay there? If it were £3 less why would I?? It is not significantly cheaper on 10th June it is infact similar price - albeit SB is £1 dearer for us. Not a good example of an alternative

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited December 2016 #167

    Sandy Balls - 2 adults and 2 children under 11 is £395 for 7 nights next August, Ian. Still reckon they "consistently" offer lower prices? Have a look at the CC sites for the same period.

    The fact of the matter is that Sandy Balls ( and others) offer admittedly very good special deals out of peak season because they know they can recoup this by whacking up their price in peak. Great if you can go when they're offering those deals, not so
    good if you don't have that option.!

    ....but less than a tenner a night in off peak, and exactly the type of site that Kjell and other concerned CC members will be frequenting if prices keep moving as they are...

    ...and i also agree with Ian in that SB is 'every bit as good' as any CC site we have visited....(IMHO of courseWink) and also offers far more
    in terms of variety of activities...

    what did Moulsey and Corners think of it when they visited, just to get a proper perspective rather than just conjectureUndecided

    Good point BB .

    There will always be those few who will never have the courage to try anything other than CC sites, but as I said before, driving away long term members (such as myself and many others, who are now trying other sites more and more) by continually increasing
    prices by 5 to 10% in times of tiny inflation generally, will lead to the end of CC sites.


    Where is all this nonsense about "courage" coming from, Ian?

    Just out of interest, how "courageous" did you feel when you tried your first CL/CS earlier this year?

    IMHO, not only does this nonsense about courage/timidity do nothing to further your argument; it is insulting and tiresome.

    all I can say to that is +1.

    But its classic Ian, attack the posters call them timid or lacking courage. Its much easier than providing a reasoned arguement. But it doesn't further their aguement or further this thread.

    Like i said before I respect those that think the club is too expensive but I don't insult them, just point out the my vioews.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited December 2016 #168

    What I find quite bizarre about this debate is the way that some posters, those who are so fervently in love with the CC, will argue so fulsomely in favour of their huge price increases. Prices that they themselves are having
    to pay!

    Even to the point that they will scour the internet to find a price at a commercial site that, for a certain grouping, for a few weeks in the year, is a few pounds dearer than their beloved organisation. Just to try to justify
    the huge CC increases.

    Methinks they need to get out and try some of these other sites, to get a better perspective. Then they might be able to make a more credible argument.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited December 2016 #169

    Kjell raises a very valid point in that those members he cites on fixed incomes are the very core of the CC membership, yet these are often the same people raising concerns about pricing, especially the continued sneaky expansion of high priced 'seasons'
    (will it all be 'high' in a couple of years?) and the lack of pricing imagination when it comes to filling (or trying to) sites in the off season...Sad

    yes, we can all do as regularly suggested ('go elsewhere', as Kjell is doing...) but isn't it a case of cutting off your nose etc for those who have been members for years and are happy with 'the club format'....

    however, the bottom line for some on fixed incomes, as Kjell illustrates, is that they just cant afford club prices....now that is a sad state of affairs....Sad

    No it isn't. the club is not a charity for retired people to have high quailty sites at reduced prices. is it sad that I can't afford a a £50000 range rover, should they lower their prices for me? 

    You know what your pension is when you retire but sorry if you didn't make enough provison for club sites then its your own fault? isn't it? or too harsh?


    Well Corners, I am fortunate to be on a final salary pension, I do in fact have the maximum pension available as I have more than the number of years service required for a full company pension.

    My OH, on the other hand, due to illness and disability has no pension other than the 60% of my state pension that she can claim.

    Unfortunate, yes, but we have always been a one income family.

    We have what we consider to be enough income to be comfortable, and much more than the basic pension, but when we get hit with these above inflation price increases, it does mean we need to look at how we spend our money

    i agree wth you. Now I've retired and although Liz has asked me to look at a few schools as she's too busy with redecoration at her home, this won't for more than 10 years and there will be a time when perhaps club sites will be too expensive. My point is
    I won't complain that the club is then too expensive, as some posters on here have done

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited December 2016 #170

    What I find quite bizarre about this debate is the way that some posters, those who are so fervently in love with the CC, will argue so fulsomely in favour of their huge price increases. Prices that they themselves are having
    to pay!

    Even to the point that they will scour the internet to find a price at a commercial site that, for a certain grouping, for a few weeks in the year, is a few pounds dearer than their beloved organisation. Just to try to justify
    the huge CC increases.

    Methinks they need to get out and try some of these other sites, to get a better perspective. Then they might be able to make a more credible argument.

    what hugh price increases? facts please?

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,464
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    edited December 2016 #171

    Ian, you are becoming tiresome with your insults. Remember the T&C's asking us to not cause offence to other posters?

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited December 2016 #172

    What I find quite bizarre about this debate is the way that some posters, those who are so fervently in love with the CC, will argue so fulsomely in favour of their huge price increases. Prices that they themselves are having
    to pay!

    Even to the point that they will scour the internet to find a price at a commercial site that, for a certain grouping, for a few weeks in the year, is a few pounds dearer than their beloved organisation. Just to try to justify
    the huge CC increases.

    Methinks they need to get out and try some of these other sites, to get a better perspective. Then they might be able to make a more credible argument.

    Ian, you suggested Sandy Balls - not me. I looked at my longest planned tour and chose the start of that. (actually I moved it back a week so as toavoid SB's higher rate of over £42 a night to give them a chance). The fact tha tthey are £1 dearer than CC
    is neither here nor there. Any suggestions for 5 nights near Barnard Castle from 8th May? 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited December 2016 #173

    Sandy Balls - 2 adults and 2 children under 11 is £395 for 7 nights next August, Ian. Still reckon they "consistently" offer lower prices? Have a look at the CC sites for the same period.

    The fact of the matter is that Sandy Balls ( and others) offer admittedly very good special deals out of peak season because they know they can recoup this by whacking up their price in peak. Great if you can go when they're offering those deals, not so
    good if you don't have that option.!

    ....but less than a tenner a night in off peak, and exactly the type of site that Kjell and other concerned CC members will be frequenting if prices keep moving as they are...

    ...and i also agree with Ian in that SB is 'every bit as good' as any CC site we have visited....(IMHO of courseWink) and also offers far more
    in terms of variety of activities...

    what did Moulsey and Corners think of it when they visited, just to get a proper perspective rather than just conjectureUndecided

    I never have claimed anything about that site. I have never conjectured anything. Please find where I have BB.


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited December 2016 #174

    We are fortunate that we have good private final salary pensions, add to that we both now have our state pensions. So we have had a significant increase this year in what we have to spend but it wouldn't matter if we had double that amount. We will only
    spend what we think is right, be it for clothes, food, holidays, cars etc. it might be we are unique in this but I will not pay more than I am comfortable with. So like others if I want to visit an area and the CC site is more than I want to pay, I will either
    look for a CL, Commercial or C&CC site. Failing that I will look at going at another time of the year when the prices are more acceptable to me.


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited December 2016 #175

    There does seem to be qiuite a significant cohort of wealthy CC members, you see them on SwiftTalk and Caravanchat, who drive Range Rovers and  change their van every 2 or 3 years.  

    They must be amongst the members who do not care about the increase in site fees!

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited December 2016 #176

    I agree TG, we were both brought up to mind the pennies.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,464
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    edited December 2016 #177

    There does seem to be qiuite a significant cohort of wealthy CC members, you see them on SwiftTalk and Caravanchat, who drive Range Rovers and  change their van every 2 or 3 years.  

    They must be amongst the members who do not care about the increase in site fees!

    That's quite a wild assumption, Kjell. you haven't mentioned members prepared to fork out mega bucks for a brand new MH. Why should one example mean people don't care about the increase in site fees if the other example means the opposite?

    Caravanchat? I think you named the wrong forum.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited December 2016 #178

    Kjell raises a very valid point in that those members he cites on fixed incomes are the very core of the CC membership, yet these are often the same people raising concerns about pricing, especially the continued sneaky expansion of high priced 'seasons'
    (will it all be 'high' in a couple of years?) and the lack of pricing imagination when it comes to filling (or trying to) sites in the off season...Sad

    yes, we can all do as regularly suggested ('go elsewhere', as Kjell is doing...) but isn't it a case of cutting off your nose etc for those who have been members for years and are happy with 'the club format'....

    however, the bottom line for some on fixed incomes, as Kjell illustrates, is that they just cant afford club prices....now that is a sad state of affairs....Sad

    No it isn't. the club is not a charity for retired people to have high quailty sites at reduced prices. is it sad that I can't afford a a £50000 range rover, should they lower their prices for me? 

    You know what your pension is when you retire but sorry if you didn't make enough provison for club sites then its your own fault? isn't it? or too harsh?


    Well Corners, I am fortunate to be on a final salary pension, I do in fact have the maximum pension available as I have more than the number of years service required for a full company pension.

    My OH, on the other hand, due to illness and disability has no pension other than the 60% of my state pension that she can claim.

    Unfortunate, yes, but we have always been a one income family.

    We have what we consider to be enough income to be comfortable, and much more than the basic pension, but when we get hit with these above inflation price increases, it does mean we need to look at how we spend our money

    i agree wth you. Now I've retired and although Liz has asked me to look at a few schools as she's too busy with redecoration at her home, this won't for more than 10 years and there will be a time when perhaps club sites will be too expensive. My point is
    I won't complain that the club is then too expensive, as some posters on here have done

    Forgive the long quotes....editing on this old i pad is not easy.

    If nobody complains, how will the Club ever know how members feel?

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited December 2016 #179

    There does seem to be qiuite a significant cohort of wealthy CC members, you see them on SwiftTalk and Caravanchat, who drive Range Rovers and  change their van every 2 or 3 years.  

    They must be amongst the members who do not care about the increase in site fees!

    That's quite a wild assumption, Kjell. you haven't mentioned members prepared to fork out mega bucks for a brand new MH. Why should one example mean people don't care about the increase in site fees if the other example means the opposite?

    Caravanchat? I think you named the wrong forum.

    Probably.....long time since I frequented it!    Caravansomething......

    Maybe Caravantalk?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited December 2016 #180

    If nobody complains, how will the Club ever know how members feel?

    Like any other company selling something - when people stop buying that product. 

    But the big thing is that no one is forced to come to club sites!

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited December 2016 #181

    Too late then.