How could we present blog information better?
In this latest test, we’re excited to invite you to help us improve the way members could view and access our blog content more easily.
All you have to do is click the link below, which will take you to a website called Lyssna. Here, you’ll be given a chance to try out our new ‘journeys’ and let us know what you think. It will only take around 3-5 minutes and it will be a huge help in ensuring the Caravan and Motorhome Club’s website gives members the best possible experience.
Please note, this is not a live website, these are just prototypes so may take a few seconds to load.
Ready to get involved? Get started here:
If you're using a mobile phone device - Please use this link
If you're using a desktop computer or laptop - Please use this link
Thank you for helping us create a website that’s shaped by your insights.
@SarahCAMC - the link for desktop/laptop states that this test can only be done on a mobile device - so why put the desktop link in?????
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@SarahCAMC neither of the links once again didn't work on my Kindle or once open on my phone neither of the options worked as they were supposed to.
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Hi @richardandros apologies for the error, the desktop/ laptop link will now open then test correctly.
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Hi @nelliethehooker the software we use for testing currently doesn't support using a Kindle, this is something they said they will consider in the future.
Please can you describe the issue you've seen when trying to complete the test on your mobile?
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@EmmaCAMC Sorry about the delay in replying I have redone the questionnaire with the comments on the problems I found with it. Perhaps you could read the problems I had on there?
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Hi @nelliethehooker that's correct, this test doesn't support Kindles unfortunately, just mobile phones, laptops and desktop computer. Thanks for your feedback.
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I notice tablet and iPad
On which link should users of iPads / tablets click?