CL with storage

Does anyone know of a CL, or even a larger site, within ten miles of the East Anglia coast where the owner will store your caravan between visits and tow to the pitch for you?
After fifty years hubby has decided he doesn't want to go away any more or tow anywhere so I need somewhere I can go on my own.
Try the following
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My mind has been working in the background as I now recall seeing a CL that would fit the bill that provides storage. I noticed it when looking for sites for our stays in Suffolk and Norfolk last Autumn.
They have a Storage site that's approved but I don't know if they will site your caravan for you. You will have to phone them and ask.
Good luck.
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We stayed on a THS near Holt which was on a large open farm site. There appeared to be quite a few vans on seasonal pitches, but I am not sure if the do a store and pitch facilith, but it is worth asking the question.
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Jenny, I am sorry to hear of your predicament.
The answer to your search for a site is somewhere within the website of The search facility there has filters for seasonal pitches as well as storage facilities, for sites of all types, within the Club or outside it, and with all or no facilities, and allows you to see map locations as well as reviews. It produces lots of possibilities for you.
But at the end of it all you are going to have to make phone calls to ask about availability and pay visits to see if you like the location. No short cuts I am afraid.
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Can’t help you with the East Anglia Area, but there are lots of places on Yorkshire coast that offer such a service. An ex CL South of Bridlington, Rectory Farm at Barmston did this. Site owners towed onto pitch, and then back into storage. No ideas on fees though, but it’s a popular option on some sites along Yorkshire coast. Hope you find something. 👍
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Thank you for your suggestions. I will look into them all. I have a week booked at Warwick racecourse in August to see how I get on. Our son in law will tow it for me. I did have a week booked last week at White House Beach but had to cancel as John had a sudden hospiital appointment.
I actually would prefer a seasonal pitch but I am told that there are usually waiting lists for those.
Takethedogalong I would love to have a site in Yorkshire as Whitby is my favourite seaside town in the whole county but being realistic it is a five hours drive from home and the furtherest I have driven over the years is about two hours. The one you mention south of Bridlington is a bit far south on the Yorkshire coast to where I would want to be but thank you for the idea.
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Yes, sorry LTC, I wasn’t sure where you were based, so my Yorkshire suggestions perhaps weren’t very practical. But there are sites out there. Not sure which Club Sites have seasonal pitches nowadays, I know lots of the non facility sites did, but these are rapidly disappearing now.
Its a hard decision for you. Have you considered selling the van and getting a small camper van at all, that I suppose might be an option, and leave you less reliant of having someone to tow for you, or having to stay in one area? We have a friend who did this, after she wanted to continue touring, and it did work out easier for her. But all depends on what you want and need of course. Hope you get sorted, it’s a huge wrench giving up something you enjoy.😁