One Pan Recipes

Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,471
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Our old caravan doesn’t have an oven, or microwave, so we became quite good at one pan meals. Here’s a quick favourite…..

One Pan Pasta

Pasta Shells, Mushrooms, Tin Sweetcorn or Frozen Peas, Tomato based Sauce, Black Olives sliced, Mozzarella Cheese, Parmesan Cheese. (Anything else you fancy throwing in😁)

Pasta into boiling water, once pasta nearly done, add Mushrooms/peas/sweetcorn, drain once cooked to taste. Add tomato sauce, olives, small diced mozzarella, grated Parmesan, heat slowly until everything is piping hot, cheese has melted, then serve, nice with garlic bread. And extra Parmesan on top!

Gives you four veg for your day. Can obviously swop different cheeses, add things like prawns, lots of variations. Goes with salad as well.

We call it Miggia Moggia, ‘cos it’s sort of a modged up bit of Italian basics🤣


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,471
    10,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited January 18 #2

    Latest one pan addition to our culinary holiday feasting……….Shakshuka! A tomato based dish, with plenty of veg, eggs for protein, and then whatever carbs you fancy, although the delicious sauce cries out for some nice bread for mopping.

    Chop finely large onion, a bell pepper, mushrooms and lightly fry until soft, adding crushed garlic to taste. Add tinned chopped tomatoes (unless you want to roast off and make your own), paprika, cumin to taste, add in any other veg you fancy, sweetcorn works well. Simmer until boiling and spices have worked through all the sauce, make four wells and drop a fresh egg in each to poach in the sauce, ideally you want the whites to cook, but leave the yolks a little on the runny side. Feta cheese can be crumbled over the top for extra oomph, and finish with a good dash of black pepper (we use lemon pepper.) Once the eggs have poached, serve without breaking the eggs, and mop up with some nice lightly toasted bread such as panini, crusty French stick, or even pittas. Recipe can be tweaked of course for taste, different veg, herbs, spices.
