Re cacc and camh club
Back last summer we were using the motorhome down the gower in west Wales. We were travelling back and thought it best to get rid of our water waste as it had accumulated. I phoned ahead to a ccl campsite and spoke with them they said yes as your a member it's fine for a £7 charge but he had never heard of it being done in the past,so I stated that it is in the club rules... so i arranged to be there around 1pm. However on arrival he said ah your not a member of cacc. So cannot let you do it In im afraid. I may have unknowingly read it wrong or been in the wrong club#didnt know there were 2. Just don't get caught out like we did with a wasted journey..
You do seem a tad confused. It is the Camping & Caravanning Club who allow the stop and fill facility for members at some sites (not all) and it is detailed on their website.
This club, the Caravan & Motorhome Club, do not allow members that facility for a number of reasons which have been detailed and debated on here many a time.
It’s a pity you had a wasted journey but shows the benefit of always ringing ahead to check.