There's always at least one!!
That's correct, Steve, and that's what makes it rather frustrating that on sites with no access problems and large arrival areas the system is still so rigid. Still, that's the way it is at the moment, so unless and until it changes we just grin and bear
it!0 -
No ifs, no buts, no extra charges. Let's have a lot more Club sites running like the one at Edinburgh - arrivals from 9 a.m. If they can do it then so can others.
but what time would you expect departures to be by? If still 12 then it is quite conceivable there would be no pitches untill much later.
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No ifs, no buts, no extra charges. Let's have a lot more Club sites running like the one at Edinburgh - arrivals from 9 a.m. If they can do it then so can others.
but what time would you expect departures to be by? If still 12 then it is quite conceivable there would be no pitches untill much later.
I suppose there's a very slim chance of that. But we've been on many, many CC sites and I can't think of a single occasion when every pitch has been occupied, even when "site full" notices are up. Even allowing arrivals at, say 9, it would be very unlikely,
but, yes, you'd just have to wait and accept the first available pitch! (Actually, I was thinking more in terms of arrivals from 10 in which case it would be even less likely!)0 -
Why do so many people get so uptight about arrivals & deprtures. Does it really matter if you arrive at say 11am.Early arrivers usually get less choice of pitches as leavers are still there.
Fisherman, I agree with you! Yes, really, I do!
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Why do so many people get so uptight about arrivals & deprtures. Does it really matter if you arrive at say 11am.Early arrivers usually get less choice of pitches as leavers are still there.
Write your comments here... it's the CC rules that most normal members keep to , it's only the selfish don't give a **** special people who think it's OK
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But change in this Club proceeds at the pace of a snail.
That fast, eh?
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Why do so many people get so uptight about arrivals & deprtures. Does it really matter if you arrive at say 11am.Early arrivers usually get less choice of pitches as leavers are still there.
Write your comments here... it's the CC rules that most normal members keep to , it's only the selfish don't give a **** special people who think it's OK
Yes, compass, the vast majority of members, including us, stick to those rules. The discussion here, as on several other threads, is not about encouraging folk to ignore/break those rules. It is about whether it would make sense to adapt them in certain
circumstances. Nothing wrong with that, surely?0 -
Why do so many people get so uptight about arrivals & deprtures. Does it really matter if you arrive at say 11am.Early arrivers usually get less choice of pitches as leavers are still there.
Write your comments here... it's the CC rules that most normal members keep to , it's only the selfish don't give a **** special people who think it's OK
Write your comments here...I would have thought it was up to the CC to adapt any changes in arrival & departure times , not the minority of so called membership whom think the club should revolve their wants & desires .
after all it is a club with rules for IT'S members not a free for all to come & go as the special members think rules don't apply to them
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There you go there's always one...........
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Why do so many people get so uptight about arrivals & deprtures. Does it really matter if you arrive at say 11am.Early arrivers usually get less choice of pitches as leavers are still there.
Write your comments here... it's the CC rules that most normal members keep to , it's only the selfish don't give a **** special people who think it's OK
Write your comments here...I would have thought it was up to the CC to adapt any changes in arrival & departure times , not the minority of so called membership whom think the club should revolve their wants & desires .
after all it is a club with rules for IT'S members not a free for all to come & go as the special members think rules don't apply to them
Isn't that exactly what folk are saying compass. To make it clear, I'm suggesting the club should consider adapting the arrival/departure arrangements, not that individual members should takecit upon themselves. Happy with that?
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I think that even with a perfectly good access road some Club members would still get upset about other people's arrival time. They would still watch it, check it and criticise it. It's what they do.
In this case the access road is narrow and the site entrance can only accommodate one caravan passing either in or out at a time. Had the early arriver been a couple of minutes later we would have met at that entrance and there was no way that I would have
reversed to allow it past. This could then have resulted in a confrontion which if that caravan had arrived at the correct time, ie after 12:00, then a potential blockage and confrontation would not occur.0 -
Have just left the CC's Stamford Site today at 11:30.and by then 2 vans had arrived, one at 11:10.
Why must some members think that the advertised arrival time does not apply to them?
Take a deep breath and get over it, what did we all do 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago? Did it affect you personally? if so, how?
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In respect of arrival times , two caravans arriving together were allowed on site at Start Bay club site at ten o clock yesterday morning.Which ever way you turn out of the site the roads are not the best hence why we left early this morning to avoid holiday
traffic.0 -
I went to Poolbrook Site on sat morn arrived at 11am so off I goes into the country park ,walked round the lake and as it only takes 35 mins to do this sat on a bench ,looked at the road and saw 2 caravans arrive it was 11.40 so I thought if they are going
in so am I ,when I came out of the office at 11.50 there was a big queue waiting to get in ,so I have always thought a liitle lee way on arrivals would ease arriving at once thus making it very busy in checking in !0 -
Whatever the club rules on earliest arrival time for any particular site, as CC customers that is the rule we should stick to until the CC ever change them.
I find it strange that there are many people so unable to plan a journey that they are arriving sometimes up to two hours early.
Route and journey planning is really quite straightforward !!!
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Theoretically, unless one encountered exceptional traffic conditions throughout the journey, the longer the journey the more accurate it should be to calculate its duration.
I would guess that for a four hour journey the variance could be plus or minus half an hour and, if early it, is possible to ease off and reduce the variance to say fifteen minutes. Anyone arriving two hours early must have crossed from a different time
zone.0 -
(remember, this is supposed to be a touring club
Really? I thought it was a caravanning club for people who like to caravan, in whatever way.
On the site we have just been to one morning there were a lot of leavers, so 6 service pitches were free, by 12.00 all bar one were taken so the poor person who stuck to the rules and arrived after 12 had no choice at all. This cannot be fair.
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We had to sit in our car once in the pouring rain for 20 minutes looking at a nearly empty site because as the wardens said - we were early and could not get on until 12 oclock. Common sense? I dont think so. How about a litttle leeway when there is space
avaliable?D & S
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Whatever the club rules on earliest arrival time for any particular site, as CC customers that is the rule we should stick to until the CC ever change them.
I find it strange that there are many people so unable to plan a journey that they are arriving sometimes up to two hours early.
Route and journey planning is really quite straightforward !!!
Write your comments here...I dont arrive at a site 2 hours early but as I live in Yorkshire and visit sites in Yorkshire and 1 or 2 others that are in fact only an hour or 1.5 hours away I have to sit here bored out of my skull waiting till 10.30 or 11am
to leave my house I go on Sat morns as I work Fri eves so in the summer months would love to arrive on a site at 11am ,but as I can't I go to sites that I know have something nearby for me to do ,another reason folk may want to set off early is to beat the
traffic ,the road to Scaroborough is a nightmare as the whole world and his wife want to go there on a bank holiday ,but all you up north or down south wouldn't know this0 -
groovycleaner , having lived in Yorkshire for all of my life bar the last couple of years and now in Cornwall its the same down here , if I go to Godrevy , Trewethett etc there is no point leaving till at least eleven/ eleven fifteen so like you we have
to sit around to go away. I would not dare not go to a site two hours early like what happended at Start Bay at the weekend.If any one turned up at Rowntree Park two early they would be immediatley turned away , I just wish it was a level playing field on all the sites.
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Easy option would be to charge an additional fee for early arrivals then allow them - say the pitch fee for the previous night. We would often pay that to arrive at 9am and have a full day rather than - as groovy cleaner says- faff about killing time at
home to arrive at 12. Obviously you can only go on pitches that are empty - no sitting next to a pitch eyballing the occupants as they are packing up to make them hurry so you can go on it, so maybe it wouldnt work on the fuller sites.Caneriot is right - it should be the same which ever site you go to if that is the rule, otherwise those who stick to the rule are at a disadvantage and thats not fair at all.
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I agree with that, bmb. We can't often get away for more than two weeks at a time. But very often if the weather's going to be good we fancy a few days at say Broadway or Moreton in Marsh. Both are within an hours drive, both have absolutely easy access.
We could be there for 10 and would quite happily pay a supplement.Instead we have to (and do) delay leaving home till 11 ish to be on site as close to 12 as possible. Very frustrating!0 -
When we join up as club members we agree in principle to adhere to the club rules. However some members obviously think that the rules do not apply to them. If they do not agree to the rules then they should not have joined in the first instance. If they
think that the rules should be different they are completely with their rights to partician for the rules to be altered, but until they are they should stick to them, however much they disagree with them.0