Late Spring Bank Holiday Weekend

Grandchild 6 of 7 had asked his Nanna if he could have a dampervan adventure for the upcoming Late Spring bank holiday weekend, not wanting to travel to far with him we booked a 2 night stay at the Littlehampton club site.
We picked up the Grandson from his dads at 9 am and had a leisurely drive down the coast from Eastbourne to Littlehampton, we arrived to early to check-in so went to the local supermarket to top up our supplies and then had lunch in the town.
On checking in I discovered that I had booked a hard standing with no awning pitch, I was sure I booked an awning pitch! Ah well brought the Fiamma privacy room for no reason! Got the dampervan quickly rigged into camping mode and went for a walk around the site and to the information hut.
We had a bit of a disturbed nights sleep due to the heavy rain that started around 11pm last night and continued into this morning. Got out of bed at 6.30am at the dog’s instance, thankfully it had stopped raining heavily and was now a light drizzle, at least the weather forecast was predicting a dry day with lots of sunshine but the wind speed would be increasing throughout the day.
After breakfast of Sausage “n” egg McMyrtle, which is becoming a dampervan tradition, we caught the bus into Littlehampton. We spent the day walking on the riverbank and seafront, with a visit to the Harbour Park Amusements for the boy, Myrtle went on the bumper cars with him, and also the log flume, where she got an absolute drenching.
Cold meat, cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers and fruit for dinner with some crusty bread we bought yesterday. After dinner I started de-rigging the tables, chairs and wind out awning and packed the boot ready for us to depart in the morning.