Caravanning as Physiotherapy

Lying in a hospital bed in October 2022 having suffered a Stroke I did at times wonder what 2023 would bring. Like most people who suffer a sudden life threatening illness, such as a Stroke or Heart Attack, the immediate future and the obstacles presented have probably not been contemplated. So I was starting from a blank canvas.
I had a visit from a Neurologist who was interested in my state of mind and what goals I had planned for rehabilitation. I told her that my hobbies were mostly outdoor ones which more often than not were accommodated by using my touring caravan. I had already decided the day after the Stroke that I would use these hobbies as inspiration. My right side needed quite a bit of work but, with some great help from the Physiotherapists that were sent every day for 6 weeks after my release from hospital, I used Caravanning, Bird Watching and Walking in the countryside as goals to be achieved.
We normally tour in Winter for 3-4 separate weeks but this wasn't feasible this year. However we started again in April, firstly with 4 nights on a C.L. not far from home and with some friends on site in case I needed help. We usually make the bed up from 2 squabs on 2 seats but I found this too hard at first. Nevertheless, with a willing partner in my wife, we shared the jobs such as water filling etc, although I was still somehow designated to be the toilet emptier! Gradually over the Summer we went away on a regular basis and I was soon able to convert the seats into a bed. Caravanning as Physiotherapy. My right arm initially couldn't be raised above the horizontal but by using it in the caravan and trying to use it to hold binoculars it has gradually unfrozen.
I'm not sure what those people who have no hobbies or pursuits to provide a goal do to regain some sort of normality but I do know they have helped me enormously. I am now about 80% back to "normal" and can only thank the part that caravanning has played in getting there.
We have managed 80 nights away in the caravan this year, about 66% of normal years but boy did they feel good.
I admire anyone with physical problems who continue to tour or simply carry on regardless.
Yes, 2023 was a difficult year but it got easier and 2024 holds so much promise.
Best wishes to one and all. Happy Touring.
I hope 2024 is a very good year for you, WN 👍🏻
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Same here. My brother had a similar event but he wouldn't let it cast too long a shadow and with a positive mindset like yours and is now doing what he enjoys most, travelling and the outdoors with some help and perhaps toned down.
A great 2024 to you.
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Very inspiring WN, I admire your determination. I know from reading your posts over this last year how difficult things were at the start, but your positive attitude has helped you overcome a lot of those.
I can't imagine what you must have gone through at times, but you must be so pleased with being able to take up your hobby of caravanning again.
Wishing you all the best for 2024, and I sincerely hope you will achieve your ambition of going "over there"