PowerTouch Motor Mover Warranty

MaryAnn196 Club Member Posts: 2
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edited March 14 in Your stories #1

We've bought a 2023 Bailey Unicorn Seville with fitted PowerTouch motor mover. We contacted PowerTouch to ascertain it had just under 3 year's warranty left on it. Initially they said there would be an administration fee to change the ownership of the warranty, which we were willing to pay. Then, after giving our home postcode, in the North West of Scotland, PA34, Oban to be precise, the response was that 'due to our location and difficulty in getting an engineer to us in the event of an issue with the motor mover' the company would not transfer the warranty. Instead they said we could purchase a 'DIY warranty' instead, which, in our understanding would mean the company would have nothing to do with honouring the 'NO quibble warranty' as stated on their website. This left us wondering if anyone, say from South of the border, were visiting our beautiful area here in Argyll, and had issues with their Power Touch motor mover, would they be expecting any warranty covered help? It's just beyond belief, in this day and age, to state, because of your post code, a warranty is not valid! Anyone any bright suggestions as to how we can proceed or indeed had similar issues with PowerTouch?


  • eribaMotters
    eribaMotters Club Member Posts: 1,272
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    I would get back to them and politely request that they reconsider there earlier reply as you think they may have made a mistake. You should mention how you are considering legal advice in the unlikely event that they do not revisit there decision. Also your posting on the C&MC website is gaining attention and it would be nice if you could update the post with a positive result that shows the Powertouch customer service gives owners a piece of mind.


  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,874
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    Out of interest, I googled this…

    So, it would appear they’re sold in Scotland?

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    Yes, our dealer just outside Glasgow fits Powrtouch almost exclusively. Powrtouch are now owned by Truma I believe.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,791
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    I doubt that the legal channel is feasible. The warranty applies only to the original purchaser and is provided as a reward for buying their product. If you bought the caravan through a dealer you will get the benefit of The Customer Relations Act which gives some protection.

    I can sympathise with your predicament though, but at the same time I can see the problem with the distance involved as I assume the nearest dealer is in Glasgow and a repair would take the engineer a day when travelling is included.
    On the good side, we transferred ours from the previous caravan to the current one and it is still going strong after eleven years, so they are very reliable.