Elddis 554/Riva Gold new gas locker door fitted

footlooserv Forum Participant Posts: 106
edited August 2024 in Caravans #1

The caravan gas locker door replacement has finally been completed after a couple of years. As we were about to leave a campsite several years ago the gas locker door was “thrown upwards” violently by the gas struts. This pulled the top hinge out of its screwed fittings and cracked the door badly. In order to travel we removed the gas struts and with longer screws (always carry a maintenance pack!) the door was secured again. Gaffer tape used over the crack. For a long time we just muddled along with the door gaffer taped and using a short prop. If raised too high (above horizontal) it came our of the hinge.

Now with the one I have made  can be opened as high as you want. I still have to fit a safety pole to secure it in a open position, but the wife works well!  New Elddis gas locker door for £160