2016 Site Fees and Site Renovations



  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,753
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    edited January 2016 #242

    Been back and looked, you did indeed reply,  in part.

    But saying such a discussion should not be here does not tell us where it should be, which was what was asked.

    The description of "the other section" does not appear to  permit comparisons either.


  • Bugs
    Bugs Forum Participant Posts: 480
    edited January 2016 #243

    Been back and looked, you did indeed reply,  in part.

    But saying such a discussion should not be here does not tell us where it should be, which was what was asked.

    The description of "the other section" does not appear to  permit comparisons either.


    My personal opinion is that if folks want to expound the wonders of touring abroad, they should do it in the "Overseas Sites & Touring" Section of the CT Forum.

    Folks who want information & opinions on touring in the UK and UK Sites don't expect to come to this Section and find it full of members telling them that they should go abroad!

    That's not why they click on this Section.



  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited January 2016 #244

    I'm confused if we are only allowed to discuss things in each section, how does people who have not tried over there get to know how they compare. I know you will say they should look in the 'Overseas section' but what if they hadn't though about going over
    there as they though it was  to far, to expensive, to difficult by allowing a discussion to drift as this has done, it encourages some of the newbies who have started out touring in the UK to see that it can be done and its not expensive or difficult.

  • Bugs
    Bugs Forum Participant Posts: 480
    edited January 2016 #245

    Members who come to the "UK Sites & Touring" Section, funnily enough, expect the discussions here to be about UK Sites & Touring.

    Personally, I don't think that is an unreasonable expectation?

    If a member was thinking of touring abroad  - then surely "Overseas Sites & Touring" would be the Section to look in?

    Why would anyone come to "UK Sites & Touring" and expect to see dicussions about "reasons why you should tour abroad"?


  • briantimber
    briantimber Forum Participant Posts: 1,653
    edited January 2016 #246

    Well said Bugs, while not wishing to create a "them and us" attitude, I think that ValDa made a good suggestion, ie, create a stand alone thread for discussing and comparing the pro's and con's of overseas and home touring.....Cool

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited January 2016 #247

    so , discussing the comparative differences between here and overseas is a taboo, Sad

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2016 #248
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,508
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    edited January 2016 #249

    Well said Bugs, while not wishing to create a "them and us" attitude, I think that ValDa made a good suggestion, ie, create a stand alone thread for discussing and comparing the pro's and con's of overseas and home touring.....Cool

    and put it in "Caravan and motorhome chat"


  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited January 2016 #250

    Well said Bugs, while not wishing to create a "them and us" attitude, I think that ValDa made a good suggestion, ie, create a stand alone thread for discussing and comparing the pro's and con's of overseas and home touring.....Cool

    and put it in "Caravan and motorhome chat"


    PD, seems a plan to me-the C & M chat is a likely place to discuss the relative merits of travel in the different areas of Europe as it doesn't specifyHappynor
    does it exclude eitherCool

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited January 2016 #251

    One aspect that was raised in the "comparison stakes" was the claim that O/Seas aficianados do not take into account travelling costs to either the Channel coast or the sites. That would by implication suggest that travel to a UK site is a nil cost activity.
    If I tour Scotland, it will cost me more than travelling to a site in France or Belgium for instance. These costs are going to vary whether a member travels within the UK or abroad and is not therefore relevant to such comparisons.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited January 2016 #252

    CY, then only to folk who have an eye on the 'saving the penny's way of traveling around countries.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,508
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    edited January 2016 #253

    Getting back to site prices, I want a site in the Windsor area for QE's Birthday bash. Casting my eye around the area, here is the site night prices for two adults with electric.

    CC Henley Four Oaks £20.70p.n.

    CC Wyats Covert £24.70p.n

    C&CC Chertsey £19.50

    Commercial, Hurley Park £17p.n. (£19 for a super pitch.)

    Don't think I need to say anymore.


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2016 #254

    Well said Bugs, while not wishing to create a "them and us" attitude, I think that ValDa made a good suggestion, ie, create a stand alone thread for discussing and comparing the pro's and con's of overseas and home touring.....Cool

    and put it in "Caravan and motorhome chat"


    PD, seems a plan to me-the C & M chat is a likely place to discuss the relative merits of travel in the different areas of Europe as it doesn't specifyHappynor
    does it exclude eitherCool

    Well I notice that a thread has been started on just this in the C&M section. So maybe that could be made a sticky and then anyone wanting to evangelise about the merits of European sites can post there and this section can revert to what it was intended
    Happy. Use left and right arrows to navigate.

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited January 2016 #255

    Evangalise Moulsey. what an unfortunate religious expression.   We are all caravan club customers and should be free to talk about caravanning holidays abroad or in the Uk  on this CC forum without people causing divisions.


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2016 #256

    Evangalise Moulsey. what an unfortunate religious expression.   We are all caravan club customers and should be free to talk about caravanning holidays abroad or in the Uk  on this CC forum without people causing divisions.


    Of course, but in the correct section, which fortunately, now exists!
    Happy. Use left and right arrows to navigate.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited January 2016 #257

    In the absence of any guidance it would seem it has been decided that C&M is the place to go. However, I am still confused by the fact that nothing other than the UK can be discussed in this section. The OP had his question well answered in the first few
    pages. The post is entitled 2016 Site fees, and in future pages it branched out to compare UK site prices with Europe. If it had happened before the OP was answered I could see the problem, but it didn't. I would think most would agree, I am hardly a pusher
    of things European, but I saw nothing wrong in that drift. Yes the section is UK sites but this country does not sit in glorious isolation. Comparisons with Europe are valid. It remains to be seen if the current thread in C&M is considered in the correct section.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2016 #258

    Getting back to site prices, I want a site in the Windsor area for QE's Birthday bash. Casting my eye around the area, here is the site night prices for two adults with electric.

    CC Henley Four Oaks £20.70p.n.

    CC Wyats Covert £24.70p.n

    C&CC Chertsey £19.50

    Commercial, Hurley Park £17p.n. (£19 for a super pitch.)

    Don't think I need to say anymore.


    PD - are you meaning the street party on June 12th? If so, I think Hurley Park is £26 on that date (£28 for a super pitch) and for us it would also be £4 extra for the two dogs. The prices you state for the two CC sites are correct, including, in our case, the dogs!

    So to answer your question - yes - you do need to say more! Wink. Use left and right arrows to navigate.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited January 2016 #259

    In the absence of any guidance it would seem it has been decided that C&M is the place to go. However, I am still confused by the fact that nothing other than the UK can be discussed in this section. The OP had his question well answered in the first few
    pages. The post is entitled 2016 Site fees, and in future pages it branched out to compare UK site prices with Europe. If it had happened before the OP was answered I could see the problem, but it didn't. I would think most would agree, I am hardly a pusher
    of things European, but I saw nothing wrong in that drift. Yes the section is UK sites but this country does not sit in glorious isolation. Comparisons with Europe are valid. It remains to be seen if the current thread in C&M is considered in the correct section.

    I started the OP in that section as it seemed the best option, but going by my history of posting it might get movedWink. Use left and right arrows to navigate.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2016 #260

    HD - I think at least two of the "champions" have said it's probably the right place so let's hope it stays there and we can get back to what this section was intended for! Laughing. Use left and right arrows to navigate.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2016 #261

    This was a discussion about the rise in prices on CC sites so it was quite specific and having done a search myself for sites over the Spring holiday in early June I found many are approaching the £30 mark (just for two adults.) 

    edit normally We wouldn't use sites during a main holiday time but we have to this year and I think we'll be looking at CLs instead. Just one CC site we have decided to book is £14.00 per night.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited January 2016 #262

    HD - I think at least two of the "champions" have said it's probably the right place so let's hope it stays there and we can get back to what this section was intended for!

    Laughing. Use left and right arrows to navigate.

    I think part of the problem is there has been no clear guidance, we have just been told where it can't go.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2016 #263

    Getting back to site prices, I want a site in the Windsor area for QE's Birthday bash. Casting my eye around the area, here is the site night prices for two adults with electric.

    CC Henley Four Oaks £20.70p.n.

    CC Wyats Covert £24.70p.n

    C&CC Chertsey £19.50

    Commercial, Hurley Park £17p.n. (£19 for a super pitch.)

    Don't think I need to say anymore.


    PD - are you meaning the street party on June 12th? If so, I think Hurley Park is £26 on that date (£28 for a super pitch) and for us it would also be £4 extra for the two dogs. The prices you state for the two CC sites are correct, including, in our case, the dogs!

    So to answer your question - yes - you do need to say more! Wink. Use left and right arrows to navigate.

    M ,...Its as happens a lot,Undecided things are cherry picked to try to make a caseWink

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2016 #264

    We've got two similar threads running on club site prices, maybe this one should close now and we can discuss prices on the other thread?

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited January 2016 #265

    I agree with that Bugs - Over there is definitely not the UK Sites section!

    Write your comments here...That's right. Let's face it, anyone who is interested in touring in UK and spending their time here would only be interested in comments about this country and have no interest in what goes on across the Channel. If they wanted
    to know about touring other countries, they would be posting in the overseas section.

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited January 2016 #266

    I don't think you can compair "over there to over here " ,they are different cultures and outlooks, " here" seems to be make as much money as you can from people ,whereas "overthere" its about makeing sure people enjoy their stay and the customer comes first
    , no I don't go overseas ,but that's not to say I wouldn't ,it's just at this time it's not practical , and if I did go ( must get a passport) I would go to Normandy 

    Anyway if a thread drifts isn't up to the Mods to get it back on track ????

    Write your comments here...Everyone needs an income, no matter where they live but life in UK is not just about making money, it is about excellent customer service. I would be very unhappy if the only reason for going to work is to make money. Work to me
    is about doing my best to make customers happy.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited January 2016 #267

    In the absence of any guidance it would seem it has been decided that C&M is the place to go. However, I am still confused by the fact that nothing other than the UK can be discussed in this section. The OP had his question well answered in the first few
    pages. The post is entitled 2016 Site fees, and in future pages it branched out to compare UK site prices with Europe. If it had happened before the OP was answered I could see the problem, but it didn't. I would think most would agree, I
    am hardly a pusher of things European, but I saw nothing wrong in that drift. Yes the section is UK sites but this country does not sit in glorious isolation. Comparisons with Europe are valid. It remains to be seen if the current thread in C&M is considered
    in the correct section.

    Well said steve,  we've been told in the past that once a question is answered then if the post drifts that's to be expected.

    On the back of what Bugs said I'm not so sure that putting it in C&M is the best place, as if a person would'nt/shouldn't look in' UK sites' to see things relating to overseas then  why would they look in C&MUndecided

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited January 2016 #268

    I don't think you can compair "over there to over here " ,they are different cultures and outlooks, " here" seems to be make as much money as you can from people ,whereas "overthere" its about makeing sure people enjoy their stay and the customer comes first , no I don't go overseas ,but that's not to say I wouldn't ,it's just at this time it's not practical , and if I did go ( must get a passport) I would go to Normandy 

    Anyway if a thread drifts isn't up to the Mods to get it back on track ????

    Write your comments here...Everyone needs an income, no matter where they live but life in UK is not just about making money, it is about excellent customer service. I would be very unhappy if the only reason for going to work is to make money. Work to me is about doing my best to make customers happy.

     If only Malcolm, IMO UK still falls a long way behind  in 'giving good customer care'

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,508
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    edited January 2016 #269

    PD - are you meaning the street party on June 12th?

    No it is mid May at Windsor Castle.


  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited January 2016 #270

    I don't think you can compair "over there to over here " ,they are different cultures and outlooks, " here" seems to be make as much money as you can from people ,whereas "overthere" its about makeing sure people enjoy their stay and the customer comes first
    , no I don't go overseas ,but that's not to say I wouldn't ,it's just at this time it's not practical , and if I did go ( must get a passport) I would go to Normandy 

    Anyway if a thread drifts isn't up to the Mods to get it back on track ????

    Write your comments here...Everyone needs an income, no matter where they live but life in UK is not just about making money, it is about excellent customer service. I would be very unhappy if the only reason for going to work is to make
    money. Work to me is about doing my best to make customers happy.

     If only Malcolm, IMO UK still falls a long way behind  in 'giving good customer care'

    Write your comments here...Now there's a job for you, Tammygirl. You go and tell them how it should be done! As you're over here, there's no problem with communication!

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited January 2016 #271

    I don't think you can compair "over there to over here " ,they are different cultures and outlooks, " here" seems to be make as much money as you can from people ,whereas "overthere" its about makeing sure people enjoy their stay and the customer comes first
    , no I don't go overseas ,but that's not to say I wouldn't ,it's just at this time it's not practical , and if I did go ( must get a passport) I would go to Normandy 

    Anyway if a thread drifts isn't up to the Mods to get it back on track ????

    Write your comments here...Everyone needs an income, no matter where they live but life in UK is not just about making money, it is about excellent customer service. I would be very unhappy if the only reason for going to work is to make
    money. Work to me is about doing my best to make customers happy.

     If only Malcolm, IMO UK still falls a long way behind  in 'giving good customer care'

    Write your comments here...Now there's a job for you, Tammygirl. You go and tell them how it should be done! As you're over here, there's no problem with communication!

    Undecided not sure Malcom if there isn't a little bit or sarcasm in your post.  But as they say "been there done that" I've had quite
    a few jobs in my time and working in the service industry was one of themLaughing uk is getting better but its still got room for improving.
     Nice to see that you have pride in your job though.