
Anyone visiting the club's Hillhead site might like to be aware there is an outbreak of cryptosporidium in the area.
Not nice😬 such a shame for locals, businesses and visitors.
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Yes, especially seeing SWW said yesterday it was safe to carry on using water as normal!
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Every water company is as bad as the next, look at the discharge of raw sewage into Lake Windermere. Nothing will change until the government starts to financially penalize the whole of the company's board and not the companies themselves as it is then the general public who have to pay the cost of the fine.
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There’s no mention of any issues on the “before you travel” webpage, or the actual Site web page.
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I've brought this issue to the attention of HO with a view to it being added to the 'before you travel' information for the site.
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If the site is affected, good idea to inform those on their way. At least they can make plans to stock up on bottled water going down, or fill up on board tanks as much as possible.
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We were due to visit Hillhead on 3rd June, very disappointed that the club have not said if site affected or not on website, it looks to be in the middle of the outbreak. As it will take a while to resolve and I don't want the bug in my pipes and barrels we have cancelled and booked elsewhere. Come on CAMC think about your members and visitors health not loss of revenue.
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And the link states Hillhead reservoir is affected.
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Indeed. It’s chlorine resistant, so Puricleans won’t be good enough.
Site will have to close pool as well and sort this out. (If it’s open yet) used to take us two full days, shock dosing, filtering, backwashing, shock dosing, filtering, backwashing, and repeat😱 Then re testing at Health Labs to get all clear.
(Timely reminder for those with babies and toddlers, always use a proper pool nappy if you take them in a pool👍)
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SWW has previous history in terms of water quality issues. Just Google Camelford Water Incident.☹️
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That was before privatisation so things are bound to be better now 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
And we have the highest water bills in the country😤😤
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Its all over our local news. Sadly many B&Bs etc are receiving cancellations, not good at this time of year. Bottled water is being delivered to residents in the area and some schools are closing. I would not want to be visiting the Hillhead site, the advice is for locals not to drink the water and to boil water. Not good that SWW at first told people the water was fine. As Tinwheeler said, we have the dearest water bills in the country.
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Yes, it was around the time we started to visit regular. I think we only stayed in Camelford area once, we were usually down near Fowey.
SWW does have a shocking reputation. Others aren’t far behind though. I think 70% of England’s Water/ Sewage provision is in the hands of overseas companies. The Scot’s didn’t fall for the blather back in 1989. I think Welsh Water is not for profit.
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Camelford isn’t the most picturesque place.
The latest BBC info has an item about a campsite.
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We are in a deep valley on the edge of the moor and most of the scattered farms and houses here get water via private supplies piped in from springs and streams high on the hill.There are cattle, sheep, and ponies on the moor, and deer, badgers and foxes in the belt of woodland below, so the possibilities of polluted water from those private supplies are wide open, but it hasn’t happened in the 42 years we have lived here. Or perhaps we have become immune.
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The following has now been added to the club before you travel section (but would probably only be viewed by most members a day or two before travel)
"There is currently an outbreak of Cryptosporidium in the Brixham area. The Hillhead site is open as usual and the site team is following guidelines from South West Water. For more information please following the link to South West Water Information."
Sadly there is no link to follow !
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I wonder how sympathetic the club will be to any members cancelling within the 21 day full refund cut off?
This would seem to an exceptional circumstance.
As a separate issue I think there is so much that is wrong with the way we allow our essential service companies to either be owned by a foreign enterprise or run on a profit first basis. I don't think any Regulator of these services, be it water or energy etc. have any teeth at all. Their remits and power are too diluted.
You're right Ttda, Welsh Water is a not for profit organisation.
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The Hillhead site is open as usual and the site team is following guidelines from South West Water.
Sounds like a cop out to me. "Sorry you became ill but we did as SWW said".
I would hope that as a minimum Hillhead has shut the showers, turned off the water supplies, and told everyone to only use bottled water. I feel sorry for those who have already contaminated their containers and van systems.
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I wonder what would happen if someone who was staying on the site fell ill following their stay there. Surely they would be able to sue the club because of it's duty of care for those staying on the site.
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We regularly use a cottage on Dartmoor that uses piped spring water, and it’s never been an issue. I believe it doesn’t come to the surface, but is piped direct from the underground spring.
One very hot Summer, (the whole Moor was parched) springs were drying up, and farms, properties were busy having deeper bore holes drilled. We arrived to find a very worried cottage owner, who had to tell us we might be a bit limited on water usage, but they had got a big tank on-site, and could we manage? All part of holidaying somewhere different for us, we didn’t bat an eyelid, but someone else had kicked up a bit of a fuss. He’d no warning of when bore hole was to be drilled, so couldn’t pre warn us. It was just one half day as it happened, not a worry.But this is different. Different type of supply, thousands affected, and terrible initial communications.
I am getting heartily sick of hearing big companies, MP’s, high earning CEO’s, those in positions of power using the word “sorry”. It’s becoming meaningless, debased. Not good enough. 😡
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"I am getting heartily sick of hearing big companies, MP’s, high earning CEO’s, those in positions of power using the word “sorry”. It’s becoming meaningless, debased. Not good enough."
Don’t forget "we are working very hard" as well. Another meaningless phrase🙄.
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I agree WN. Nobody should be allowed to make money out of supplying water. I expect the CEO and the shareholders will still get their payout. SWW are a disgrace and I expect many others aren’t far behind. Although I admit SWW make it very easy for me to pay our bill!
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we were at Hillhead site when all this started. The team there were operating like when the covid crisis was apon us, doing extra cleaning. They were also delivering 2 bottles of water to each van and advising us to boil our water. So please don't blame the team there they were working with what they had.
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I don’t think anyone blames the site team for anything, Joanie, but CAMC should have alerted people with bookings without needing to be prompted.
Apparently, the Hillhead reservoir is still not completely clear of the bug.
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At last! SW Water have today declared the water system free of cryptosporidium and say there is no longer a need to boil water.
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This is SW Water we'er talking about, BOIL YOUR WATER !