Our Story Keeps on Getting Bigger

Since Day 1 - April 2017 of the Great Adventure - it has been just that. A magical drive into the future - AKA retirement, with our brand spanking new MOHO. He's not the biggest at 7.4m, or prettiest, but we've called him Beastie. A name he's lived up to since the moment I wedged the side of his fat belly against our drive's gate post, on our very first morning. Our planned taster trip to Devon and Cornwall didn't get off to the perfect start. But it's encounters like these that live in the memory far longer. That first steep learning curve has put us in good stead for all that's now been and gone.
All of our stories, photos and videos, including how we managed to release Beastie from that gatepost are fully documented at www.2-cheeses-go-rolling.com