The new swift voyager 594 story

ClubMember6C18EEF314 Club Member Posts: 3
First Comment
edited October 2023 in Your stories #1

After a great deal research into new motorhomes to our requirements we came up with the Swift Voyager 594 2023 model, on the third trip out and loving our new £75,000 purchase what could go wrong and to spend winter in Spain was on the horizon. We went away for three days and on the first day our water pump started to kick in at intervals and as a engineer i new that we must have a water system leak and to my horror there was a flow from my rear o/s wheel arch, we contacted the dealer and he suggested as we are 100 miles from them to investigate which after our return home which i did and after we removed a panel in the bedroom which backs onto the shower i found the hot water pipe push in coupling was loose. On investigation the reason was the water pipes from the boiler to shower had been cut to short and where rubbing on the panel so i contacted and complained to swift and was told i had to return the motorhome to dealer and after a chat with the dealer and pictures sent so they could see we got nowhere until i was told they need to investigate. The dealer was good and i met with engineer  to discuss what i wanted them to do and they did the work and i was happy, the trip cost us in Diesel £65.00 and i sent receipt to dealer to send to Swift with there report which they had already agreed with me of the quality of work on the issue was not good and should not have happened, today i have a email from the dealer to say they have admitted its there fault but would not  pay for our travel costs, we did try to get the issue sorted via a local dealer but as we did not buy it there they did not want to know.  so our advice to all you lovely motorhome people be careful with Swift  as they need to sort there work force and dealership to look after customers a lot better  because the product may look good but under the wrapper is a different story.

Mt T P Riches


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,513
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    edited October 2023 #2

    Twas ever thus I’m afraid and it’s not only Swift. 

    However, your contract of purchase is with the supplying dealer, not Swift. Therefore, it is down to your dealer to reimburse costs. Chase them! Check out the Consumer Rights Act or contact CAMC's legal dept if you need advice.

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 534
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    edited October 2023 #3

    It really is iappalling and of course, infuriating that when you pay such a lot of money for a M/H, caravan, a boat, or even a new house, what you buy is so often not up to standard and the after sales service is very often abysmal, as well. 

    You would think that in this day and age things that you buy would improve in standard, not be manufactured to a lower standard,  but it seems that very often that is the case.