Accessible wheelchair walks map UK and France

Last year whilst in France we realised that my wife was extremely restricted to the distance she could walk. We lost out on doing many things. Over the years from traveling in the USA in our RV and then Europe in our caravan we were doing less and less 😤. So having purchased a power wheelchair which has become very successful, we decided to map out our tried and tested locations on a google map available for everyone. To complement this each walk has been given its own page with a description and simple quick icons about the walk on our web site.
For Wales (we live in Wales so more walks here at the moment)
This will give you links to the UK and French walks.
Information on the wheelchair we use that fits in our Korando boot. Plenty of photos where we have been as well on different pages.
Life has dramatically changed for us since last September when we brought the wheelchair, as there is a 4 year waiting list in Wales for knee operations. 2 months 5 days and we are off to the Atlantic French coast and North Spain for 64 days 😀
We hope this information will help others and as time goes on we will include more walks we have done.
Below is how easy it is to get a power wheelchair into a car boot for those who may be wondering. It weighs 27 kg but you use the chair power and ramps 😀