Cadac pizza stone

Has anyone managed to cook a pizza on a cadac pizza stone?
We have tried every way possible to cook on it and the pizza still sticks to the stone so now it is relegated to the back of the cupboard.
No-but we have used a very cheap stone bought locally.
We started off just putting the pizzas onto the BBQ grid but decided to try the stone as it was less than £10.
Secret seems to be that you put the stone in when you light the BBQ-not as good as in an oven but acceptable when it’s 28C and you want to cook and eat outside as we did this week.
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Tried a fresh pizza - stuck. Tried from frozen - pizza stuck. Tried pre heating stone - pizza stuck. A fellow camper suggested putting some flour on stone which burnt and pizza - you guessed it - stuck solid!
Stone well and truly relegated to shed - buy from the pizza van which sets up on site now🍕
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We were just about to purchase one, thanks for the feedback saved a bit of money, surprising really because Cadac are normally very good!
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We thought they were a good make too, and would recommend no-one bothers buying. The cooked pizza from a site sounds a brilliant option! 👍
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Hi We use one fairly often , yes we burnt them early doors .We find if we put the stone on the big pan grille get the temp up to 300d then put the pizza on and turn the gas down to low . keep moving the Pizza and regulate the temp they come out very nice ..far cheaper than the price of on site pizza vans ..