Prima Leisure - Excellent Service

Since, in the past, there had been a fair amount of criticism about the very slow delivery of items by Prima Leisure and the Club's association with them via their offers, I thought I would just highlight my recent experience.
This week - whilst 'up' in Cumbria having the van serviced, I discovered that my Tyrepal Monitor had finally given up the ghost. It had been on the blink for some time, so I wasn't exactly surprised. I actually took it apart and found out that the charging socket had come away from the circuit board and given the intricacy of the board, there was no way I could have repaired it.
I was aware that the Club were already offering a discount of £20 on said monitor - plus an additional 5% as well - so on Thursday afternoon, I ordered a new one. Estimated delivery time was 2-5 days. Within an hour or so of placing the order, I got an email saying it had been dispatched.
Set off home on Friday morning - arriving there about 1230 - at exactly the same time as the Evri delivery driver arrived with my new monitor. The package had a 'Next day' delivery sticker on it even though I had only paid for the standard 2-5 day delivery.
To get it within less than 24 hours of placing the order was outstanding service. Well done to the Club and Prima. @Rowena
(Posted on here because I couldn't actually find a category entitled 'Club Shop' - if there is one, could it be moved, please.)
I think that the service from Prima largely depends on whether the item ordered comes from Bailey, who own Prima, or an outside supplier.
I have ordered a Banner Battery from them that took just days to deliver (outside supplier) and a Bailey Bed slat holder, costing 90p, that took 9 months!.
Its worth noting that Prima are Tyrepals sole route to market