Illegal Releases

The wildlife terrorists are at it again. Releasing Lynx into the wild. We locally will not even enter into any discussion with the so called environmentalists who obviously will stoop to anything to get their own ways. They are causing irreversible damage to any assistance from us land owners.
There are already several informative comments and articles related to this incident in the Restoration and Rewilding Thread, Fish. All agree that these are irresponsible and unhelpful acts but many support a properly organised reintroduction like those we have seen for Ospreys and White Tailed Eagles. We need natural balanced eco systems as the articles explain in the other thread. I hope that below helps with your understanding.
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As farmers and landowners and following the Goivernment attack we are looking to strengthen our holdings. Matters being considered are making access miore difficult. Insisting on the use of public paths as indicated on maps with no deviations. Harder actions against dog owners as we reach the lambing stage. There will be no contact with any environmental groups and informal agreements terminated. We feel that we must be just as belligerent to counter the illegal action by the eco terrorists.
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From what I read the animals released had been kept in enclosures all heir life and had no idea how to hunt. In simple terms they were unlikely to be able hunt the food they needed and would probably have starved to death. A stupid and irresponsible act by idiots.
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Which just illustrates what we in the countryside have to put up with by these eco terrorists. I mentioned wild boars released illegally near us recently.Still eating the sausages but I must say they are over rated. The backlash will unfortunately affect other legal schemes.
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I don’t think any of us would regard these acts were anything other than stupid. Yes, in my opinion, these people exhibited terrorist behaviours but some at the other end of the spectrum’s debate will label even the most sensible and law abiding supporters of nature likewise. Those who could be considered eco terrorists really are in a tiny minority and should not be allowed to lead the debate. I am one of the ‘we in the countryside’ and I have witnessed despicable and stupid behaviours on all sides of the arguments. There are a few hunters, land owners and gamekeepers who regularly carry out deplorable acts and hold extreme views but there are some, quite a few really, who are supportive of properly organised restoration and reintroductions projects. They will continue to enter into sensible conversations.
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Regrettably there seemingly will always be the selfish / irresponsible / stupid / ignorant (and multiple combinations of the foregoing) on both sides - people who don't close gates where clearly there is livestock, or allow dogs to run free, land owners who plough up footpaths and string barbed wire across stiles and similar access points... and those imbeciles who decide that, on balance, keeping a wild animal such as a lynx, is really not for them after all, so dumping it in the wild is the "logical" resolution.