Swiss Luxx Kettle - A Warning
Over the years we have had many low wattage kettles but from time to time we have to replace them. A while ago we purchased a Swiss Luxx low ampage kettle. From the first time of use it tainted the water and this did not improve through use. It got to the point where I was worried that there might be more problems beyond the taste. I put this down to experience and we have replaced it with a more traditional plastic low wattage kettle. On one of the Facebook Groups I follow someone posted exactly the same experience so it looks as if it could be more widespread than a single example? A cursory look at the kettle you could be mistaken in thinking it is stainless steel but the inner is actually plastic and its the plastic that seems to be causing the issue. Personally I would discourage anyone from buying this particular model. Be interesting to hear from anyone with the kettle who has not had the same problem.