Leaving Club site reviews

I have been searching in vane for information on how to leave club site reviews. There is plenty of info out there but it all seems to be incorrect as everything I have tried has failed. The following is info given by the club itself. The highlighted text below is where everything goes awry as it does not appear on my screen.
How to leave a review
We think it’s important for all of our members to be able to read reviews of true experiences other people have had whilst staying on our campsites. We want to hear an honest review of your stay, as well as hearing about any recommendations you might have about the site itself or tips for your fellow tourers about local 'must-sees'.
To leave a review, the first thing you need to do is log in to the website here.
Now you need to find the campsite that you stayed at and you wish to leave a review for. You can either do this by typing the campsite into the Search bar or you can just click here and type in the Club campsite that you’re wanting to review (for example: Crystal Palace) and hit the search button. When the correct campsite comes up, click view details and price guide.
Once on the Club campsite page, scroll down to four tabs labelled: Price, Nearby, Map and Reviews. You can easily find this underneath Facilities on site. Click the Reviews tab and underneath is a red text line which says Review and rate this site.
Has anybody had the same problem. Please don't respond to this question if your going to be sarcastic. I've been searching for an answer for the past week and its beaten me so far
Thank you
See the screen shots below. It’s a straightforward 2 step process.
Btw, why the comment about sarcastic replies? I nearly didn’t bother once I read that.
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Search bar or you can just click here and type in the Club campsite that you’re wanting to review (for example: Crystal Palace) and hit the search button. When the correct campsite comes up, click view details and price guide.
I suspect it’s the last bit of your quote “click view details and price guide.” that is causing confusion, it is clearly an error on the clubs part and should just read click on site name to reveal details. That will bring up the page in TW’s post above. If your getting a price guide you are on the booking part of the website and can’t leave reviews from there.
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I have raised this issue with Admin as the process should be much easier. TW's illustration is the best approach so quite why they Club instruct differently I don't know. After you have stayed at a site, members (who have signed up for email communications) get an email asking them to leave a review. In that email there needs to be a direct link. We often get people leaving reviews in the Story Section, no doubt because of frustration trying to find the right place. I suspect the OP's frustration is shared by many?
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Yes how to leave review is not intuitive, it should be. FR too many steps are involved. You need to want to leave one to find your way through the process. Yes it is easy once you know how, but if you don’t do it regularly, perhaps because you don’t visit that many club sites, you have to relearn each time.
I am saddened by the number of people who only leave reviews when they don’t like a site. Positive reviews are also helpful to those considering sites. Also reviews that just say “this was the best site ever” with no indication of what was good. Descriptions of positive and negative points, and of the site itself and facilities are all useful. We need to remember that what is good for some will be bad for others.
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Club sites have hundreds of reviews on here - Chatsworth has 880 - so members are not finding insuperable difficulties posting them and one wonders what there is new to say.
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We always try and support CLs by leaving a review. I don’t think it’s wrong to raise a negative issue, but it should be polite and relevant.
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Are you clicking the 'Reviews' tab just above the 'Review and rate…' bit in red?
Alternatively, try going in via 'Read more reviews' as per my first pic.
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It’s below the Reviews tab. See my screenshots.