Time Warp

mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,521
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edited December 2023 in How to use Club Together #1

What is it with CT these days? Too many old threads seem to be resurrecting themselves with seemingly little if any member intervention or current relevance. The numbers of regular contributors and newbies also seem to be diminishing. Is CT now reaching an inevitable conclusion? Is it now in need of an overhaul or is a new and novel format required?

I do recognise that there is a whole wealth of knowledge in the CT archives but also a some contributions some may need to be consigned to a CT Room 101.

Amongst other improvements an easily accessible archive would be helpful. Any thoughts?

I do recognise however that we may all have different ‘wishes’ but there is a good deal of commonality amongst us.



  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited December 2023 #2

    I know what you mean, Micky. Other forums have Factsheets or Technical sections where answers can be found to the old chestnuts such as winterisation or best bike carriers. CT doesn’t even have a decent search function and all the valuable member input gets lost.

    There is obviously much adrift with the IT function and there seems no will to improve things. As for our wish list, as I recall, nothing much came of our suggestions last time around. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,395
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    edited December 2023 #3

    I recall some months ago there was talk of updating T&Cs, don’t think this has been carried out yet. Wonder if a full overhaul is planned, and any improvements part of that🤷‍♀️


  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited December 2023 #4

    And because CT does not have an efficient search engine or a sensible archive facility, the forum is becoming boring simply because the same old topics are posted as "new" especially by folk who are new to CT/caravanning/MH's, and the old timers are slowly drifting away, perhaps that is what the club want to happen so they can consigne CT to the unaccessible archives.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,521
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    edited December 2023 #5

    In the early days it was novel and vibrant and attracted many friendly contributors, some who have since ‘moved on’ but a few remain. These days we don’t seem to see that many new folk joining our ranks and fewer remaining to become regular members, I wonder why? CT has seen several changes over the years, remember those coloured stars, but, yes, I do think a radical upgrade or a new product is now probably required? May be it’s run it’s course.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited December 2023 #6

    Don’t forget, Micky, that in the early days there were also a number of unfriendly contributors and CT was quite vitriolic at times. It wasn’t all a bed of roses but those days are long gone.

    Over the years, CT has become rather restrictive by way of Guidelines, T&Cs and somewhat haphazard enforcement of them at times. Perhaps that has a bearing on deterring new posters? 

    TDA reminded us about the proposed new guidelines and, indeed, this has been ongoing for months. There were some tweaks made to the GLs a while back but that’s as far as it’s gone.

    I know CAMC see things differently but it’s always been my contention that T&Cs are the rules we must follow while the GLs should be just that, a guide on how to use the forum. I think the duplication of rules set out under both headings in CAMC's way makes for a far too lengthy reading process and unduly complicates matters with the result that folk may not bother to read them at all. Simple is best.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,521
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    edited December 2023 #7

    Oh, yes, I do remember that vociferous minority, they did cause upset and discourse amongst us but they were few in number. In a perverse way they were quite entertaining in their ‘misguided habits’! Things did became a bit boring without them but a happier place to be..

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,152
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    edited December 2023 #8

    A few points I would make:-

    This is naturally a quiet time of year for contributions of any kind. Even the number of reviews have dwindled to not much more than a page full. All the forums I visit on a regular basis are equally quiet, UK Campsites, Caravan and Motorhome Talk being the main two. Touring and Tenting closed its forum a few years ago now. Even if this was the slickest forum out there are we convinced it would be busy?

    This forum has always been at its busiest when there are problems with systems, ie the new booking system or when contributors get a bee in their bonnet, the name change would be a good example. Perhaps we should be glad that its quiet as it suggests there are no burning issues for members to discuss? 

    The elephant in the room is of course Social Media, particularly Facebook. There are any number of Facebook Groups out there that provide quick answers to questions. Because they are more specific, say brand of motorhome, you tend to get authoritative information almost in an instant. It is also much easier to post photos on Facebook without the need to resize them before posting here. It would be interesting to know the age profile of people using forums like this and I would be willing to bet that it is 50 plus in the main.

    At the end of the day I feel this is a useful forum and contributions will ebb and flow depending what the issues of the day are. It would be nice to have better software but whether that would mean more posters, who can tell?


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,065
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    edited December 2023 #9

    Rufs, that has been my opinion for a  couple of years now. There is just not the appetite for it in HO's great scheme of things. They are no longer interested in the forum, regardless of the spin that Rowena  and DK, puts on it, IMO of course.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,521
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    edited December 2023 #10

    You make some valid points, David, there has always been a seasonal variation in postings but in my experience this has fallen significantly across all 4 seasons in the last few years compared to the early days. In fact it currently appears to be particularly lacking in support with fewer contributors engaging with it as time goes on.

    Yes, during periods when contentious issues abound then up involvement goes but even the recent issues have not generated anything like as much interest as the ‘name change’, rebrand or CotY did in the past.

    The elephant in the room, as you say, has I’m sure, seen folk migrate to newer, more fashionable SM platforms. Maybe it’s had it’s day.

    The almost daily occurrence of ‘server errors’ or ‘planned maintenance’ events all add to the frustration and possible loss of contributors and even, as others have suggested, may lead to the loss of CT itself.

    I hope not!


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,164
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    edited December 2023 #11

    Repetition breeds boredom

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,521
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    edited December 2023 #12

    It does, OP, but I’d argue that those old chestnut issues, problems and topics being posted are novel to newcomers to the platform but maybe not us ‘old timers’. The problem is the lack of newbies and new topics to invigorate CT and reduce the boredom. You’re  most probably right, it’s had its moment, now lost!☹️

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,843
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    edited December 2023 #13

    it’s had its moment, now lost!☹️

    Can't say I agree with your last comment Micky as I feel that there will always be people seeking advice or recommendations.

    Yes, the variety of topics that are likely to entice new Posters are few and far between, that is until the Club veer off course and introduce something for people to either moan about or celebrate, as we have seen with change of name, insurance and booking system.

    Oneputt is right with his comment but if you look, particularly at the Technical section, there is always "new" names appearing asking for advice so in that context the forum provides a valuable function.

    It won't be a mainstay as far as the club is concerned and they'll pay it little heed.

    It may well die when the few Mods who do a grand job keeping it going, pack it in but until then just accept it for what it is.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,152
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    edited December 2023 #14

    I think we have to accept that, probably the majority of members, just want to use Club sites and if that booking process goes smoothly we won't ever hear from them regardless of how good or bad the forum is? 

    I have been on record as saying that I feel the forum should be run on a different platform to the main website which would resolve many of the conflicts we have. However whether the Club would be willing to make that investment is not altogether clear and based on the very points you raise about usage would that be money well spent? What some seem unwilling to accept is that the Club give priority to the booking side which does mean that from time to time the website is down overnight. According to the Club between the hours of 10.00pm and 8.00am is the time the website is least used so it makes sense to use that time to attend to the website. I have no idea why server errors occur but it does seem to me that it is more of a problem for some platforms. I use a Windows PC and even when I get server errors I can usually find a way round them. I accept at some times when they occur it matters not what system you use. I suppose we all reflect our own experiences and not spin as some suggestwink


  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,521
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    edited December 2023 #15

    I did insert ‘probably’ in that comment, WN. My main contention and bugbear is the lack of a means of sifting through that wealth of useful information, hints, solutions and support archived over the years. It’s painful and not at all user friendly for any of us. What a resource it could be if a decent search facility was available. Yes, CT is what it is/was. It’s much more than a decade old now, almost a lifetime in IT terms!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,843
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    edited December 2023 #16

    Oh I fully agree the Search Engine is useless.

    Nellie had a similar thread months ago now but without its title you'd have trouble finding it.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited December 2023 #17

    The almost daily occurrence of ‘server errors’ or ‘planned maintenance’ events all add to the frustration and possible loss of contributors and even, as others have suggested, may lead to the loss of CT itself.

    It would be nice to have better software but whether that would mean more posters, who can tell?

    It certainly does not help or encourage people to use the discussion forums but it may not be just the software. It might help if the Club were to publish which devices, operating systems and browser work best on the Club's site and App. I have noticed some other web sites do this. It seems a sensible idea with all the prolifigration of systems.

    I also don't think it helps at all that the Club (EGH) does not enter discussions. Is it any wonder FB and Trust pilot are preferred.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,395
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    edited December 2023 #18

    Trust pilot is just a business review platform. Club responds because it cares about it’s TP rating. Facebook is like marmite, some are happy to use it, others aren’t keen.

    The two distinct reasons for posting, (one technical, help, sharing of sites, useful information, etc…., and the second based on a more social, shared interests, hobbies, pub type banter, etc…..) might be better split up.That way, those who find the social side irritating can opt out, and stick to what they like best, and vice versa. If it could be set up so that folks can opt in or out of either, then it might mean less searching, and it might mean those who aren’t interested in one or the other don’t have to try and self regulate. 

    CT also needs more Mods and new T&Cs. Not a criticism, it just needs more help and much clearer information, particularly from HQ. I would suggest that in the technical section, keep threads on topic. But treat the social area a bit more like folks chatting over a coffee, where conversations happily meander a little. So long as folks are polite, and not discussing the myriad of “thou shalt not mention” list that the Club feels it needs, then it might just work, and seem a lot friendlier and more welcoming than being jumped on for deviating a little because another individual (not usually a Mod, but another poster) decides it’s not what they want to read. (I liken it to a coffee shop. You and a friend are happily chatting away, not being offensive, not being radical, but then a complete stranger, who is listening but not contributing, leans across and tells you to shut up, because your conversation has moved away from the topic heading🤷‍♀️) Not very friendly, particularly if it’s someone new, who is unsure of posting and responses.


  •  viatorem
    viatorem Club Member Posts: 645
    edited December 2023 #19

     Perhaps the old threads regenerate due to the lack of new ones?

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,843
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    edited December 2023 #20

    No point looking at Trust Pilot as the specific site being reviewed isn't mentioned. Totally worthless.

    I do like checking on Latest Activity, not necessarily for comments but for reviews especially of CLs. Many a time my interest has been piqued by a review and I've checked it out and sometimes ended up staying at that CL because of what I've read.. Sometimes I've avoided one for the same reasons.

    I do think we're also seeing a decline in posters due to them retiring from touring and some through passing away. They're not being replaced in any number so CT is contracting.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited December 2023 #22

    I agree that some posts may be considered offensive or inappropriate, but many others that I've read prior to removal are, in my view, just opinions. Once you start to stifle opinion and debate then people will lose interest.

    Oh, how so true.


  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
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    edited December 2023 #23

    What is annoying is if you ask a question and if there is a thread that is years old and probably outdated, your question is moved there and then becomes lost as no one wants to scroll through pages and pages of posts to find the answer to their question.  I can understand your question being moved if the thread is perhaps 3 months old as it will be reasonably fresh.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited December 2023 #24

    I don’t understand your comments, Surfer. Threads can be moved to different sections but posts cannot be moved from one thread to another.

    The anomalies here are a useless search facility which prevents people finding old info and, perversely, ancient threads coming to the fore in a haphazard fashion for no appreciable reason. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,152
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    edited December 2023 #25

    A couple of points if I may.

    Surfer, if for some magical reason you start a new thread with the same title as one that already exists your posting seems to automatically be placed in the old thread. Can't explain why but that seems to be what happens. 

    On the point about "Content Removed" messages. In an ideal world if a post was deleted it should completely disappear from view so that all but the original poster would be none the wiser? The reason you get a series of posts with Content Removed applied to them is that the original post is probably off topic or against T&C's so therefore once the original is removed the following posts in response don't make sense so also have to be removed to try and keep the thread on topic.  

    Hope that helps
