CLOSED - Prices of pitches



  • CaptainCaravan
    CaptainCaravan Forum Participant Posts: 33
    edited July 2016 #332

    No October, Porthmadog. In fact my figures under represent what I saw and paid. Looked in at Perransands today, similar thing Euro Pitches.

    So would you like to explain your loss leading notion?

    How about Cofton Holiday Park Devon, similar pricing strategy along with development of the hardstanding main touring area, wishing we had gone there this fortnight.


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2016 #333

    No October, Porthmadog. In fact my figures under represent what I saw and paid. Looked in at Perransands today, similar thing Euro Pitches.

    So would you like to explain your loss leading notion?

    How about Cofton Holiday Park Devon, similar pricing strategy along with development of the hardstanding main touring area, wishing we had gone there this fortnight.


    Write your comments here...Just tried to book  7night at Caister from next w/end £560Undecided

  • TerryFlech
    TerryFlech Forum Participant Posts: 36
    edited July 2016 #334

    JVB... The more important point ( which you neatly sidestepped) is could it work in the CC if they reduced off peak prices to attract those who go elsewhere 

    Write your comments here...Please explain what was side stepped as the companies mentione do loss leader off peak but charge eye watering prices at peak times when us  "oldies"mostly go to ground and leave it for the as some put it "hardpressed families" to pay for our "cheapies"

    The simple question are  these -

    1)If the CC reduced prices Off Peak, do you think they would make more profit than they do at present

    2) If they did make more profit do you accept that they could then reduce the prices at peak

    Please try to answer the questions without bringing in Haven etc 

    One word answers are perfectly acceptable Happy

  • CaptainCaravan
    CaptainCaravan Forum Participant Posts: 33
    edited July 2016 #335

    No October, Porthmadog. In fact my figures under represent what I saw and paid. Looked in at Perransands today, similar thing Euro Pitches.

    So would you like to explain your loss leading notion?

    How about Cofton Holiday Park Devon, similar pricing strategy along with development of the hardstanding main touring area, wishing we had gone there this fortnight.


    Write your comments here...Just tried to book  7night at Caister from next w/end £560Undecided

    Write your comments here...


    Schools out 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2016 #336

    No October, Porthmadog. In fact my figures under represent what I saw and paid. Looked in at Perransands today, similar thing Euro Pitches.

    So would you like to explain your loss leading notion?

    How about Cofton Holiday Park Devon, similar pricing strategy along with development of the hardstanding main touring area, wishing we had gone there this fortnight.


    Write your comments here...Just tried to book  7night at Caister from next w/end £560Undecided

    Write your comments here...


    Schools out 

    Write your comments here...Just the point we make that the off peak "loss leaders" is what is rcouped now to pay for the off peak cheapies,that neither would do

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited July 2016 #337

    Why should a business be frightened to cut it's profit margin to a bare minimum during periods of little demand. 

    If we had for example a 90 pitch site which was virtually empty midweek and off season, except for say10 caravanners.  The nightly charges for a van and two people being a total of £24 a night the site income per night would be £240.

    Now if the cost was reduced by approx 33% attracting the many caravanners who would normally be going elsewhere say an additional 20 members at least ---That would mean a nightly income from the 30 caravanners of £480.

    It's a no brainer to deny that extra income gained by making the prices very competative.---- The overheads are the same and the profit margin increases hugely.

    And thats on a site still not even half full.



  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,444
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    edited July 2016 #338

    Can any one who is also a member of the c&cc advise please advise how their prices compare ,not including the "oldies" discounts, ie for a couple /family at this time of year? or is it just the cc  who are, in some peoples mind, is expensive ,compared to
    the other sites of the same model 

    JVB, it's very difficult to compare due to C&CC's obscure pricing structure. Generally, I find their prices much on a par with CC
    after the age related concession is applied. This makes them dearer to start with and usually the concession is not available at peak times.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2016 #339

    Thanks Tinny we are not members and not likely to be but the  usual knockers of the cc would have us believe that every where bar the cc is cheaper for the same modelWink

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited July 2016 #340

    I;ve said on page 36 what would bring me back. and how much lost income the club wold recover.Interestingly every one I spoke to at Haven in May were also club members, How this would result in NETProfit I dont know. I gave my opinion, others may not agree
    and thats OK by me.At least I use actual results in my posts.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited July 2016 #341

    So, since this thread, like the Sunday departures one seems to be going round in ever increasing circles and to save me having to read through all the posts I've missed while out walking today, is the following a fair summary :

    For some folk at some times of the year some commercial chains/private providers offer a better deal than the CC for some lengths of stay, whilst for some other folk at some other times of the year for some other lengths of stay the CC gives better value!

    Seems it's just a matter of choice then. Do your research on the area you want to visit and buy the deal that suits you best. Couldn't possibly be as simple as that though could it? Happy

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,684
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    edited July 2016 #342

    So, since this thread, like the Sunday departures one seems to be going round in ever increasing circles and to save me having to read through all the posts I've missed while out walking today, is the following a fair summary :

    For some folk at some times of the year some commercial chains/private providers offer a better deal than the CC for some lengths of stay, whilst for some other folk at some other times of the year for some other lengths of stay the CC gives better value!

    Seems it's just a matter of choice then. Do your research on the area you want to visit and buy the deal that suits you best. Couldn't possibly be as simple as that though could it? Happy

    so very true

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited July 2016 #343
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  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,764
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    edited July 2016 #344

    So, since this thread, like the Sunday departures one seems to be going round in ever increasing circles and to save me having to read through all the posts I've missed while out walking today, is the following a fair summary :

    For some folk at some times of the year some commercial chains/private providers offer a better deal than the CC for some lengths of stay, whilst for some other folk at some other times of the year for some other lengths of stay the CC gives better value!

    Seems it's just a matter of choice then. Do your research on the area you want to visit and buy the deal that suits you best. Couldn't possibly be as simple as that though could it? Happy

    Write your comments here...Basically I think that is what I said way back but it is perfectly true. Go wherever you feel is right for you.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,684
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    edited July 2016 #345

    agree, half the price you have to double the punters to make the same income, and pro rata. Also the costs remain the same

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited July 2016 #346

    I'm not entirely convinced that you need to halve the price. Two thirds might well be sufficient to significantly increase the inclination to engender 'brand loyalty'. It's just a question of testing the water and then crunching the numbers to see if it
    is worth doing. I can't beleive that CC don't have any bean counters.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited July 2016 #347


    I have explained my 'timidilty' of using non club sites before to Ian but I'll do it again to keep on topic. For the record I have used other non club sites, and everytime I have been disappointed and have regreted wasting my money. I have never been disappointed
    with a club site. Does that make me timd of wasting my money and valuable holdiays? I suppose it does so I'll just carry on being timid and enjoy every single time I go away without any fear of wasting time and money. they may not be the best for anyone else,
    but they are the best for me.

    One of the reasons I use them too. Also I visit different parts of the UK wach year and I use around 24 different sites. If I used non CC sited I would feel a need to research them. Not a faff I want. I drink Yorkshire tea or Nescafe Original. Other brands
    are available but as I like these and they are readily available wherever I shop why bother to try different brands - to save money perhaps? No need.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited July 2016 #348

    JVB... The more important point ( which you neatly sidestepped) is could it work in the CC if they reduced off peak prices to attract those who go elsewhere 

    Write your comments here...Please explain what was side stepped as the companies mentione do loss leader off peak but charge eye watering prices at peak times when us  "oldies"mostly go to ground and leave it for the as some put it "hardpressed families"
    to pay for our "cheapies"

    The simple question are  these -

    1)If the CC reduced prices Off Peak, do you think they would make more profit than they do at present

    2) If they did make more profit do you accept that they could then reduce the prices at peak

    Please try to answer the questions without bringing in Haven etc 

    One word answers are perfectly acceptable Happy


    We have just returned from 4 weeks on Caravan Club sites. 7 sites of which, by chance, 3 were non-facility. All were well used and running at near peak at weekends and pretty full the rest of the week. If prices
    were reduced off peak the amount by which they might be reduced I suspect would have little affect on uptake. Not enough to make up for lost revenue. As the sites were full or near full at weekends there didn't appear much scope for attracting more takers
    then. When the CC have had mid week reductions I wonder if that attracts people? It has no effect on my choice as I choose a site based principally on whether it is in the right location on a tour and price is to me irrelevant as to whether I can save a few
    quid a night.

    If the CC reduced off peak prices and that produced a reduction in peak charges I see no need of reducing peak charges as the sites are generally full so the prices are not stopping usage. Yep there may be cheaper
    sites with more facilities but many members like what the CC offer and that is evident.


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited July 2016 #349
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  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited July 2016 #350

    I also will not take my caravan abroad. Purely because OH is a nervous passenger and particularly so when I am towing. She finds motorways particularly stressful. If I were on my own I would happily tow abroad as I have often driven when abroad.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited July 2016 #351

    I'm going to take my M/H abroad ,and i'm not bothered about the price of pitches, there are lots of sites and prices to suit everyone...................

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2016 #352

    Going abroad ,is something we did in the past,we will not be going abroad in the future,and are like the many thousands of people who book the two main clubs in the uk quite happy to continue useing them,as the hundreds of thousands of pitch nights sold by the club seem to prove its "better the devil you know"and as just started on a new thread " why do the club help Haven when they charge £70 per night?Undecided 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited July 2016 #353

    Answer to question 1 No.

    Reason, because they can not reduce them enough to attract sufficient punters. The CC does not have the other revenue streams of the commercials to suppliment the low prices. I refer to such things as bars, clubs, food outlets and statics.

    Answer to question 2 not applicable as the answer to 1 is No.

    Write your comments here...

    It's evident you don't read previous posts within a thread before passing yet another notion. I will repeat myself, there are only two types of touring business, "Holiday Park" and Caravan Site". The CC is a caravan site operation.

    I am not sure why you feel the need to answer in that manner. You asked a question I gave you my opinion. I don't think I can make it any simpler than that. If you did not want an answer / others opinions, why ask.

    My  reasoning runs a bit like this. Although the CC has other sources of income like insurance. If it operates as other large companies do, individual elements will have to pay their way. Overall company profits may be used to expand  and develop the
    business but not to prop up a branch. As I said at the camp site level the CC has no other revenue streams, no bars or food outlets. It is not in most cases, (storage sites accepted), keeping the site open anyway because of long term residents in statics.
    Even some of the smaller non holiday park camp sites have long term statics, bars and shops. In the colder months the CC sites are relatively empty in the week but still very popular at weekends. So if say the price is currently £20 and there are 10 vans.
    This would gross £150 after deductions for probable electric usage. Which we have established on other threads can easily be £5 a night when heating is used. There could also be other variable consumables such as metered water and weighed refuse. If you lower
    the price to £15 (a lot higher than many commercial special offers) you would have to increase the number of vans by 50% (15 vans) just to break even. I just don't think mid week in the colder months you are going to get a 50% increase. Of course unless you
    increased the price at weekends, you would loose money, as the sites are relatively full then and there is little scope to increase numbers. Some sites do of course have mid week discount and have probably gone as far as the club is able in terms of price

  • Natasha2
    Natasha2 Forum Participant Posts: 306
    edited July 2016 #354

    I also will not take my caravan abroad. Purely because OH is a nervous passenger and particularly so when I am towing. She finds motorways particularly stressful. If I were on my own I would happily tow abroad as I have often driven when abroad.

    You can't beat sitting in the suicide seat on a mountainous french  road.

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited July 2016 #355

    Well I'm not secretive about my holiday destinations. We have toured France, Andora, West Germany and Northern Spain extensively  over a good number of years Both with the motorhome/caravan and camping. I therefore see myself as someone who can comment with knowledge about both holidaying abroad and at home. 

    Both have their attractions -- Abroad is more of an adventure, exploring new places in good weather. The sites are on the continent are inexpensive and laid back. There are always pitch availabllity in the particular chosen area so pre-booking is virtually unnecessary

    In the UK holiday makers need a different type of holiday but with more regulation as there are not enough campsites to cope with peak demand. 

    My preference is to use Cl's and Cs's. Then either of the two main club's sites. Then commercial sites. but it really depends which is available in the area I choose to tour.

    The price is not a main consideration, as after all we are on holiday. 

    Unless one  has experienced caravanning both on the continent and at home I contend that they cannot with any accuracy draw comparisons. 




  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2016 #356

    Well I'm not secretive about my holiday destinations. We have toured France, Andora, West Germany and Northern Spain extensively  over a good number of years Both with the motorhome/caravan and camping. I therefore see myself as someone who can comment with knowledge about both holidaying abroad and at home. 

    Both have their attractions -- Abroad is more of an adventure, exploring new places in good weather. The sites are on the continent are inexpensive and laid back. There are always pitch availabllity in the particular chosen area so pre-booking is virtually unnecessary

    In the UK holiday makers need a different type of holiday but with more regulation as there are not enough campsites to cope with peak demand. 

    My preference is to use Cl's and Cs's, then either of the two main club's sites. Then commercial sites. but it really depends which is available in the area I choose to tour.

    The price is not a main consideration, as after all we are on holiday. 

    Unless one  has experienced caravanning both on the continent and at home I contend that they cannot with any accuracy draw comparisons. 




    ...And that is what a lot of posters do not seem to understand  ,as you say over here  ,there is just not the space to have the same "perceived" choice or competition for biuseness

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited July 2016 #357

    K, "abroad is more of an adventure" try 'rock climbing/mountaineering' in your homeland-corking adventure to be hadHappy

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited July 2016 #358

    I am begining to think i am missing out by not going overseas and seeing how much their pitch prices areWink

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited July 2016 #359

    K, "abroad is more of an adventure" try 'rock climbing/mountaineering' in your homeland-corking adventure to be hadHappy

    Write your comments here...I have done that for many years . Most enjoyable. 


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2016 #360

    I am begining to think i am missing out by not going overseas and seeing how much their pitch prices areWink

    ..Just be carefull before you go to read a lot of the "over there" reviews recently posted,it seem as on some commercial sites "over here" it can be  a minefield,    when we used to go most places we went were on recomendations,to be "safe"Surprised

  • Unknown
    edited July 2016 #361
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